Brief Notes for 2009-07-19

  • Crozet pool is very quiet today. Due to the Old Trail pool being open? #
  • If anyone's taking pictures of the Old Trail Town Center opening today, please put them on flickr tagged with "crozet" #
  • Intense storm in Crozet right now. Wind & sideways driving rain. Hope the power stays on long enough to finish cooking dinner! #
  • Crazy sideways rain in Crozet right now. Wind and rain. Where's the hail? #
  • Why do we have gov't when we have Google? #
  • @RoamingVA Starr Hill's brewery is in Crozet. Tours on Saturday, growlers & merch. Blue Mountain is tremendous in reply to RoamingVA #
  • @RoamingVA Fardowner's restaurant – Good food, beer, Starr Hill & Blue Mtn Breweries, Mudhouse & Trailside Coffee (Green House coming soon) in reply to RoamingVA #
  • RT @RoamingVA: What's the perfect compliment to all that wine I've been writing about recently? Pizza, Crozet Pizza! #
  • RT @hanchettjim: Old Trail prez tells me Old Trail pool opens tomorrow to everyone through the weekend. No charge. #
  • Old Trail Pool's opening this weekend, as is the Old Trail Town Center. #
  • Did an interview with Green House Coffee, should be up early next – #
  • @va_longhorn What's going on at the Crozet ACAC? in reply to va_longhorn #

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Brief Notes for 2009-07-12

  • Back from showing houses all day. Expected 150 miles, drove 160. Might have found a house for my clients, too! #
  • RT @petermcarey: RT @CrozetGazette: Crozet Mudhouse has opened their doors! [hoo-ray!] #
  • Just so you know the FHA appraisal & challenge process is impossible. Would love to talk to someone offline about strategies for challenges #
  • RT @ChilesPeachOrch: The new Mudhouse in Crozet bought some peaches yesterday to make some yummy treats. Should open any day now! #
  • Crozet Mudhouse – coming very soon – #
  • RT @ABrement: Saw someone get pulled over by undercover cop on Jarman's Gap Rd in Crozet today. Stay at 25 mph! #
  • RT @hanchettjim: Thick fog in Crozet this morning. Can't see the mountain. #

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Brief Notes for 2009-07-12

  • Back from showing houses all day. Expected 150 miles, drove 160. Might have found a house for my clients, too! #
  • RT @petermcarey: RT @CrozetGazette: Crozet Mudhouse has opened their doors! [hoo-ray!] #
  • Just so you know the FHA appraisal & challenge process is impossible. Would love to talk to someone offline about strategies for challenges #
  • RT @ChilesPeachOrch: The new Mudhouse in Crozet bought some peaches yesterday to make some yummy treats. Should open any day now! #
  • Crozet Mudhouse – coming very soon – #
  • RT @ABrement: Saw someone get pulled over by undercover cop on Jarman's Gap Rd in Crozet today. Stay at 25 mph! #
  • RT @hanchettjim: Thick fog in Crozet this morning. Can't see the mountain. #

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Brief Notes for 2009-07-05

  • RT @rprav8r: The rumors are true – crozet acac not opening till the fall (or later). #
  • Just so you know, the new Mudhouse space is fantastic. #
  • Meeting buyer clients at Fardownders; parking lot is FULL. Anticipation of @mudhousecoffee? #
  • RT @petermcarey1: where's the free wifi in Crozet? [Fardowners, Old Trail clubhouse, soon Mudhouse in the Square & Trailside Coffee in OTV] #
  • @gingergermani I really thought Crozet would have fireworks this year. That's what you get for assuming. in reply to gingergermani #
  • Fireworks canceled in Crozet. (discuss at RealCrozetVA) #
  • Grilled cheeses were cold and slow at Otto's tonight, but their new cinnamon things are great! #
  • RT @sajego: @xtopher1974 That's my problem 🙂 Didn't know you knew the area. I wish wish wish there was a Bodo's in Crozet! 🙂 [amen!] #
  • mudhouse #
  • RT @SallyGolf: Cap and Trade protest-Tom Perriello's Charlottesville office 313 2nd St. SE Ste. 12 Thursday 7/2 4 pm Bring some attitude! #

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Fireworks Canceled in Crozet

Huge thanks to WCAV for this story:

Lake Monticello and Crozet canceled their fireworks shows this year simply because they cannot afford to put them on. Crozet officials say last year the fireworks for the show cost them $6,000. And this year, their supplier said the price went up to $10,000. Officials say the price jump proved to be too much for local businesses who donate the money for the fireworks.

Personally, I am sad.

It’s a shame there was no public outreach this year for the fireworks. I have some ideas but cannot pull it off on my own … if anyone is interested in fundraising or helping in any way, please let me know.

Crozet – I’ll bet we can raise the $10k by March of 2010 … what say you?

Crozet Mudhouse in C-Ville Weekly

C-Ville profiles the forthcoming Crozet Mudhouse.

When this vintage building on the intersection of Three-Notch’d Road and Crozet Avenue whose storied history includes, among other things, being a railroad hotel and the town grocery with a real soda fountain, opened up they knew they’d found the right location for their longtime interest in expanding to Crozet and making a coffeehouse/community meeting space for “fluid social interaction,” says Lawrence.

Related post – Crozet Mudhouse Coming Soon

Brief Notes for 2009-06-28

  • Strictly from a housing point of view, Title II -Building Efficiency of Clean Energy & Security bill -is bad. Very bad. #
  • Shame there were no fireworks yesterday. What happened? #
  • Fireworks at 10:30 tonight? You'd think more people would know about it. #
  • Anyone taking photos of the parade today, please upload to flickr and tag with "crozet"! #
  • Heard a credible account of the Crozet Mountain Lion attacking a pony.Wish I had time to follow up w/ Albemarle Cnty Police & Animal Control #
  • @globedope @LarryHuffman The Crozet tunnel in reply to globedope #
  • "We all knew he was bringing hope & change …" Jon Stewart *rips* Obama for his "transparency" -Anyone paying attn? #
  • Question from a visitor: "does anyone know how to get to the western entrance of the crozet tunnel by Waynesboro?" #
  • Reading: Google Wave Goodbye Real Estate Brokerage As We Know It? #
  • RT @cvilletomorrow: We just posted our 1,000 entry on our News Center. Now we look forward to the next 1,000. [THANK YOU and Congrats!] #
  • Back on Seesmic for now. Tweetdeck is fantastic. Each has benefits. #
  • RT @hodgesmyers: Mudhouse in Crozet on home stretch… Happy owner. — Woo-hoo! I can't wait! #
  • The swim meet is *still* going on at Crozet Pool! There are worse things we could be listening to though 🙂 #
  • @gingergermani I'm working on whether there will be fireworks and will post shortly #
  • RT @cvillepiefest: 100 days until the Pie Fest!Interested in baking?Or judging?
    Otherwise lending a hand? #
  • Fireworks in Crozet this weekend? Anybody? #
  • Old Trail Town Center grand opening on 18 July. Fingers crossed! #
  • Looking at yet another foreclosure in Crozet – this one in Waylands Grant. Link coming soon. #
  • RT @JimDuncan: Crozet Volunteer Fire Dept. Car Show sign – – I like how this marketing is useful in our small town #
  • @BeeRealty I've blocked about 25 "people" in the past 36 hours. Frustrating. #dang in reply to BeeRealty #
  • Crozet Volunteer Fire Dept. Car Show sign – – I like how this marketing is useful in our small town #
  • Putting in a new listing, blocking lots of Twitter spammers this morning. #
  • RT @edmj: Just saw a big adult black bear crossing I-64 halfway between Richmond and Charlottesville. That was a surprise! — #

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Brief Notes for 2009-06-21

  • A beautiful evening in Crozet. Finally the humidity is gone! #
  • @ryancordell Yep – Crozet Pool was closed due to a pump's breakage. It was very salty this evening, and cloudy. in reply to ryancordell #
  • RT @julenesque: Dear newcomers, Crozet does not need a walmart. or a mall. [That's why we go to Waynesboro 🙂 ] #
  • RT @cvillepiefest Saturday, October 3. Crozet Mudhouse. Pass it on! — woo-hoo! #
  • RT @juphoff: @JimDuncan Agreed on @eatateppies chicken & dumplings. YUM! — I'd say it's good business to host Tweetups, too. 🙂 #
  • There's a townhouse foreclosure in Old Trail – $190k. If you're curious about how it's priced in context, @ or DM me. #
  • I'd love *anyone* to write a post for RealCrozetVA about tonight's Crozet Community Advisory Meeting. Please? #
  • RT @ancym: oh my! RT @cvillepiefest Whoo-hoo! WINA AM 1070 and Coy Barefoot have volunteered to broadcast the festivities live! — sweet! #
  • @nhaffey click on the wrench in the top right, then the accounts tab. Ensure you have the newest version, too. Seesmic-v-Tweetdeck is fierce in reply to nhaffey #
  • slowly but surely coming back to life. It's good enough for now, I think. Suggestions welcome. #
  • Cville & Crozet folks – just saw Mary Rice at Great Valu,says people don't know about the Crozet Master plan. Take it! #
  • Yes, I know RealCrozetVA is down. Blue Ridge Internetworks are working on it. They rock. #
  • @JonathanK To paraphrase GI Joe – "being there is half the battle" 🙂 in reply to JonathanK #
  • Major blog issues with RealCrozetVA. #
  • RT @younganna: So so jealous of #mudhouse crozet. Srsly. — curious -what about it? #
  • RT @CrozetGazette: Announcing the Crozet Gazette 2010 Calendar PHOTO CONTEST! — Sweet. #
  • Getting ready to go to the Crozet business networking coffee meeting @TrailsideCoffee #

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Brief Notes for 2009-06-14

  • That’s a very low-flying helicopter. What’s going on ? #
  • Looking forward to the Pink Ribbon Classic at King Family Vineyards tomorrow – – Crozet #
  • Blue Mountain Brewery set to double in size. SWEET. Congrats! #
  • RSVP’d for the Pink Ribbon Polo Classic this weekend at King Family Vineyards – #
  • Only 8 homes have sold in Crozet this year b/t $300-$400k w/ at least 3 bedrooms and 2 baths. I though it would be more. #
  • RT @hull_j: Power out in Crozet! Will our CBS19 featured blogger of the week get power back on in time to see the CBS19 feature at 6:30? #
  • There has to be more to this story. #
  • RT @mudhousecoffee: crozet pic –slowly but surely Mudhouse is coming along! #

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MS 150 Riding Through Crozet This Weekend

From a reader:

This Saturday and Sunday (13 & 14) morning 600 to 700 bicyclist will be riding through Crozet to raise funds for the MS Society. On Saturday, they will be heading toward Whitehall and on Sunday, they will be heading toward Greenwood. All rides start at Miller School. The rides are 25, 50, and 75 miles each day.

Expect some delays but remember that these cyclist are raising money for the MS victims in our area.

Better yet, come out and join us in this wonderful effort.