Crozet Park Soccer Field to Close (for the Summer)

But just for a few months. In a sign of the severe lack of soccer (and other, but my passion is soccer) fields in the whole of Charlottesville/Albemarle, Crozet Park’s field is decimated annually by its overuse. For instance, last year when coaching, we had four teams practicing together – each with a quarter of the field – until Daylight Savings kicked in.

Tim Hughes with the County of Albemarle’s Parks and Rec division says:

Crozet Park is one of our “High Maintenance Level” multi use fields. It is a Bermuda grass field, which is a warm season grass. We generally close those type of fields ( Crozet Park, Henley, AHS, WAHS, etc.) around the first of June. We will then top dress and over seed those fields with Bermuda seed which will not geminate in the fall.

We chose this time of year for two reasons. First the type of grass which I mentioned above and second because the largest user group SOCA does not have league play scheduled during this time period. This allows us to re establish the turf during the hot summer months when Bermuda grass thrives and provides us with a better playing surface for the fall season.

If I can be of further assistance please let me know.

Mr. Hughes expects the field to re-open in August, but we really need two things (at least) –

1 – More fields in Crozet
2 – For Crozet Park field to be closed for long enough for the grass to really take root and establish itself. Traditionally, the field is already worn by the first couple months of the fall season. A few months isn’t sufficient. (and I say this from having played adult league soccer on every field in the County)


Will Yancey provides pictures of the potential fields.

Yancey Mills in Crozet

Originally uploaded by jimduncancville

Field School to Lease Old Crozet School?

This seems like a big win-win for the County of Albemarle and the Field School and a loss for Crozet Park, who have been leasing their space to the Field School.
The Daily Progress has the story:

Albemarle County officials have an idea about how to use the abandoned Old Crozet School: lease it to a private school and a nonprofit.
The Field School of Charlottesville, a middle school for boys, hopes to become a tenant, as does Old Crozet School Arts, a nonprofit that would offer classes in dance, visual arts, music, theater and other art forms.

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-05-03

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What is your Vision for Crozet?

Start thinking about it, because the time to voice your opinion is around the corner.

From the Daily Progress:

Crozet residents will soon have a chance to weigh in on their concerns over growth in western Albemarle County.
One topic sure to emerge: the Crozet Master Plan’s estimate on the growth area’s long-term maximum population capacity.

Although the board has approved major zoning to benefit the downtown area, officials said the economy has kept more new businesses from coming in. They hope the zoning and the other projects will boost the downtown area.

Other areas in Crozet — including the Old Trail development and a segment of U.S. 250 where a new Harris Teeter grocery store is poised to open and other businesses already are in place — have seen a burst of retail activity. Some see that growth as a complement to downtown Crozet, while others fear it will siphon business from the village’s center.

Mallek said she hopes the revision process will help “take away a cloud that hangs over” the Master Plan. She said the questionnaire is just one of the first steps in deciding what changes need to be made.

“I think we’re going to get wonderful responses [from the questionnaire],” Mallek said. “The people in Crozet are very involved in how their community is going to be. We expect that to continue as we go through this process.”

In the next six weeks, residents will be able to fill out the questionnaire online or on paper. They can pick up questionnaires, which will have 30 to 40 questions, at the Crozet Library or at a town hall meeting county officials plan to host next month.

My vision is a work in progress –

1 – Downtown Crozet is the hub of Crozet.
2 – Old Trail gets built out and becomes a vibrant part of the Crozet Community (this is a two-way street that requires effort and acceptance of Old Trail for Crozet and Crozet for Old Trail).
3 – We become a bike able and walkable community.

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-04-26

  • Community yard sale tomorrow at Crozet Park, *and* one in Parkside Village, too! #
  • RT @sajego: Went 2 Pesto (Crozet’s)Mediterranean Grill for lunch.Good but classic Mediterranean food is too pricey 4 lunch ($11-12 Moussaka) #
  • @cvillesocial Now that is an interesting concept and potential reuse of existing space. I’d love to learn more about that! #
  • @cvillesocial what facilities are there in Crozet? #

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Crozet Community Advisory Council Meeting 16 April

A reminder that the Crozet Community Advisory Council’s (CCAC) monthly meeting is this Thursday, April 16, from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM at the Meadows Community Center (off Route 240, south of town on Meadows Drive).

Everyone is welcome to attend.

Tentative Agenda
1. Agenda Review (Mike Marshall – CCAC Chair)
2. Approval of Minutes (CCAC)
3. Crozet Community Questionnaire (Tim Tolson)
4. Master Plan Revision Process Update/Discussion (Lee Catlin/CCAC)
a. Preparation for 4/25 Education Session (CCAC/County Staff)
5. New Member Orientation Update (Britton Miller/New Members)
6. Train Service to Crozet: Update/Discussion (Ann Mallek)
7. Committee Membership (Mary Rice)
8. Committee Updates (CCAC)
9. Crozet Downtown Zoning Ordinance Update (Rebecca Ragsdale)
10. Development Review Update (Rebecca Ragsdale)
11. Summary and other updates/agenda items for next meeting: May 21.
12. Adjourn

The Council’s meeting agenda, minutes, membership, etc. are all posted on the Albemarle County web site.

Two Interesting Stories about Crozet

First, the Daily Progress talking about the coming coffee shops in Crozet:

And most of the activity is happening in Crozet.

Crozet resident Marcia McGee has been running a coffee cart in the clubhouse of the Old Trail golf course since August. McGee’s company, Trailside Coffee, will open up a coffee shop in the Old Trail village center, most likely in June.

“Living in Crozet, I definitely realized that there was a need for a coffee shop,” McGee said. “After months and months of complaining that we didn’t have a coffee shop in Crozet, my friends told me that if I thought it was such a great idea that I should do it. So I did.”

McGee envisions her shop as a “comfortable, nonjudgmental place” where the emphasis will be on the coffee. “It will all be individually brewed, fresh-ground coffee,” she said. McGee’s shop, she said, also will host coffee cupping events.

In nearby downtown Crozet, meanwhile, two other coffee shops are in the works.

Mudhouse, which has operated its Downtown Mall coffee shop since 1995, is busy converting the former Uncle Charlie’s restaurant in Crozet into its second true coffee shop. The company also has espresso bars in several Charlottesville-area Tiger Fuel stores.

Hmmm … they didn’t mention the Starbucks that’s coming to the Harris Teeter in Crozet ….

Second, Discovering Urbanism looks at Parking from Space:

Pictured above is the downtown of Crozet, Virginia with all off-street parking and other non-public vehicle access areas depicted in red (the area within the blue line is industrial). To me, this is a striking image. I’m using Crozet as an example because it’s small enough to draw easily, and the 2004 Crozet Master Plan specifically calls for the downtown to function as a compact urban hub. I don’t mean to suggest that Crozet, in particular, is “overparked.” At least according to the standard measuring rod planners use, Crozet is probably right on target. I just wonder who is measuring the measuring rod according to a wider standard of common sense and wise use of limited resources.

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-04-12

  • Another beautiful day in Crozet. #
  • Rail in Crozet – good/bad/indifferent? If we don’t start thinking about infrastructure now, when will we? #
  • I got rid of the Intense Debate plugin on RealCrozetVA. I really missed the “recent comments” widget #
  • The Crozet Harris Teeter is going to have everything – Starbucks (sadly), cigars, sushi, wine, #
  • @Mudhouse_Crozet Hey there. Thanks for following and for keeping us updated on your progress! in reply to Mudhouse_Crozet #
  • Lots of trains running through Crozet tonight. #

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