Crozet Master Plan Revision


Citizen Questionnaire available on line beginning May 27

Crozet residents are invited to a public meeting on Wednesday, May 27, at 7:00 pm at the Crozet United Methodist Church to kick off the five year revision of the Crozet Master Plan, which was adopted by the Board of Supervisors in December, 2004.

The meeting will focus on two objectives – to provide a community refresher on the current Crozet Master Plan and also to introduce and distribute a questionnaire sponsored by the Crozet Community Advisory Council to gather information from the Crozet community. The Crozet Community Questionnaire will be available online from May 27-June 12 at and at the Master Plan Refresher session as well as other locations around Crozet.

The master plan update is an opportunity to assess Crozet’s progress in achieving the goals set in the Master Plan adopted in 2004. As a Development Area in the county’s land use plan, Crozet is expected to continue to provide a place for growth to occur outside of the designated Rural Areas as part of the County’s overall growth management policy. Now at the five-year mark, it is time to determine what may or may not have developed as envisioned in the plan, given the experience of four plus years of the plan in action. The update is an opportunity to revisit and revise issues of concern from all perspectives.
Focus areas for the revision will be determined this summer based on public feedback, input from the Crozet Community Advisory Council and staff analysis and will be presented to the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors for their review and comment this fall.

Lee P. Catlin
Community Relations Director
Albemarle County
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22901
(434) 296-5841 (office)
(434) 531-8092 (mobile)

Brief Notes for 2009-05-24

  • I’ll be going to the Crozet Pool a lot more this summer. They lowered the membership fee – $315 for a family of four! #
  • @realcrozetva Thinking you’ll be a great supporter and promoter of the Crozet Pie Down. Yes? 00Absolutely. Both @jimduncan & @realcrozetva #
  • RT @Marijean: @JimDuncan We’re already in talks with Mudhouse about a fall pie down (think: apple, pumpkin, etc.) in Crozet.Yippee! –Sweet! #
  • The Crozet Farmer’s Market – in pictures! #
  • Back from the Crozet Farmer’s market. Got some swiss chard, lettuce, onions, mint. Maybe mojitos in our future. #
  • @StarrHill Not to worry. I stopped by Great Valu for some Love. Maybe a growler from the brewery tomorrow in reply to StarrHill #
  • @haminga Really interesting. I’d love to hear some kind of official statement – it seems Crozet Pool may be the only best option in reply to haminga #
  • RT @gingergermani: Brownsville Elem desperately needs volunteers for Fun Fair next Friday. Email [email protected] #
  • @gingergermani I’ve heard that the Old Trail pool will be open this summer. Maybe @oldtrail can clarify in reply to gingergermani #
  • Wondering – will the Old Trail pool, while closed to the general public, be open to ACAC members? #
  • RT @haminga: Crozet Harris Teeter parking lot today…empty! And, they don’t accept UVA discount! #
  • @aflusche If we can just get a few dozen people to file police reports .. #
  • Did you know that you can report littering as a crime – online in Albemarle County? #
  • Just got a nasty “newspaper” dropped in my driveway. If you got one, email me what you think – [email protected] #
  • RT @crozeteyecare: Working on information at the Crozet Business Networking Group. — feel free to write a story for RealCrozetVA about it! #
  • @crozeteyecare – Welcome to Twitter. Try this – #
  • Looking forward to the Crozet business networking group for lunch. Also, meeting John Lawrence at the Mudhouse this morning. #
  • A chilly morning in Crozet. Nice. #
  • RT @gingergermani: Dinner at Tea House in Crozet. So happy to have really good chinese food here at last! – I still haven’t eaten here. #

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Letter from a Reader

Unfortunately, the garbage distributed throughout Crozet last night is not unique to Crozet – it was dropped off in Charlottesville a few years ago.

(did you know that the County Police have online crime reporting? I didn’t either)

This, from a concerned Crozet reader:

Good morning, all. I didn’t actually notice this trash in my driveway until another parent at the bus stop just mentioned it, but the white supremacist group, the Aryan Nation, tossed copies of their newsletter, the Aryan Alternative, in many of our driveways last night. Without evening opening it you can see the racist propaganda they’re trying to spread. Not something I want my children to find in the driveway! Not something I want to read, either.

While freedom of speech protects their right to distribute this filth, it does not protect them from littering! I called the county police, and they said that yes, because they tossed it in our driveways, we can report them for littering! Every single newspaper tossed in our driveways is a count of littering that can result in a fine. Since they distributed dozens of them, we can hit them where it hurts!!!

You can report them online in just a few minutes at

I took a picture of the paper being in my driveway and for the time being am not going to throw it out in case the police wants it as evidence. I would encourage you to do the same if you can, because with proof, a fine will absolutely stick. Even if you already did throw it out, please report it.

Now unfortunately, if they want to do this again, they legally can put the paper in our newspaper slots or even tape them to our front doors (although I would argue this is trespassing), but if enough of us file a report, hopefully they’d discover that Crozet will not be friendly toward their presence here and will get the message to stay away.

Crozet Community Advisory Council Meeting tonight

The monthly Crozet Community Advisory Council meeting is this Thursday, May 21, 2009 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm at The Meadows Community Center

(Located on Meadows Drive/Route 240, Crozet)

Tentative Agenda
1. Agenda Review  (Mike Marshall – CCAC Chair)
2. Historic Resources Study Update (County Staff)
3. Crozet Community Questionnaire (Tim Tolson)
4. Master Plan Revision Tentative Schedule (Elaine Echols/Rebecca Ragsdale)
a. 5/27 Education Session Plan (Britton Miller)
b. Schedule through the Summer (Elaine/Rebecca)
5. Committee Updates (CCAC)
6. County Announcements/Development Updates (Rebecca Ragsdale)
7. Election of Officers for Next Year (CCAC)
8. Summary and other updates/agenda items for next meeting:
June 18
9. Adjourn

All are welcome and encourage to attend.

Brief Notes for 2009-05-17

  • @drewlawrence I find that flickr has a wider dispersion than FB, (and then they’ll show up on RealCrozetVA 🙂 ) in reply to drewlawrence #
  • @drewlawrence please tag ’em with “Crozet” if you happen to upload them to Flickr! in reply to drewlawrence #
  • Just went to Trailside Coffee in Old Trail. Good coffee. Can’t wait for them to open. #
  • RT @ancym: @realcrozetva my marker is Starr Hill beer…by which Great Valu also cheaper than Harris Teeter. #
  • Using Extra chewing gum as my marker, WalMart in Waynesboro is much cheaper than the new Harris Teeter #
  • Thinking about heading down to the Crozet Farmer’s market #
  • You have 90 minutes left to give blood at the bloodmobile at Blue Ridge Builder Supply. If you give, tell them you saw it on Twitter. #
  • @AndreaSarate @sajego – just a good, clean, small bar with beer is what Crozet *needs* #
  • RT @SuzySaidCville: RT @cwmag RT @brbs: Spread the word, Virginia Blood Services will be at Blue Ridge Builders Supply from 1 to 5 today … #
  • @santospopsicles Just back from the gym. I love how Anytime Fitness is open 24/7 in reply to santospopsicles #
  • RT @M2PT: It’s amazing that around 20 people keeping coming Boot Camp at 6am in Crozet Park! Today we lifted the 300lb picnic tables! #
  • RT @ACACFitness: Did you know:If you cut just 100 calories per day from your diet, you can lose 10 pounds in a year. -Can i not exercise? 🙂 #
  • Curious how many people attended the Crozet Arts & Crafts Festival this weekend. Saturday was slow, but Sunday was *gorgeous* #
  • A very heavy freight train is going by now. #

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Help the Crozet Farmer’s Market

From a Crozet discussion board –

If you love supporting local food and farmers in Crozet, please consider helping out with the Crozet Market.

Shop the market from 8am-noon every Saturday at the gravel lot of Crozet United Methodist Church.

Be a vendor, once or every week!

You could offer workshops in gardening, musical interludes, art fun for kids or whatever your creative mind can come up with!

Promoting the market on blogs, groups, social networks etc. Setting up Facebook pages and such.

We need great photos of the market!

Please contact me directly at bluejay888 @ gmail. com (no spaces) if you would like to volunteer.


ed note: if you upload the pictures to Flickr, and tag them with “crozet” they will show up in the top right of RealCrozetVA, and allow others to find them more easily.

Harris Teeter – Not So Green? – Note from a Reader

The Crozet Gazette touts the new Harris Teeter as being the “greenest grocery” – but my experience was anything but. We’d been looking forward trying it (rather than driving to Martin’s… ever since Fabulous Foods closed, Starbreeze stopped delivering, and Horse & Buggy adopted the bad pick up time). However, the selection of natural, organic, or even local foods was truly pathetic – and I had to leave there and drive to another store to finish shopping. There were six packages of natural beef hidden on a wall of meats. Six. The fish case was technicolor. Three types of organic crackers on an entire aisle of snacks.

Shouldn’t green also include the products that you sell and their impact on the environment… or does it really end with laying asphalt and hanging signs?

The real icing on the cake was when the grocery bagger took my reusable shopping bags and put them in a plastic bag… and started putting my groceries in plastic bags. He seemed a shocked when I asked him to please unbag my items and use the reusable shopping bags. It’s sad. Crozet Great Valu does a much better job – add some more organic meats and better wine selection and they have my biz.

It’s one thing to be a monument to suburban processed crap… it is another to pretend that you are green.


Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-05-10

  • RT @ancym: Look for me tonite on NBC29 bet 5 – 6ish: I am their token Crozetian when it comes to Old Crozet School news… – nicely done! #
  • crozet school #
  • @droxrich I wouldn’t be surprised if the pharmacy was added before the Starbucks (and personally, I hope Starbucks doesn’t come) in reply to droxrich #
  • Two days until the Crozet Harris Teeter opens! No pharmacy or Starbuck though. #
  • RT @FabuTravelous: Crozet Arts & Craft Festival May 9+10 ( Pottery, Jewelry, Wood Work, Weavers, Glass Blo … #

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