Third Speakers Series Event at Field School

On Friday January 15th at 7 p.m at Field School, we will be having our third speakers series event, one that has featured Michael Thompson, Joe Ehrmann and Nick Nichols over the past three years. This year, we are hosting Joe and Claudia Allen, research professors at U.Va. who have written Escaping the Endless Adolescence: How we can help our teenagers grow up before they grow old.

The following is taken from their website on the book at
Has 25 Become the New 15?
Why is it that parents who do so much for their teens, still find them unready for adulthood?
How did we end up with our teens living in an ‘adolescent bubble’ that keeps them from growing up?
Can we really do things like cut school failure rates and teen pregnancy rates in half just by making some simple, yet fundamental changes?

In Escaping the Endless Adolescence, internationally-recognized psychologists Joseph and Claudia Allen use ground-breaking scientific research seasoned with years of clinical experience to show how and why we are in danger of psychologically crippling an entire generation of young people. More importantly, they go on to tell us precisely what parents, educators and others can (and must) do differently to help their teens grow into mature, productive, happy, and caring adults.

News From Henley Middle School – 8 January 2010

Editor’s Note: I’m re-printing the entirety of the Henley Middle School newsletter because there’s quite a bit of interesting stuff there – calendar, school budgets, trip to Panama, CATEC seeking people … I’m sorry about the formatting, but it was frankly a lot easier to simply copy and paste. I do encourage folks to at least scan the bolded parts (which I’ve done) –

The School Budget Public Hearing will be on February 2, 2010 6:30 pm at the Albemarle County Office Building, Lane Auditorium (2nd floor). Public input on the budget is a critical component of the budget-making process. If you wish to speak, the sign-in sheet is usually made available early. Speakers are called to the podium in the order in which they signed in; they can speak for a maximum of three minutes. Additional information will be distributed as it becomes available. If you have any questions, please contact Parent Counsel Representative, Robin LeGallo at [email protected].

Continue reading “News From Henley Middle School – 8 January 2010”

Crozet Twitter Updates – Brief Notes for 2010-01-10

  • @tfjtolson @stevebragaw Does our new library need to be 17k sq. feet? #crozet #
  • Darn multiple personalities. #
  • @stevebragaw @tfjtolson What would a library of 2017 look like? #
  • Just getting around to checking out this week’s ValPak coupons. Trailside & Daluca are included. #
  • RT @stevebragaw: @realcrozetva we need a new #crozet library!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [Just a thought 🙂 ] #
  • What if we don’t need a Crozet library? #justathought #
  • Who’s going to Steve Landes’ town hall meeting at the Crozet Library today at noon? #localpolitics #
  • @paulawhite What are the FabLab pages for? Shamelessly, would you be interested in writing about them for RealCrozetVA? in reply to paulawhite #
  • Someone came to RealCrozetVA tonight looking for restaurants that deliver in Crozet. Answer: none other than Domino’s #
  • RT @MagnusMusic: Just announced: Burnley Station at Fardowners in Crozet VA Saturday Feb. 6th. #
  • RT @haminga: flurries in Crozet [close school! go to the store! buy sterno! 🙂 ] #
  • Love watching the @CrozetGazette stories coming up in my feedreader. Good stuff this month – #
  • RT @themuckrakes: New show announced in Crozet, VA at Crozet Music Festival on October 8, 2010 #
  • RT @gingergermani: @realcrozetva From the emails that I have read, it sounds like “memberships” will be available to non-residents #
  • Is it a done deal that the Old Trail poll will be open to everyone this year? (as in, not just Old Trail residents?) #
  • @superninjarobot Did you ever make it to Greenwood? in reply to superninjarobot #
  • RT @GoodwinCreek: the breadmobile is out with it’s precious cargo, heading to Crozet, dwtn C’ville & Belmont 🙂 [Great bread!] #
  • @gingergermani There’s a line? How long? in reply to gingergermani #
  • Crozet Pharmacy’s hours just don’t work for me. As bad as “bankers’ hours” #
  • Luckily the Crozet water treatment plant serves only 25 people. ACSA Crozet is better #
  • Took the Christmas tree to Crozet Park for mulching. Does driving it there in my SUV negate the green-ness of recycling of the tree? #
  • t #
  • RT @Grandale: Enjoying a few days off.Going to see some area wineries Veritas,White Hall…then to lunch at Crozet Pizza,a local institution #

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Crozet Gazette Pulls No Punches

Read the whole thing at the Crozet Gazette.

The decision of the departing Kaine administration to bailout the investors in Biscuit Run, the largest subdivision ever approved in Albemarle County, and turn it into a state park will add to growth pressure in Crozet once the housing market begins to revive, which, we nonetheless hope, comes soon.

The addition of Biscuit Run’s 3,100 houses to the Albemarle market with better proximity to Charlottesville meant homebuyers had an attractive alternative at a time when county policies were aiming growth on Crozet and claiming that it could handle a population of 24,000. In those days Biscuit Run promised to vent some of the steam away from western Albemarle.

It’s hard to imagine that if the Commonwealth actually thought it needed a state park in Albemarle that it would have hankered for the 1,200 acres Biscuit Run sits on.

My favorite part?

And about that $9.8 million: hasn’t Crozet been told for the last 12 years that there is no VDOT money to pay for Jarmans Gap Road improvements, and more recently that there is no funding possible for Crozet library ($6.3 million), the number one priority library on the state library’s list of construction projects?

Thus the poor Virginia tax payer now has to pay to master plan and then operate in perpetuity a state park he had no idea he wanted, in a place he probably would not have picked, and to make up millions in tax revenue that was forfeited in the form of credits.

Well Said.

Update 8 January 2010 – Quite a bit of news coverage today centered on Biscuit Run’s dedication as a state park.

Biscuit Run State Park Opponent Says Deal Unfair to Albemarle County Residents – WCAV

Crozet Refocuses After Biscuit Run – NBC29

Biscuit Run Protected as Parkland – NBC29

Crozet – Steve Landes wants your Opinion

Steve Landes is our Delegate, so I figured you might be interested in his “Legislative Newsletter.”

While you’re looking, take a look at where his money comes from (courtesy of VPAP) and what bills he’s sponsoring and how he votes.


Happy New Year! Out with the old and in with the new. My legislative aide, Judy Wyatt, and I are looking forward to the 2010 Virginia General Assembly Session which begins January 13th in Richmond. The budget will be the hottest topic but we are hoping that under the leadership of Governor-elect Bob McDonnell that Virginia will fare better than most states across the nation.


In preparation for the upcoming 2010 Virginia General Assembly Session, I have scheduled three town hall meetings this week. The first town meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 5, 2010, from 6:30 -8:00 p.m. at the Board of Supervisors’ Meeting Room at the Augusta County Government Center, 18 Government Center Lane, in Verona.

The second town meeting will be on Saturday, January 9, 2010, from 9:00 -10:30 a.m. at the Elkton Area Community Center, 20593 Blue & Gold Drive, in Elkton.

The third and last town meeting will be January 9, 2010, from 12:00 noon to 1:30 p.m. at the Crozet Public Library, 5791 Three Notched Road, in Crozet.

Please attend one of these meetings to express your opinions and give your suggestions to me as I prepare to represent you in Richmond during the 2010 session. I appreciate knowing what my constituents feel important as I prepare to vote on your behalf on issues of importance to all of us.

Continue reading “Crozet – Steve Landes wants your Opinion”

Crozet Twitter Updates – Brief Notes for 2010-01-03

A weekly roundup of the tweets posted on RealCrozetVA’s Twitter feed. By all accounts, last week seems to have been a quiet week in Crozet. Follow some of the Crozet-area Twitter folk on this Twitter list.

  • RT @pastorgift: Waiting at Trailside Coffee in Crozet for a meeting, if you are in the C-ville area gotta try this place [amen] #
  • Is a full bulletin board a sign of a thriving community? #
  • Mudhouse is quite busy this morning. #
  • RT @gordonmphillips: Things are beautiful in Crozet, but no one is surprised. #
  • Crozet’s newest store – #
  • Went into Blue Ridge Builder Supply’s new/expanded paint section the other day. Nice. #

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How Often Do Homes Turnover in Crozet?

I got an interesting question the other day – –

How often do homes like this turn over/sell in Crozet? “This” being about 2000 square feet, at least three bedrooms and at least two bathrooms.

Looking at the question through the lens of its expected/possible value:

Looking at it by square footage …

Basically, if you sold your house last year in Crozet* and it fit one of these two criteria, you were pretty lucky.
Continue reading “How Often Do Homes Turnover in Crozet?”

Crozet Twitter Updates – Brief Notes for 2009-12-27

  • A lamentation of etiquette at Henley Middle School’s concert – #
  • You’ve seen the house on Jarman’s Gap Road – now you know it’s been reduced by $100k. #
  • Multi-tasking at the Crozet Mudhouse. May be showing a house in a bit. #
  • There are still at least 4 abandonded cars on 250. Why? #
  • Have some snow stories? Send ’em to jim@realcrozetvacom #
  • RT @justincbeck: Clear roads: I took 64 and all was well. I can’t speak for 250. 240 is still 1 lane in places also.#crozet #charlottesville #
  • RT @NBC29: I-64 Eastbound b/t Afton Mtn & Crozet completely blocked by accident at MM 103. Traffic backing up to the top of Afton, 4 miles. #
  • Snow plow is coming around Hilltop right now. Wish their GPS’ were accessible online for the public! #
  • Thank you Charlottesville media #cvillesnow #
  • Just took the kids night-sledding. #
  • If you’re thinking about driving on 240 in Crozet, look at this video 1st to see if you’re ok driving on it #
  • Harris Teeter in Crozet has no fresh bread, no eggs & was nearly out of milk around 3pm #
  • Thinking how scary it is that people w/o power for 18 hours “need” the Nat’l Guard. #
  • Found a dog in White Hall – is it yours? #
  • Reading today’s Daily Progress. The whole thing. Thanks @DailyProgress #

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