I do these summaries because:
1) I post useful things on Facebook and not everyone follows the RealCrozetVA Facebook or Twitter.
2) I want these posts to be search- and find-able; Facebook doesn’t allow that.
– 30 August 2014 – “Downtown Crozet is a bit of a mess right now … being nice to each other wouldn’t be a bad thing.”
– 30 August 2014 –
“@realcrozetva are there bike racks @henleyhornets ? Easy to take jarmans gap to #oldtrail to get there now.”
– 28 August –
Reason #379 that I love Crozet:
A friend called me asking me about the safety/placement of one of the steel plates. I emailed someone at the county about it who also happens to live in Crozet.
Got a call within 20 minutes saying that he had gone over and looked at it and was having the contractor look at it and one of the other ones.
So, thank you, Crozet.
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