Streetscape Update – 4 October 2014

via email: (Personally, I’d be Ok with no striping – it’s cleaner 🙂 )

The following progress was made this week:

  • Pavers for approximately 3-1/2 of the 12 total crosswalks (!) (italics & ! added by me – jd)  were installed.
  • Several crosswalk base slabs were poured too high. The contractor demolished and replaced a portion of these at two locations and will complete the rest of the repairs next week at no  additional cost to the County. (bolding mine – jd)
  • All street trees were installed and one species of shrub was installed throughout.
  • Approximately half of the curb plates were installed.

The following items are scheduled through the end of the project:

  • Crosswalk paver installation will continue next week and take another week to 2 weeks to complete.
  • Landscaping will continue and be completed next week.
  • Final striping is expected to occur in the next week.
  • Remaining railings are expected to be installed next week.
  • Final signage is expected to be completed in the next 1-2 weeks.
  • Substantial completion is officially November 18th but is expected to occur during the month of October.


All Streetscape updates.

Special CCAC Meeting Tonight – 2 October – What’s a CDC?

If you can make it, this could be an important CCAC meeting.

CCAC is hosting a meeting on Thursday night, October 2, with Nate Cunningham who comes to share his knowledge of Community Development Corporations.    Frank Stoner and Ann Mallek have invited him to come speak to us at 7:00 p.m. at the Field School in Crozet.

A community development corporation (CDC) is a not-for-profit organization incorporated to provide programs, offer services and engage in other activities that promote and support community development. CDCs usually serve a geographic location such as a neighborhood or a town. They often focus on serving lower-income residents or struggling neighborhoods. They can be involved in a variety of activities including economic development, education, community organizing and real estate development. These organizations are often associated with the development of affordable housing.


Crozet’s Weekend Events & Last Week on Facebook – 26 Sept 2014

A fair amount of music in Crozet this weekend, fried chicken at Mountainside tonight, C’Ville Pie Fest on Sunday and more.

(submit your own even here)

From the RealCrozetVA Facebook page:

Streetscape is ongoing.

– 9 years ago or so, RealCrozetVA was born.

The leaves are about to change; I love this picture at Beaver Creek.


The newest listings in Crozet (sorted by days on market).

Crozet Arts & Crafts Festival Needs Volunteers

via email:

As you may know, we are gearing up for our last Arts & Crafts Festival of the year. This is the Crozet Park’s largest fundraiser and we are expecting a great event with large crowds. To be successful, this event requires many volunteers and I’m hopeful, many of you will consider volunteering. Those who volunteer are given free admission to the event.

A list of volunteer opportunities can be found at: . Please consider signing up for one or several activities.
Thank you for your participation.

Continue reading “Crozet Arts & Crafts Festival Needs Volunteers”

Streetscape Update – 22 September 2014

Update 24 September with a few photos taken this morning:

Crozet Streetscape - 24 September 2014 Crozet Streetscape - 24 September 2014


Despite it seeming as if little has been happening, we’re awfully close to the finish …

via email:

Traffic Notice

Final asphalt installation will proceed this week with the following schedule:
• Tuesday, September 23, 2014 – Milling of all streets will be completed.
• Wednesday, September 24th – Final asphalt work on all streets will be completed.
• Thursday, September 25th – Temporary striping will be completed.

Final/permanent striping will be completed within 14 days of final paving.

Crozet Streetscape Construction Updates

The following progress was made last week:
• All concrete repairs were completed.

The following items are scheduled through the end of the project:
• Crosswalk paver installation is scheduled to start next Monday, September 29, and take 3-4 days to complete.
• Landscaping has been delayed one (1) week due to dry weather. Planting is now scheduled to begin next week and will take approximately two weeks to complete.
• Substantial completion is officially November 18th but is expected to occur during the month of October.

For more information on the Crozet Streetscape project, visit

Weekend Events in Crozet + Last Week on Facebook – 19 September 2014

Curious – Are these posts useful to you?

Crozet weekend events – 19 September 2014 include polo, music at the various venues, farmers market, Crabfest and more. If you have something to add, it takes less than 60 seconds to do so yourself. Really.

Last week on RealCrozetVA Facebook

Watch your speed on 250.

The new pavilion is coming along fast at Crozet Park.

Library Days at Fardowners are back – in October!

Restoration got a nice write-up in the NewsLeader.

The newest listings in Crozet (sorted by days on market) I’m trying something new with this … what do you think?

CCAC Meeting – 17 September 2014 – Streetscape, Crozet Park, Zoning

Who’s up for live-tweeting the CCAC meeting?

The Crozet Library, Crozet
Wednesday, September 17, 2014 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

1. Agenda Review. (Meg Holden – CCAC chair)
2. Approval of Minutes.
3. Project Updates/Information:
• Streetscape updates/issues if there are any, safe walks to school,
Harris Teeter Crossing
• Crozet Park events and plans – Kim Guenther
• County staff to discuss new proposed zoning text amendments for
setbacks in development areas
• Brief update of Barnes Lumber Property and plans for learning about
4. Items not listed on the agenda.
5. Announcements.
6. Future Agenda Items.

Streetscape Update 12 September 2014

via email:

Traffic Notice:

Please be aware of the temporary “bumps” at each crosswalk. “Bump Ahead” signs have been posted to warn motorists of the changing road conditions. Please drive slowly, remain alert and drive/walk carefully when traveling through the construction zone. Thank you for your patience and courtesy to motorists, pedestrians, and workers during this difficult phase of construction.

Crozet Streetscape Construction Updates:

The following progress was made last week:  
Continue reading “Streetscape Update 12 September 2014”

Crozet’s Weekend Events – 12 September & Notes from Facebook

Music at Fardowners, Starr Hill, and Crozet Pourhouse, Pancake 5k at Chiles, Art at the Trax, the Boys and Girls Challenge, WAHS rowing flea market, and more this weekend in Crozet. (submit your own event here)

Crozet Library is awesome.

One student at Crozet Library, a branch of Jefferson-Madison (Va.) Regional Library, left a remarkable thank-you note with young adult librarian Allie Haddix about the library’s Exam Cram event for high school students: “Because of the services that you have provided, I will study hard and efficiently, get good grades, get into the best college, and change the world.”

A few things from the RealCrozetVA Facebook:

The new gas station on 250 opened this week.

Restore 'n Station

Great Valu got an outstanding review on Yelp.

Can you spare $5 or more to support the Boys and Girls Club? I’m riding this on Sunday and I’d appreciate any support you can offer.

It looked like bike to school day at Crozet Elementary, but it was just a school day.

The newest listings in Crozet (sorted by days on market) I’m trying something new with this … what do you think?