Black Bears Hanging Around Old Trail

From a reader:

My husband and I just moved to Crozet this March and enjoy your blog. We just moved into our house that is close to the trail connecting Wayland’s Grant with Old trails. In the past two weeks we’ve had about 4 bear sightings on this path. I called the local game warden and was told they will move on when there is no food – I am not sure where/what food source they have found here. I’m also not sure how many bears are around, but just this past friday (4/2), we took this picture of a little cub in our driveway. I’ve told our neighbors, but it might be good to let all the people who use the trail that this bear/s hasn’t moved on yet! No signs yet of a mam bear, but I am pretty sure the bear I saw from the distance wasn’t a cub so I think there is more than one.

Black Bear in Old Trail

And when I asked permission to post:

You can definitely post, I think it is a good idea to let people know and so they can secure any trash or food they may have outside- The first sighting was by my sitter when she took my son for a walk on 3/24. Then my sister and I saw another bear in the same area (this is in the Creekside neighborhood on the trail that goes behind the homes) on 3/28. I thought the bear/s had moved on but this photo is from 4/2 and in our yard instead of on the trail.

Update 7 April 2010The Newsplex saw the story here and then did what reporters do – interviewed a bunch of people and discovered it’s an orphaned bear.

People are on the lookout for an orphaned bear cub in Crozet. It seems the furry creature is creating quite a stir in the Old Trail subdivision.

People are being told not to pet the bear or go near it, even though it’s a tiny cub, only about forty pounds. The bear has become a fixture in the western Albemarle County development.

“When I left that day it was right at the edge drinking,” says Sandra Terrell. The nanny was taking ten-month-old Sammy for a stroll in the neighborhood when she heard a loud noise.

“Something went running across the bushes. I thought it was a fat cat, but when I looked over at the tree it was a baby bear,” says Terrell.

She says it’s the same bear Sammy’s parents saw in their driveway just days ago.

“I startled it, and it startled us, and when I looked over there, the bear was hugging the tree and turned and looked at me,” says Terrell. The Newsplex has learned the bear is an orphan yearling. It’s too old to be considered a cub, and too young to be out on its own. The bear’s parents likely died, forcing it to fend for itself.

Someone Needs to Fix the Morning Lights at WAHS

Gingergermani says on Twitter:

Seriously, the light at WAHS is the worst timed light ever.

From a reader:

Have you noticed how screwed up the lights have gotten at WAHS and Henley? Seems they have been reprogrammed to “rest” where it is green for WAHS. Do you have any contacts at the County that we could point this out to? I thought originally that this had to do with Old Trail, but that is not the case as Old Trail’s direction still “rests” red.

This photo is from last Wednesday morning sitting at Old Trail trying to get to Western Albemarle High School –

Whoever is manning the intersection at WAHS needs to wake up

The traffic in the mornings in front of Western Albemarle High School, Henley Middle and Brownsville Elementary School varies from abominable to irresponsible.

Someone, please, Fix It.

Anna’s Pizza in Crozet Review

From a reader:

Went to Anna’s grand opening last night in the Old Trail retail center. Looks like a local winner to me. Prices are reasonable and it’s family oriented but by no means a Chuck-E-Cheese kind of place. We were greeted by a wonderful aroma as we went in the back entrance where the wine bar is – they had a good wine selection with some local offerings. We had a couple of the specials which were excellent but were also drooling at the pizza and lasagna being served at nearby tables. Can’t wait to try those. Very personal and personable service and the head chef, family matriarch, and part owner, Maria, came out to talk to us about her authentic Sicilian background and recipes. The outside of that whole area could use some additional unobtrusive lighting in the parking lot and retail area but it’s tolerable at this point. I could go on but try Anna’s yourself, I think you’ll find it a fine addition to the Crozet area, even though it’s in Old Trail. You may be familiar with the original Anna’s in C’ville (which I haven’t been to) but it’s great to have a Crozet version nearby.

ed note: The phone number for Anna’s Pizza in Crozet is 823-1327. (434 area code for those of you not familiar with the area)

Update 22 October 2009: A second review of Anna’s Pizza in Crozet is coming next week.

A Review of DaLuca’s in Old Trail

I tweeted last week about how my wife and I were trying out the new wine bar, DaLuca’s, in the Old Trail Town Center. That tweet prompted this reader-submitted* review:

DaLucas is newly opened and we are thrilled to add yet another restaurant name to a rapidly growing list of other new eateries in Crozet.

Yippee they are here – however – some tweaking needs to occur if they are going to flourish and compete with what is already out here and what is on the way.

Having worked in New York in the food and entertainment business I tripped over myself to be first in line at Dalucas after having read their posted menu pre-opening that seemed Zagat worthy to me.

Upon arrival I was disappointed that Sauvignon Blanc was not available by the glass – it may be on the wine menu by now if others like me who enjoy a good grassy wine have requested it.

My husband and I ordered two drinks – a pinot grigio and he a beer that was an interesting lemony/citrusy brew – forget the names but was good.

Then the three tapis – quite pricey and not very large for a tapis serving in my mind. Quality too was lacking, but hey, it was only night two since opening.

The bill was a shocker at $65.00 and we went home still hungry.

We love the view of the mountains from the patio, we love that they are here but we hope the prices come down some and the wine bar expands its choices of wines (hint we have some great local wineries to add to your wine menu – Mount Fair, King Family, White Hall).

We want to support these nice folks – all of them from the wait staff to the owners – but with current prices we can’t afford DeLucas very often.

Foodie Mom in Crozet

As I said again on Twitter:

@crozette at $60 minimum for 2, da Luca’s won’t be a weekly (or monthly) outing for most, I suspect

*Thank you for the review! If you would like something on RealCrozetVA, please let me know.

The Wrong Move for Crozet?

This seems to be exactly what Downtown Crozet does not need:

Asked to share five percent of the proceeds, Wilson decided instead to move the food pick-up point to nearby Old Trail Village which— while it may not be able to offer giant shade trees— won’t charge the Community-Supported Agriculture entity a fee.

Downtown Crozet needs to encourage more community activities in the Downtown area rather than encourage them to look elsewhere. Surely there’s more to this?

More at the Old Trail Village blog:

Beginning this Saturday, June 13th, Horse and Buggy Produce will offer farm-stand produce to subscribers and area residents from 8:30 a.m. – 10 a.m. every Saturday at the Old Trail Village Center. Horse and Buggy Produce, a provider of local produce and other farm goods, has long offered subscription-based shares to Albemarle residents. They are expanding their operation to include farm stand options, allowing all area residents and visitors to purchase fresh items from Mennonite farms in the Valley of Virginia from pick-up locations such as this.

Trailside Coffee in Crozet

The kiosk and location are temporary (in the Old Trail golf shop) but the coffee’s good. I think that coffee shops are becoming, if they have not already become, the new community hubs. I’m grateful to finally have one in Crozet.

Marcia, the owner and operator told me a few weeks ago that she “wants people to drive from Charlottesville to Crozset” just for the coffee.

More on Trailside to come …

An Assisted Living Facility at Old Trail?

You know those signs that say “Notice Number 22” that pop up from time time time around Albemarle County? They really are important. 🙂

Did you see the one on 240 between Downtown Crozet and the 240/240 intersection by chance? From the Albemarle County website – (bolding mine)

PROJECT: ZMA200800005 Old Trail Village Block 2 PROPOSAL: Amend Code of Development to include rest home\assisted living use for approved ZMA200400024 (Old Trail NMD) which allows residential (3 – 34 units/acre) mixed with commercial, service and industrial uses. Approved number of units for Old Trail is between 1600 and 2200. No change to density is proposed. PROFFERS: Yes (Amendment to refer to revised Table 4 of the amended Code of Development) EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE/DENSITY: CT5 – mixed residential and commercial uses. Residential density – 12 dwelling units per acre; 18 dwelling units per acre in a mixed use setting in the Community of Crozet. ENTRANCE CORRIDOR: Yes LOCATION: North side of Route 250 West, approximately 2,000+ feet east of the intersection of Miller School Rd. and Route 250. TAX MAP/PARCEL: 55E1-A1 (portion) MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: White Hall

The Planning Commission hearing is 11 November; Board hearing is 12 November.

I’m working on finding out more …

Here is the BIG Announcement – ACAC Coming to Old Trail

Mostly from the press release …

Opening in Spring 2009, ACAC will occupy approximately 8500 square feet of the new commercial center.

ACAC is a regional owner and operator of fitness and wellness centers, with facilities in Richmond, Charlottesville, and West Chester, PA. The new Old Trail ACAC will be its sixth location. At the new Crozet facility, ACAC will offer many of its popular services to members in Old Trail Village and the surrounding area. The new location will feature cardiovascular and strength equipment, group exercise, and child care. (ed note: bolding mine)

Old Trail Village Center, a mixed-use development at the heart Old Trail Village will feature a wide variety of businesses that improve the vitality of Old Trail and the surrounding Crozet community. The tenant mix will include eateries, medical service providers, insurance and mortgage brokerages, a Segway outlet, and the new ACAC fitness and wellness facility. Apartments varying in style from loft to townhome designs are also available in the Village Center, providing modern convenience at the foot of the Blue Ridge Mountains. The unique combination of retail, office space, and apartments creates a close-knit, friendly community in the heart of Old Trail Village.

Justin Beights, Vice President of Beights Development Corporation, said of the ACAC lease-signing, “I am excited about this partnership with ACAC as both a developer, a resident of Old Trail Village, and as a current member of ACAC. Now my family and I will have a high quality wellness center only steps from our front door.” With the addition of the large community pool currently under construction, Old Trail Village will soon feature the most complete package of neighborhood amenities in the region.

Is Crozet big enough for two gyms? We have 24-Hour Fitness in the Clover Lawn Shops and now ACAC. Don’t say we’re not an active community!

*Sorry for the delay in posting this … with respect to my sources, I have to abide by their wishes. Also, this rumor has been circulating for months, if not years and I didn’t want to jump the gun only to have the rumor prove to be just that.