Crozet Master Plan Forum – 19 November at Field School

The Crozet community is invited to attend public forums on the five year revision of the Crozet Master Plan.

The next forum will be held:

Thursday, November 19, 2009

7:00-9:00 p.m.

Old Crozet School/Field School

The public forum is being held by County staff and the Crozet Community Advisory Council.

This month’s topic is Downtown Crozet, focusing on:

– Promotion of the vitality of small businesses in the central Crozet business district (Downtown)

– Addressing public infrastructure needs (such as sidewalks that connect neighborhoods to downtown and parking)

– Boundaries of Downtown, potential historic district

Participants will have an opportunity to hear a presentation and provide comments and suggestions.

Crozet Twitter Updates – Brief Notes for 2009-11-15

  • RT @mastomillers: [Tator Tots & Nachos] Virginia Law Weekly: Tachos Make Trip to Crozet Worthwhile #
  • Off to the Convention Center. Seeking coffee enroute #NARDiego #
  • I can't wait to shave off my moustache; until I do though, consider donating a few bucks to fight Prostate Cancer – #
  • Meat and Greet in Crozet – Bring some food tomorrow for the Blue Ridge Food Bank #
  • RT @JimDuncan: RT @MudhouseCrozet: Storytelling Series tonight, 7 pm. The theme is Awkward Moments. Come tell your story! #
  • RT @gingergermani: Seriously, the light at WAHS is the worst timed light ever. [I have a story coming out about this soon] #
  • Cville peeps: Check out @bspinosa story at 6pm – WCAV – Apparently I'm wired 🙂 #
  • Hey! I know that guy! 🙂 #
  • RT @JimDuncan: Whoever is manning the intersection at WAHS needs to wake up [traffic lights are consistently mis-timed] #
  • Da Luca's in Old Trail is rolling out new menu w/ new chefs #
  • RT @CrozetGazette: Crozet Christmas Parade Sat, December 6 at 3 pm, from Jarmans Gap to the Firehouse. Meet Santa at the end of the parade! #
  • Crozet Elementary school kids are getting the Swine Flu vaccine today. #
  • Bringing my daughter to the coffeeshop is a lot more expensive than my coming alone. #
  • The Crozet Mudhouse has been hosting quite a few events lately. Here's a few upcoming ones – #
  • My assumption was wrong – there's no trust gap b/t NAR & Consumers. #
  • RT @hanchettjim: Crozet Elem. kids will get swine flu shots tomorrow; 3 other schools Friday if new shipment comes in #

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Blue Ridge Food Bank Drive in Crozet

From a reader:

I recently talked to the local Blue Ridge Food Bank, and they desperately need many items. They especially need canned meat (tuna, spam, salmon…). Therefore I am organizing our first canned food drive for Old Trail, otherwise called a “Meat ‘n Greet!” We are planning on meeting Saturday November 14 from 9-11am at Trailside Coffee. At that time please bring some canned food to give to Blue Ridge Food Bank. If you are unable to make it this Saturday, I will leave the box out the following week. Here are some suggestions of things that are always needed:

Canned meat!!!

Peanut butter and jelly


Canned fruit

Thank you in advance for your generosity in helping all those that need a little extra support these holidays. We look forward to seeing you there!

While the author says “Old Trail” I’m saying “Crozet.”

Crozet Twitter Updates – Brief Notes for 2009-11-08

  • I heard that Da Lucas is coming out with a more reasonably-priced menu soon. Much needed, in my opinion #
  • Love the Crozet Mudhouse. Riding my bike to meet buyer clients. #
  • More on Crozet Ponzi schemer – #
  • RT @whsvnews: Prison Sentence for Crozet Man Convicted for Ponzi Scheme #
  • RT @CrozetGazette: From the Editor, to Albemarle County: Build the New Crozet Library Now (and why!): #
  • RT @CrozetGazette: Chart of Crozet Area Election Results by Precinct #
  • Visitor to RealCrozetVA: "what happened to Patterson's Flower Shop? I noticed a new sign with a new name in front of their shop yesterday" #
  • RT @CrozetGazette: Deeds won in Crozet by 7 votes, according to the Va State Board of Elections site. #
  • ACAC – please remove your spammy signs in Crozet #
  • I'm testing some Crozet real estate market updates & charts. Feedback welcome. Soon they'll come to RealCrozetVA #
  • Just voted at Brownsville Elementary. I was the 201st person to vote. Please educate yourself & vote today. #vote #
  • Hey @mudhousecrozet I've heard you've had some good music lately. Think you could update the webpage?Or send me a schedule so I can post it? #
  • RT @JimDuncan: Growing a ‘Stache To Raise Money to Fight Men’s Cancer #
  • @briandickert A post about the tunnel – in reply to briandickert #
  • @MaryBethBowen the Crozet Mudhouse was calm this morning. Perfect Sunday morning. in reply to MaryBethBowen #

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Crozet Streetscape Money Called into Question

The recession is finding its way further into Crozet.

From Charlottesville Tomorrow:

Boyd expressed concern at the amount of money that the County has invested in the project. He said he was not sure if this was appropriate spending given the County’s ongoing budget issues.

“We have two master plans, and we seem to forget about the other one at Pantops that has absolutely no funding for it,” said Boyd. “At the same time, we’re throwing millions of dollars into Crozet.” Meanwhile, he pointed out that improvements called for in the Pantops Master Plan have not yet been funded.

Benish said many of the Pantops improvements are anticipated to be paid for with proffers from developers such as intersection improvements and at least $1 million in sidewalk improvements. Supervisor David Slutzky (Rio) pointed out that the Crozet Master Plan was adopted five years ago, whereas the Pantops Master Plan was only adopted in March 2008.

No More Patterson’s Flower Shop in Crozet

A vistor to RealCrozetVA asked the other day:

“what happened to Patterson’s Flower Shop? I noticed a new sign with a new name in front of their shop yesterday”

Luckily, we have the Crozet Gazette … 🙂

But there’s still a flower shop … more at the Crozet Gazette.

Danny and Linda Patterson, whose flower service was hailed and admired far beyond western Albemarle, quietly transferred their shop to Ken Ward and Henry Burrell Nov. 1 and are now retired.

Crozet Master Plan Meeting – 19 November 2009

From Albemarle County:

Mark Your Calendar…

The Crozet community is invited to attend public forums on the five year revision of the Crozet Master Plan.

The next forum will be held:

Thursday, November 19, 2009
7:00-9:00 p.m.

Old Crozet School/Field School (across from Crozet Elementary School)

The public forum is being held by County staff and the Crozet Community Advisory Council.

This month’s topic is Downtown Crozet, focusing on:

– Promotion of the vitality of small businesses in the central Crozet business district (Downtown)

– Addressing public infrastructure needs (such as sidewalks that connect neighborhoods to downtown and parking)

– Boundaries of Downtown, potential historic district

– Participants will have an opportunity to hear a presentation and provide comments and suggestions.

Other forums will be held in coming months, also at the Old Crozet School.

Visit the Crozet website or email Rebecca Ragsdale with questions or for more details.

Search for homes in Crozet.

Amtrak in Charlottesville – One Person’s Experience

Thank you to Stephen Goadhouse for this guest post:

Charlottesville now has an affordable option for traveling by train to Washington, DC.  It is a new route on the Amtrak Northeast Regional service.  After my first experience with the Northeast Regional, I highly recommend it as a great way to visit the big city.  Read on for the nitty-gritty and a little soap boxing.

Let’s Have An Adventure!

For several years, I heard about this interesting attempt to bring usable and affordable rail service to Charlottesville.  It was fun to fanatasize about taking the kids to the National Zoo on a Saturday, all by rail travel.  Well, the train is real and, for now, the fantasy is gone.  The train’s weekend schedule only gives you an hour or two to spend in DC before having to come back, but if you spend the night in DC (I hear good things about using you’d have about 26 hrs to enjoy there.  The weekday schedule is much more useful; you have from about 12n to 4p. So, with a desire for adventure, I decided to put my money where my mouth is and book a day trip.


The train station in Charlottesville is accessible by car, bus and even bike (there’s a nice bike rack next to the station).  It costs $5 per day to park your car there, which is not really that bad – its downtown afterall.  Being the cheapskate I am, I decided to park in my UVa spot instead and I took the #7 CTS bus.  Had there not been a chance of rain, I would have opted for the bike.


A few quick words about Charlottesville’s CTS bus service.  I’m impressed.  It’s free with a University ID but would have only been $0.75 otherwise.  How did I know which bus to take and how much it would cost?  Google maps, my dear.  Charlottesville somehow makes their bus schedule available to Google.  You simply go to Google maps and get directions.  Make sure to pick the By Public Transit option. 
Continue reading “Amtrak in Charlottesville – One Person’s Experience”