Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-03-15

  • @centofante I think it could be done, and be done successfully. Local beer, local food, clean, good adult atmosphere … Crozet needs a bar! in reply to centofante #
  • Otto’s closing at 7 really stinks. #
  • @centofante Wouldn’t it be cool if he would open a bar in Crozet? I’ll help. (open and research that is) in reply to centofante #
  • By the way – watch out for the police in the maroon Tahoe on 64 around Crozet – pulling people over left and right #
  • @stogoski Not sure – client asked about it this morning – meeting on weekends to run together. in reply to stogoski #
  • Anyone interested in a running club in Crozet #
  • RT @Dailyprogress – @JimDuncan Not sure yet but the police are actively searching for somebody in the Crozet area. #
  • What is going on at the Crozet Credit Union? Cops everywhere, SUV w/ a police dog on 240 … #
  • One of the kids to whom I spoke today is trying to get recycling at Western. I think we could get that done. #
  • RT @centofante: organized all my tax documents. wish we didnt tax productivity in this country. Wishing for Fair Tax #
  • @centofante If the insight’s non-politicized, how are we supposed to know how to think about the facts? in reply to centofante #
  • RT @CrozetGazette: Still working on getting things up there, but take a look at it in progress: —- yay, WordPress! #
  • @CrozetGazette No kidding? Will it be bloggy? in reply to CrozetGazette #
  • A windy, balmy start to the day. Weird, thinking back to the snow last week. #

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Crozet Community Association Meeting on Thursday, 12 March

The next Crozet Community Association Meeting is this Thursday, 3/12/09 at 7:30 PM at the Crozet Firehouse. Meeting lasts 90 minutes or less.

All are welcome. Come hear Crozet history from Phil James and learn what’s going on around Crozet.

Will post agenda in day or so when it comes out.

See you Thursday, 7:30 PM.


Baseball Clinic

Western Albemarle High School
Youth Baseball Clinic 2009

(ages 7-13)

At the WAHS Baseball Field
Located off 250W behind the Brownsville Elementary School

This clinic will cover all aspects of Baseball– Pitching, Hitting, Bunting, Fielding, Catching, and Base running,

The Clinic will run from 1 PM to 4 PM

The Cost of the Clinic is: $ 30.00

(Scholarships available upon request)

The Clinic will be conducted by WAHS Head Coach Skip Hudgins and his coaches and players.

Register by mail to reserve your spot early!

Registration may also be done at the day of the clinic, space permitting
**Bring glove, bat, cleats, $ for snacks & drinks**
Questions? Call 823-7183 or 823-6070

Sick Kids at Henley

Reader question –

Why won’t they close the school to wipe it clean?

Referencing this story at the HooK, with 23 confirmed cases of the flu.

Henley Middle School had 153 students home sick last week out of 748– 20 percent of its population

More Press on Western Albemarle’s Beer

From DC-ist:

The next logical stop is Starr Hill in Crozet. Starr Hill is now distributed by Anheuser-Busch, which means the previously regional-only beers are starting to be seen further afield. It’s unclear if the recent InBev-A/B merger will affect their distribution deal with Starr Hill.

A short drive up towards the mountains from Crozet leads to Afton, where Blue Mountain brewing is located. A gorgeous mountain view from the outside patio is the perfect complement to a Full Nelson Pale Ale or Blue Mountain Lager, and the brewers are always doing experimental batches of seasonal beers. The brewery has been open for only a couple years and is notable for also being the site of a hop farm: The Cascade hops grown on the premises are used in several of their beers.

From Afton, it’s a fun 20 minute drive into the mountains to hit up Devil’s Backbone, a ski resort brewpub that has opened last fall.

Living in Crozet just gets better and better. Mountains, hiking, great breweries and vineyards … to be honest and fair, Blue Mountain and Devil’s Backbone are in Nelson, but Blue Mountain is close enough to be considered Western Albemarle.

Be a Census Worker

I’m very curious to see how many people apply.

Cafeteria, Western Albemarle High School – 5941 Rockfish Gap Turnpike, Crozet, VA 22932, Wednesday, February 18, 6:30 p.m., Second Session at 8:00 PM if needed   

Thanks to NBC 29 for the heads up.