Restore N Station *Does* Need a Special Use Permit

Basically, Ron Higgins’ determination has been negated and the current status of the RestoreNStation is that it is still denied and must/may proceed with the Special Use Permit process.

From the letter: (bolding in the letter)

This determination supercedes the August 19, 2010 determination, which is hereby withdrawn.

It is my determination, after careful review of the information in your July 21, 2010 memorandum, the pertinent sections of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance and further discussions with Albemarle County Officials, that the proposed Re-Store N’ Station continues to require a special use permit for water consumption in accordance with County Code …

See the PDF after the break. Continue reading “Restore N Station *Does* Need a Special Use Permit”

Restore N Station Clears Another Hurdle

Thanks to Jessica Jaglois of the Newsplex:

If built, the station would be the second-largest full-service gas station in Albemarle County and would be built on Route 250. Crozet residents said such a large station would destroy the scenic route on 250, and it would also bring in big rigs at all hours of the night looking to fill up on diesel fuel.

About 30 people showed up to stand before the board to express concern, but it wasn’t enough to sway the board, which voted that plans for the service station are ready to move forward.

I went to the public hearing and listened for about 90 minutes. By the time I left, ten people had spoken against the proposed gas station and one person, who represents the applicant, spoke for it. As I said on Twitter – “I’d like to hear one member of the public not affiliated w/ the applicant speak for it. Seriously.”

I’m waiting for the in-depth coverage to be provided by the Crozet Gazette and Charlottesville Tomorrow.

Update 3 June 2010: Crozet Gazette has, as usual, a more detailed accounting of the BZA meeting.

Continue reading “Restore N Station Clears Another Hurdle”