Crozet Trails Crew Workdays and Bridge Dedication

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Greetings! The industrious Crozet Trails Crew worker bees are at it again! Bridging the gaps.
There will be a workday this Wednesday (tomorrow!). See message below from Phil, Crew leader.

Our next workday after that will be on Saturday, October 5th, starting at 8:30am. I’ll send out a reminder next week (with any other updates).

  Continue reading “Crozet Trails Crew Workdays and Bridge Dedication”

Walk to School Day 2013

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Crozet Elementary celebrates another Walk (Bike) to School Day on Wednesday, October 9th, 2013.  This walk is in concert with a greater national effort,
Students can walk or bike from home.  Additionally, buses will drop students off at Crozet Baptist Church and parent volunteers will help students walk safely to school.
This should be a lovely fall event, celebrating school, community, and the benefits of exercise.
Rain date Thursday, October 10th.

To volunteer, please sign up here.

No Rankings for Albemarle County Schools?

Curious – does *not* rewarding kids for achievement disincentivize them from trying harder?

Life is hard and unfair sometimes. Sometimes you’re in the top 10 and sometimes you’re not.

Charlottesville Tomorrow reports:

In response to calls from parents to stop reporting class rankings to college admissions offices, Albemarle County Public Schools is in the process of reviewing its policy.

Currently, Albemarle reports class ranks to colleges and universities in deciles, but many parents feel that doing so paints students below the top 10 percent negatively in the eyes of selective universities.

I wish I’d made time to attend this meeting at WAHS on Wednesday.

There’s a good discussion so far on Facebook. For everyone (and especially those who aren’t on Facebook) I’m embedding the comments from FB here.

Update: Tim Dodson at WAHS’ newspaper The Western Hemisphere reports on last week’s meeting.

Update 2 – Charlottesville Tomorrow has a poll – Should Albemarle County report student rankings to colleges? Continue reading “No Rankings for Albemarle County Schools?”

When Do Homes Come on the Market in Crozet?

Unlike the greater Charlottesville MSA market where the trend lines are fairly consistent, the Crozet real estate market is more of a fits-and-starts market.

The Crozet real estate market cycle can be described succinctly: (“Crozet” defined for these purposes as “Brownsville & Crozet Elementary Schools)

– List early in the year

– Contracts trail listings

– Closings track contracts by 30-60 days or so.

– As with the broader market, rising interest rates (they’re *really* not high) seem to have taken their toll on some of the market exuberance, but not much

– The charts below include single family, attached homes (and condos, but we don’t have any in Crozet) – and specifically include new construction**

The 2013 market compared to the 2012 market:

– Inventory is up a bit (new home inventory is not represented in the listings as there are so many “paper listings” – new homes proposed on lots that may or may not be built – so this number is a bit misleading.

– The market is doing better – prices are up, contracts and sales are up – year over year.

– The peak in closed home sales in December of 2012 appears to be mostly new construction contracts being closed out.

– July was *smoking* with respect to closed sales (see PDF for more information) and screenshot at the bottom of this post.

Continue reading “When Do Homes Come on the Market in Crozet?”

A Great Conversation about Crozet Schools

Community meeting with Ned Gallaway and Adam Mulcahy at Crozet Mudhouse


Huge thanks to Ned Gallaway, Adam Mulcahy, Albemarle County and the Crozet Mudhouse for hosting a great conversation last night about Western Albemarle schools, the new Environmental Academy, growth, redistricting, and lots of other subjects. It was truly great to have such a forum.

Please – if you’re the parent of a child under 10 years old, please get involved in these conversations – write our school board representative (and Ned) our Supervisors and the CCA and CCAC – how big the schools are, the districts, the facilities, the staff … they all affect your (and our) kids’ educations and community.  Getting and staying involved is hard, and frustrating and worth it.


The tweets are after the jump.

Continue reading “A Great Conversation about Crozet Schools”

Recapping CCA Meeting – 12 September 2013

Crozet Community Association Meeting - 9-12-13
Crozet Community Association Meeting – 9-12-13


Click through to read the tweets from last night’s Crozet Community Association meeting.

Go all the way to the bottom and scroll up. Tweeting the CCA meeting last night. Topics included the Crozet Avenue Streetscape update (prepare for a year of construction), sidewalks to Crozet Elementary the proposed police station in the old Train Station (old Crozet Library) and more.

I’ll say this (as I frequently do) – the community meetings are where things get, while not necessarily decided, absolutely get influenced. Continue reading “Recapping CCA Meeting – 12 September 2013”

Results of the “What Should become of the Crozet Library” Poll

Thanks, all for the responses. I’m going to be in meetings and coaching soccer until the CCA meeting tonight, so I’ll try to update this again just prior to the meeting

The “other” responses are below. Winner of “other” – Train station.

Updated - 17 September 2013 at 7:27am

(updated 13 September around 3:30pm)

Honestly, I’m shocked that so many want a police substation on one of the major entrance corridors to Crozet.

Update: Mostly great comments and debate at the RealCrozetVA facebook entries.

One post
Other post

Highlights for me:

A link to a scientific study of the merits of a police station in a community
I think that the old Crozet library is a building with a prominent and central location in Crozet and a long and much-loved history and that it should be used in a way that allows members of the public to continue to enjoy it, such as a community center or a local (or natural) history museum. I think it would be a shame to turn such a beautiful and historic building into a police station (which could be housed in any building) and that it would be a waste of money to renovate it for that purpose, when it could be used as is for a more community-minded function. Continue reading “Results of the “What Should become of the Crozet Library” Poll”