Small Infill Development Coming to Crozet Avenue

I noted the sign this morning when riding bikes to school (something I likely wouldn’t have done had I been driving).

Sign 110

Sign #110 – located at 1306 Crozet Avenue.

From Albemarle County’s great County View:

PROJECT: ZMA201300003 1306 Crozet Avenue
PROPOSAL: Rezone 1.09 acres from R-2 Residential zoning district which allows residential uses at a density of 2 units per acre to R-4 Residential zoning district which allows residential uses at a density of 4 units/acre, to allow construction of 2 proposed units (with two 2 existing units) for a density of 3.67 dwellings/acre.
COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Crozet Master Plan-Neighborhood Density Residential â?? 3-6 units /acre; supporting uses such as religious institutions, schools and other small-scale non-residential uses in the Crozet Community.
LOCATION: Intersection of St. George Avenue/Crozet Avenue (1306 Crozet Avenue)
TAX MAP/PARCEL: 056A1010011400

(another reason to attend CCAC meetings – this was discussed in May)

Sign 110

Summary of Last Night’s CCAC Meeting – 15 August 2013

Lamentably, I had to leave about 30 minutes early.

Click through, scroll to the bottom and read the tweet summary I put together if you’re interested. Schools, Crozet Library, a Crozet crime update of sorts, infrastructure concerns and more.


Continue reading “Summary of Last Night’s CCAC Meeting – 15 August 2013”

CCAC Meeting – 15 August 2013

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – these meetings are one of the best ways to know what is happening in Crozet.

via email –


The Meadows, Crozet (5735 Meadows Dr.)

Thursday, August 15, 2013 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Tentative Agenda

1. Agenda Review. (Meg Holden – CCAC chair)

2. Approval of Minutes from June 19, 2013 meeting.

3. Project Updates/Information: • Update on Library Fundraising (Bill Schrader) • Update on streets cape • Anything on plans for pedestrian crossing signal at Clover Lawn/Harris Teeter

4. Beth to report on PTA meeting with Barbara Massie Mouly and education boards long range plans.

5. Feedback on planning commissions public meeting to hear public comment on the Comprehensive Plan held on July 23.

6. Discuss trying to get Barbara Massie Mouly to attend one of our meetings and topics we would want to discuss with her.

7. Wrap up on Independence Day Celebration (Mike Marshall or Tim Tolson if present, if not, one of the group who attended the celebration can report)

8. Items not listed on the Agenda

9. Announcements.

10. Future Agenda Items.

Crozet Library Nearly Finished, Streetscaping Underway, North Sidewalk Soon

It’s amazing what one can learn when one pays attention to what the Board of Supervisors discuss … particularly when Charlottesville Tomorrow points out that the Board is discussing such matters.

The Office of Facilities Development Capital Projects Status Report pdf is here.

In summary:

– Crozet Library should be complete in August

– Crozet Streetscape Phase II has all of the rights of way and utility dedications – plan for 14 months construction

– Crozet North Sidewalk – Bid and award in 3rd Quarter 2013 – plan for 3 months construction

– Crozet Parks’ roads will be resurfaced this year

Dig in. Get informed.

Office of Facilities Development (OFD)
Capital Projects Status Report
nd Quarter CY 2013
(I’m saving the pdf here as well … sometimes my sites seem to be more dependable than others’ 🙂 )

More Break-ins In Crozet

Lock your cars. Opportunistic thieves are back. A couple neighborhoods near Crozet Park had cars gone through and items stolen Saturday night. And I got this message last night:

Hi, thought you might want to share on your page and twitter that the car break ins are continuing, Westhall was hit last night (Saturday) at least three cars, and a flat screen TV found in some bushes by a playground. Didn’t want to post directly as I don’t want this reading to ID me, worried I may become a target. But people should know, so I thought your page may be a better communication method. Thanks.

This seems to happen at least once a year, all over Crozet.

The Crozet Safety Corps has news from late July that police arrested two men suspected for the break ins in Old Trail.

Crozet Gators Win Jefferson Swim League Championship for 1st time in 22 Years

via email:

Crozet Gators Make History !!!

It’s true for the first time in 2 decades there is a new team at the top of the JSL champs and its your hometown favorite –  Crozet Gators.   Crozet squeaked by Fairview in about 21 points.     The official results will be posted on the JSL web page tonight but Crozet beat 16 teams to take the title for the first time.

More from the Crozet Gazette.