Christmas Tree Recycling in Crozet

Basically, we’re taking our Christmas trees – sans lights and stands – to Crozet Park or Greenwood Community Center. Who’s going to be first?

From the County of Albemarle:

Trees will be recycled into free mulch for the public

It’s almost that time of year again!

As in the past, the Albemarle County Parks & Recreation Dept will host its annual Christmas Tree Recycling Program beginning December 26, 2009 through January 16, 2010. The Christmas Tree Recycling Program collects discarded Christmas trees which are chipped into mulch and then offered to the public at no cost. This program has been in operation since 1988 and recycles over 3000 trees each year; which in turn yields over 144 cubic yards of mulch. Not only does this recycling program provide citizens a place to dispose of a potentially large and cumbersome item, it also reduces the impact on our landfill.

By combining forces with the Charlottesville Curb Side Pick-Up Program, the two programs collected over 5600 trees last year, yielding approximately 268 cubic yards of mulch. According to the City Public Works Department, their curbside pick up will be the week of January 11th, 2010. Trees must be at the curbside by 7am. Shortly after the City’s curbside pick up, the County and City Parks & Recreation crews will team up to chip the estimated 2600 trees at Darden Towe Park.

As a reminder, this program is for Christmas trees only, please no yard waste. Both the County & City programs require that all decorations, stands and nails be removed from the Christmas trees. Free mulch will be available to citizen by February 1, 2009, at Darden Towe Park.

The County will operate seven sites daily, 7am till dark.

The sites are as follows:

Continue reading “Christmas Tree Recycling in Crozet”

Light Industrial Plans and a Walkable Crozet

It’s easy to get indifferent and bored with the Crozet Master Plan, because it’s always “someone else” doing it … that “someone else” could (and should) be you.

From Charlottesville Tomorrow:

Albemarle County officials gathered more input on potential changes to the twenty-year Crozet Master Plan at a forum held Thursday evening. The Crozet community continues to weigh in on modifications to the county’s first ever master plan, originally approved in 2004, which is now getting its first five-year review.

Mike Marshall, chair of the Crozet Community Advisory Council, welcomed an audience of about 40 residents to the third of five planned community forums on different aspects of the master plan. Marshall said he didn’t think there would be much controversy about the matters on the evening’s agenda, however he foreshadowed concerns about the Yancey Mills Business Park proposal.

On transportation, residents said they wanted a reexamination of a frontage road proposed by staff to run parallel to Route 250 in front of Brownsville Elementary and Henley Middle School. The County’s Community Relations Manager, Lee Catlin, said she also heard residents express a high priority for trails and pedestrian connections that would allow people living in Western Ridge, Highlands to get into downtown Crozet.

Mike Marshall said a pedestrian connection was also needed between downtown Crozet and Old Trail Village.

“We now have two economic centers that really are within walking distance, that are trying to emerge and get stronger,” said Marshall. “We need to make it plain to people that you can walk there.”

After the fifth community forum is held in February, a summary of recommendations from staff and the public will be provided to the planning commission in March. The Board of Supervisors is scheduled to start its review of the Crozet Master Plan revisions in June.

Free Yoga in Crozet

Hey Jim, would please let our community know that I am offering two free yoga classes:

Tuesday 12/22/09 and Tuesday 12/29/09

8 – 9:30 am @ Old Crozet School Arts building, enter behind the Field School on the side (across from Crozet Elementary).

Open to all levels.

Bring a mat if you have one.

Come enjoy and relax!


Crozet Twitter Updates – Brief Notes for 2009-12-20

  • Did you know … if you upload your snowpocalypse photos to flickr & tag them w/ “Crozet” they’ll show up on #
  • If you have a heatpump, dig it out. Furnace, clean off the exhaust via @cvillenewscom #
  • Snow is starting to come down fairly heavily in Crozet. #
  • Little video of snow from my back porch @CBS19Weather #
  • RT @ancym: Mint Springs, between the lakes? @realcrozetva @ryancordell: Locals: best sledding hill in Crozet? [doubt I’ll get that “far”] #
  • RT @ryancordell: Locals: best sledding hill in Crozet? #
  • Best sledding area in Crozet? #
  • @ancym don’t think so. in reply to ancym #
  • RT @gingergermani: RT @schuttedan: just heard 8 hour wait for tow trucks. again: stay home. #
  • Does anyone know if Crozet Volunteer Fire Dept or WARS need anything? #
  • Wondering if it’s too late for a quick Blue Mountain run … #
  • RT @stevebragaw: snow in crozet—-steady, small flakes, high density. [hooray!] #
  • RT @JimDuncan: It seems most of Crozet came to the DQ to fill up the tanks. #
  • How much snow will Crozet get this weekend? #
  • How much snow will Crozet get? #
  • Uploading a video for an overseas client. Video is wonderful. #
  • The consensus on the snow this weekend in Charlottesville – no one really knows how much snow we’ll get.But people are still freaking out #
  • RT @blakgsus1: Blak Gsus has a show coming up on 12/18/2009 at 10:00 PM @ Fardowners in Crozet, VA #
  • Take 64 into Cville this morning #
  • Rackspace versus Bluehost? I’ve been throttled quite a lot. #
  • *Very* low helicopter over Crozet right now #
  • Testing. #
  • Foodie revisits Daluca’s – 2nd time wasn’t a charm – #crozet #
  • @OldTrail Face Value is much more than “barbershop”-nearly $20 for haircut=more “salon” than “barber” #nothattheresanythingwrongwiththat #
  • Walk to School day at Crozet Elementary is this Friday, 18 December. #
  • @CrozetGazette once again, I’m missing the forum. Darn clients needing me. 🙂 in reply to CrozetGazette #
  • RT @brbs: RT @CrozetGazette: The new office and school supply store near Crozet Great Valu is open. Lots of games and puzzles too! #
  • RT @petermcarey: Accident on 240 near Western Ridge in Crozet… #
  • Be careful out there. Crozet roads are deceptively icy. Particularly shaded parts #
  • RT @rprav8r: – Why yes, that is a horse turning onto Crozet Ave from JGR. #
  • RT @bradramsey: @CBS19weather Crozet is more foggy than I’ve ever seen it [no kidding!] #

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News From Henley Middle School – 15 December 2009

You might not have kids in schools, but Crozet schools affect all of us.

From the Henley Matters newsletter:


For the past three years, high schools in Albemarle County have held first semester exams prior to Winter Break on a modified half-day schedule which included two exams per day. Last year, the program was expanded to middle schools. Many middle school students take high school level classes, and all students begin taking semester exams in their eighth grade year, so the change will align these students with their high school counterparts.

Having both middle and high school students follow the same schedule will save about $10,000 in operational efficiency for the county. The regular middle and high school bus routes will run at 1:00 p.m., and drivers will then return for elementary school routes at 2:20 p.m. Since most middle and high school students ride the same buses, not combining their schedules would have required a third bus run each day to bring middle school students home at 4:00 p.m.


This will likely be the most challenging budget cycle experienced by Albemarle County Schools in its history. State revenues may decline by as much as 15% for 2010-11 due to changes in Albemarle County’s composite index and overall state budget reductions. We will have a better idea how much when the Governor presents his budget on 12/18. Local revenues continue to slide as housing values slump and sales tax revenue falls. The projected revenue shortfall for the 2010-11 school year is between $8 and $11 million, depending on the tax rate agreed to by the newly elected Board of Supervisors.

Even an equalized tax rate of 77.2 cents will not eliminate the need for major reductions. The anticipated revenue shortfall with the higher rate is $8 million, due to declining state and local revenues. It is not possible to make reductions of this magnitude (4-5 times as many as were made this current fiscal year) in department or operational budgets/staffing. All positions and programs will be affected.

The board is pursuing a budget amendment at the state level to recalculate the county’s ability to pay for education based on the actual revenues on hand after the $18 million in revenue sharing is given to the city of Charlottesville. The current ratio overstates the county’s ability to pay and understates the city’s ability to pay. There is no guarantee that this budget amendment will pass in the General Assembly; in fact, it will face stiff opposition. The change would result in approximately $2 to $2.5 million in additional state funding to Albemarle County. Dr. Moran will present her funding request to the School Board on Wednesday, January 20.

Daily Progress: link to December 11th article on the School Board vote, Albemarle wants funds from city for schools:

Governor Kaine’s budget is expected to be released this Friday, December 18th. “Thanks to a slumping economy, Kaine has to find $3.5 billion in cuts in the state budget. He is scheduled to propose his fiscal plan next Friday at a joint meeting of the legislature’s money committees. Kaine has said that in balancing the budget, “everything’s on the table.””

Finally, the updated budget calendar for Albemarle County Public Schools is (after the jump); the date of the School Board public hearing has been changed to Tuesday, February 2nd.

The ACPS School Board has revised its budget development calendar. The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors public hearing dates have not changed.

Please mark these dates on your calendar and plan to attend and speak in support of our schools.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010, 6:30 pm, Location TBD
ACPS School Board Public Hearing: Proposed budget, FY 2010/11

Wednesday, March 3, 2010, time TBA, Lane Auditorium, ACOB
Board of Supervisors Public Hearing: The County Executive’s recommended budget, Fiscal Year 2010/11

Wednesday, March 31, 2010, time TBA, Lane Auditorium, ACOB
Board of Supervisors Public Hearing: The BOS’s proposed budget, FY 2010/11 2010 calendar year tax rate

Wednesday, April 7, 2010, time TBA, Lane Auditorium, ACOB
Board of Supervisors Public Hearing: The BOS sets the 2010 calendar year tax rate. The BOS adopts its FY 2010/2011budget (during ACPS Spring Break)

Continue reading “News From Henley Middle School – 15 December 2009”

Crozet Twitter Updates – Brief Notes for 2009-12-13

Crozet week in review via RealCrozetVA’s Twitter feed

  • Donated $25 to VPAP today. Because they’re wonderful and help transparency in Virginia & C’ville politics #
  • @rprav8r I am 99% sure the original plan was to have the Old Trail pool open to all of Crozet. in reply to rprav8r #
  • The world is flat from a communication point of view. Time zones are such a bother. #
  • Find Christmas trees in Crozet – Thanks to one of my readers #
  • Pleased that the Deputy was in the intersection at WAHS this morning. Thank you #
  • Topic of discussion at Crozet Tweetup today: Old Trail pool is planning to open to the public. Much consternation. #
  • RT @CVilleKim: Fun Crozet Tweetup today.Consensus to do next one at start or end of the day for those not fortunate to live & work in Crozet #
  • tells me I should buy a Droid. #
  • @@stevebragaw In this case, wouldn’t it be a benefit for Old Trail homeowners to let their kids walk/ride bikes to school? Thus, not BoS? #
  • Topic of discussion at Crozet Tweetup today: why does Old Trail not have paths/trails leading to Henley & Brownsville? #
  • RT @MaryBethBowen: RT @ABrement: Looking forward to Crozet Tweetup Lunch today! 12:00. Fardowner’s. (me too!) #
  • Once again, traffic at the Old Trail/Henley intersection is a SNAFU #
  • Impressed that my little one is excited to walk to school today. #
  • RT @JimDuncan: Wreck at 240/250 intersection. Traffic blocked. #crozet #
  • RT @twtvite_alert: @jimduncan Friendly reminder: Crozet Lunch Tweetup is tomorrow! #
  • RT @JimDuncan: Crozet Mudhouse Curtain #
  • Woman has been ironing the new curtain in the Mudhouse for about 90 minutes. I wonder how often it’ll have to be ironed. 🙂 #
  • Working in the Crozet Mudhouse this morning. Watching a stage & curtains come together #
  • Off to a listing appointment in Crozet. #
  • @centofante Coming to the Crozet Tweetup? in reply to centofante #
  • Only seeing mentions in @Tweetdeck from one of my twitter accounts. Back to Seesmic #
  • @stevebragaw Fardowners does have WiFi. in reply to stevebragaw #
  • Crozet Tweetup – Thursday at Fardowners. #crozettweetup #
  • Someone *did* move to Crozet because of the Library. #
  • RT @ancym: Darrell Rose at Crozet Mudhouse next Sat the 12th, from 6 to 9 – @jimduncan this is for you… #
  • Love the Batesville Store. Love it. And I’m not alone #
  • RT @CrozetGazette: The Crozet Xmas Parade is today at 3 pm. Goes from Crozet Ave at Jarmans Gap to the Firehouse. We’ll be throwing candy! #
  • Picked up my copy of the Crozet Gazette yesterday. I love having a truly local paper #

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Crozet Christmas Trees – Question from a Reader

I love questions.

I subscribe to your blog and had a question about Christmas trees in the Crozet area and thought you might be the best person to ask since you seem to be so well informed (love the blog, by the way – thanks!). Are there any Christmas tree stands in the area? We live in Free Union but love coming to Crozet and thought we’d make a night of it. Thanks for any info!

I thought of the Boy Scouts’ stand in the Great Valu shopping center …

Christmas Tree stand in Crozet

… and AM Fog in Afton.

The reader responded later yesterday evening:

We actually ended up going to check out AM Fog but their selection was small (they’re getting more trees in tomorrow evening) so we decided to go into Nellysford to see if there was a stand in the parking lot where the IGA is. Unfortunately there wasn’t so we headed back towards Crozet/Free Union and noticed a little place on the right of 151, before we got back to AM Fog, called “Kelly’s”. They had great trees for about the same price as AM Fog (we paid $55 for 6’ tree) and they have great candles and wreaths. Oh, and you could still stop at Blue Mountain Brewery and have dinner and a beer!

So there you have it – three places to get Christmas trees in Crozet. Surely there are others …