Turkey Farming Coming to Crozet

Charlottesville Tomorrow reports:

British poultry company plans to invest $2.3 million to open a specialty production and processing plant in Crozet, its first operation in the U.S., officials announced Thursday.


Here’s the location, using the County GIS.

And on Google Maps –


Jobs and agriculture. Should be good, right?

Update: the folks from Kelly Turkeys USA stopped by the facebook post and answered a bunch of the questions. I tried to embed the comments below, but they really don’t convey that well in the storify format.

Continue reading “Turkey Farming Coming to Crozet”

Let’s Fill the Crozet Calendar

I know there’s more stuff going on in Crozet in May than is listed here. Adding an event takes less than a minute. Really. Click here to add an event yourself. I’ve been told that a lot of people read and depend on the Crozet Calendar … adding events would be appreciated! Music, Crozet Arts & Crafts, events at Vineyards …

Events for May 2015 | RealCrozetVA

(if you can’t add it, please email it to me, although I’d really prefer you do it … 🙂 )

What do you think, Crozet?

I had a great conversation this week with a  Community Development Student at Texas A&M University  about Crozet and thought the questions posed were good and relevant for us all to ponder:

“When responding to these questions, keep in mind the problems Crozet has faced since the 1990’s and how the town has evolved to alleviate these issues.

For the following questions, think in the context of increased population and traffic congestion.

1.) Do you commute to work every day? Drive a child to school?

a. As compared to 2000, how has your daily drive to and from work/responsibilities changed within the Crozet community?

2.) What are some of the changes you have witnessed to the Crozet landscape over the past 10-20 years?

3.) Have these changes been for better or for worse?

4.) What was done to help alleviate the problems these changes made?

5.) Is there anything that you would have done differently?”

 And, as I’m curious, and you answer, please say how long you’ve lived here.

Crozet Gazette – New Crozet Brewery, Farmers Market and More

April’s Crozet Gazette is out!

A few highlights (but make sure to pick it up and read the whole paper!)


WAHS Honor Council Disbanded With No Public Discussion?

Curious – what’s the impact of the elimination of the Western Albemarle High School Honor Council? Why no debate or discussion?

Click through and read the whole thing.

“I’m incredibly sad to say that Albemarle County Public Schools has disbanded the Western Albemarle High School Honor Council. The news was confirmed this morning by a WAHS administrator. The Honor Council has been an active body at WAHS since the early 1980s and has tried countless cases of honor code violations.

The most SHOCKING aspect of this entire ordeal doesn’t even have to do with the merits of the Honor Council itself, but with the fact that the county made this decision – which has important (and immediate) implications for school policy and school culture – with no conversations whatsoever with Western students or faculty. In fact, the Honor Council was supposed to meet this week to receive notice of our disbandment, but the meeting was cancelled because the council no longer technically exists. “

I’d love to hear from administrators/teachers … if you’d prefer an anonymous comment (I’ve seen it frequently challenging to have an honest discussion when one’s name is attached publicly to something) – send me an email here.

Read Tim’s post in its entirety.

Feed Hungry Kids at Crozet Schools

This is one of those uncomfortable things many don’t like to either acknowledge or talk about.

Kids shouldn’t be hungry.

A good discussion on the RealCrozetVA Facebook page led to this:

Looking at data from each school, we have about 400 kids who are likely to be hungry at school. This is a we thing, not a Crozet, or Brownsville, or Henley, or Western thing.

“Disadvantaged” students are those who receive free and reduced price meals under the federal program.

There are nearly 3,000 kids enrolled at Crozet schools; of those, these are the number of “disadvantaged” at each school:

– 95 kids at Crozet Elementary
– 109 kids at Brownsville Elementary
– 100 kids at Henley Middle
– 100 kids at WAHS

That’s 400 kids!

Think about that. And then consider donating funds or food to the schools.

Or the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank while you’re in the giving mood.

Update: great comment from Henley’s PATSO VP:  Continue reading “Feed Hungry Kids at Crozet Schools”