Tour de Crozet 2020

Tour de Crozet. Complete between 1 April and 11 April. 2020.

Update; we did Tour de Crozet to keep our club occupied during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. The routes are still great though.

Because if we’re going to be quarantined during an pandemapocalypse*, and all our big rides are canceled, why not try to do it ourselves?

Start at Mudhouse. 101 miles, ish.

Ride the routes the way we normally do (I may have them off a bit). Either way, this isn’t a race, but a fun distraction from reality. I tried to do them in a clockwise-sort-of-way, Tilman -> Peacock/Edge -> MoRtman -> FIG ->Sugar Hollow.

If you have to/want to ride around a bit to crest 100 miles, I’d do it.

The reward?

We get to sort of ride together. I’m sure someone will make this into one big ride on Strava, too.

If you’re interested, let me know. When you’re finished, fill out this form, and make sure you tag your rides as #TourDeCrozet on Strava, and elsewhere, if you’d like as well.

Hell, make it really real, and send me money. Better yet, send a donation of some sort to your favorite charity.

CCC will donate $15 to the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank for every finisher.

Fees? No fees. Silly, this is for fun.

— Jim


*I googled this after I wrote it, and one of the first three results was a post from a fellow cyclist in Austin, On Resilience: Bicycling Through Life and the Pandemapocalypse. It’s worth a few minutes to read.