Crozet – Connect with your Nearby Neighborhoods with Nextdoor

Now’s a good time to remember to watch out for each other …

This is not an ad. But it is a suggestion about a way to connect neighborhoods.

If you haven’t used or heard of Nextdoor, it’s a site/service that is geo-fenced and is designed for communication with neighborhoods. But they also have a pretty neat feature called “nearby neighborhoods” that would be awfully useful for, say, reporting a peeping tom or an attempted break-in.

Nearby Neighborhoods is a feature that gives you the ability to have conversations with neighbors who live in nearby neighborhoods. Here are some great reasons to post to your nearby neighbors:
• To share information about suspicious activity that might affect several neighborhoods.
• To find a lost pet that may have wandered into an adjoining neighborhood.
• To rally neighbors from multiple neighborhoods to address civic issues.
• To spread the word about events like a local theatre production or neighborhood garage sale.
• To ask for advice or recommendations from the widest range of people in your community.

Please note: Self-promotional messages are inappropriate and may result in member suspension. The most important thing is to be sure that your post is truly relevant and useful to your nearby neighbors.

Really, consider signing up your neighborhood.

CCAC Meeting – 15 May 2014

Agenda for this week’s Crozet Community Advisory Council meeting after the break. Who’s going to be live-tweeting this meeting? Please? Catch up on last month’s meeting.

From the coming Crozet hotel to Streetscape updates to the Crozet 4th of July Celebration planning to #4, this is (as most are) likely to be a useful and important meeting.

4. Open discussion/ brainstorming regarding ideas for future commercial development in Crozet and what types of businesses we would like to see.* One addition to this I’d like to see is “and be economically viable.” It’s nice to want things, but an entirely different mindset to want something that will be profitable and feasible.

Continue reading “CCAC Meeting – 15 May 2014”

Bark Avenue is Closing

Bark Avenue is closing.

I received this email over the weekend:

“First off I would like to thank all of you for trusting the care of your dogs to us at Bark Avenue. It has been a privilege to make them look and fell better. I will be retiring due to health issues and regretfully will be making July 15th the last day that I will be providing grooming services. I would like to sell the business and if anyone is interested I will stay to train the new owner. If I do not sell it then I will be closing the doors. I have given this much thought and I have come to love so many of your dogs…unfortunately this decision is necessary. Whether I leave or someone keeps it going, I will keep you informed. Again, thank you so much for your support.”

Thanks for Adding Stuff to the Crozet Calendar!

Thanks to everyone who added these to the Crozet Calendar (in reverse order of submission because it’s easier for me):

King Family Vineyards Polo (weekly)

King Family Vineyards Spring Barbecue (18 May)

Starr Hill Steal the Pint “happy hour” (Sundays in May)

James Sun Memorial Run (17 May)

Give4Good (6 May)

Crozet 4th of July Parade, Celebration and Fireworks* (5 July)

Crozet Arts and Crafts Festival (10 & 11 May)

Crozet Art Show (31 May)

Add your own event here – it’s easy and I think the calendar looks much, much better with all the photos you’ve submitted!

Continue reading “Thanks for Adding Stuff to the Crozet Calendar!”

The May 2014 Crozet Gazette is Out!

Crozet’s best newspaper is out! Pick one up at a local merchant and spend some money while you do. 🙂

Some highlights:

The Rutherfoord Hotel will open in Spring of 2015. — And the story/survey I wrote last year asking whether folks thought a hotel was needed in Crozet.

Real estate market update

Brownsville’s Destination Imagination Team goes to the Globals

CCAC reviewed the Barnes Lumber proposal — For a detailed account of that meeting, I highly recommend spending a few minutes reading the tweets from that CCAC meeting.

Crozet Park Master Planning Survey (I do think that “slightly” and and “moderately” are synonyms)

Add Your Own Event to the Crozet Calendar

Eventually I’ll add a widget or something to the side of the blog making finding this feature easier but in the meantime … I’ve opened up the calendar feature on the site to allow anyone to add their own events.

Add your own event to the Crozet Calendar here.

For PTO events, vineyards, Old Trail community events, music at Fardowners or Southern Way Cafe – or Starr Hill’s  tasting room – or church events or whatever. I’d love this calendar to become more of a hub for the Crozet community than it already is.

Adding an event is easy, and takes less than two minutes.

A couple tips for adding events to the Crozet calendar:

– times are in 24 hour time. (1800 = 6pm)

– Please upload a photo if you have one.

– if I’m missing a category, please let me know

– Add the date to the title! Example – Bike to School Day – 7 May 2014 – I’m hoping we can make the calendar live long enough where we have duplicate events over the years.

– Please please please don’t abuse this. Thank you.