What does “Community” mean (to you)?

We had an interesting – and different conversation – yesterday on WNRN’s Wake Up Call with Rick Moore. Rick changed up our pre-discussed topics and focused on community – discovering, building, maintaining, becoming a part of – community.

I’d like to think it was a really good discussion, and I ended up talking quite a bit about Crozet. If you’re interested, the show notes post with a link to the podcast is here and the direct link to the podcast is here Cville Podcast.

Since the inception of RealCrozetVA, the subheading of the blog has been either “community blog for Crozet, Virginia” or today’s more succinct,  “Crozet’s community blog.” We talk about “community” a lot here … what do you think?

New Look to RealCrozetVA

You’ll notice some changes at RealCrozetVA. I’m playing with a new look while trying to keep the functionality and usability of the site as high as possible.

There’s still quite a bit I’m going to try to make time to make better (notably the calendar, the search for homes page(s) and a few other things), but the focus will remain trying to provide as much useful, relevant content as possible.

A couple things I like – the upcoming events on the left sidebar (would love to have more music shown here), comments prominently on the right and the link to the Facebook widget on the right, stronger imagery at the top, and generally a cleaner look – for desktop and mobile.

Feedback, suggestions (and help) always welcomed and appreciated.

A question for you mobile users – which looks better? (click through)

Continue reading “New Look to RealCrozetVA”

September 2014 Crozet Gazette is Out

This month’s Crozet Gazette is out, and it’s chock full of great stories. Some highlights (read the whole issue!):

– From the Editor: 100 and Counting

An awesome letter to the editor from someone who just moved from Crozet. Truly a must-read.

– Crozet Park Launches Campaign to Build Amphitheater & Pavilion

– QuickStart Tennis Courts Open at Crozet Elementary

Crozet Welcome Sign Vandalized.  Degenerates.

– Wind Turbine Parts Company Eyes Crozet for New Manufacturing Plant (This could be big. And good for Crozet)

– Old Trail Plans Focus on Housing First – lots of changes; Anna’s is closing, Trailside is getting new owners, ”

“Entertainment-based commercial tenants will be our focus” for filling the new buildings, (the Developer) said.”

Safe Route to Crozet Elementary update

Remember the Safe Routes to School grant from a number of years ago?

Today would be a good time to email the county Board of Supervisors saying you want them to make those improvements this year.

This is the only improvement made to that route in the past five years – for which I (and many others) are immensely grateful. Really. It makes riding bikes a lot more accessible.



Steetscape Update 30 August 2014 – Crosswalks & Native Plants

via email:



Please note that we are in the process of installing crosswalks, which requires the installation of temporary “bumps” at each crosswalk. “Bump Ahead” signs have been posted to warn motoristsof the changing road conditions. Please drive slowly over these temporary bumps. Please remain alert and drive/walk carefully when traveling through the construction area. Thank you for your patience and courtesy to motorists, pedestrians and workers during this difficult phase of construction.   

The following progress was made this past week:

– Installation of crosswalk base slabs at the Library Avenue and Jarman’s Gap Road intersections.
– A preliminary inspection occurred this past Wednesday.   

The following items are scheduled through the end of the project:

– Base slabs for all crosswalks are scheduled to be completed next week, which will require several more days of metal plates covering the crosswalks while the concrete cures. Please drive slowly over the metal plates. “Steel Plate” signs will be posted to warn motorist of the changing road conditions.
– Final connection of light poles on the west side of Crozet Avenue to be completed in the next two weeks.
– Final project finishes include milling, final paving and striping to be completed in the next 2-4 weeks. Crosswalk paver installation will occur at the very end following final paving. Final paving will result in a smooth driving surface.
– Landscaping is scheduled to begin the week of September 22nd and will take approximately 2 weeks to complete.   

As part of the County’s native landscaping initiative, 100% of the plantings on this project will be native plants. The use of native plants can result in the following benefits:

· Reduce long term maintenance costs
· Reduce water usage
· Protect and enhance county biodiversity
· Improve urban habitat for non-urban birds and other important wildlife
· Reduce number of ‘urban bird vectors’ that carry the West Nile Virus, through increasing overall bird diversity, thus reducing West Nile Virus.
· Increase native pollinators for both agriculture and gardening
· Improve soil quality
· Promote the regional economic vitality through the production of local eco-types of our native plant varieties
· Meet LEED requirements
· Carry on the important historic legacy of Thomas Jefferson’s use of native plants For more information on native plants of Albemarle County, please visit www.albemarle.org/nativeplants.