Reader Question – What Cell Phone and Internet Provider?

A Crozetian asks:

I would like to know what Internet provider and also what cell phone service folks in the Emerald Ridge/Saddle Hollow area use, especially those with smart phones.

This is a timely email, as this comment was just posted on a post from January of last year:

So I guess I can deduce from what everyone has written above is that go with Direct TV? We are moving to the area and are reviewing our options. Does anyone have any recommendations for phone/internet bundles? Embarq seemed a little steep. Does anyone know if the cell phone reception for Sprint works well in the area?

Thank you! Very soon to be Crozet resident!

So … Crozetians – what are the best internet and cell phone providers?

I use Verizon (they have the best coverage in the Crozet/Charlottesville/Central Virginia area) and Comcast (who are mostly reliable but insanely, unnecessarily and unfortunately expensive).

From a Reader – Snowy Roads in Crozet

“I was wondering what other roads in Crozet do not get touched for a couple of days after snow ? Tabor, High and Park seem to be overlooked everytime. There have been at least 6 cars stuck on High Street since yesterday morning, most recently 2 of them at 4:00 this morning. I really wish VDOT would get on a faster ball for the back roads since the main roads have been cleared for a while.”

As an aside, Albemarle County Schools are closed tomorrow (2 February) and it looks like we’re going to have more snow tomorrow and this weekend. Stock up, people!

Continue reading “From a Reader – Snowy Roads in Crozet”

Crozet Twitter Updates – Brief Notes for 2010-01-31

Yancey Business Park

Charlottesville Tomorrow has a good rundown of Thursday’s meeting at the Field School about Yancey Industrial Park:

A spirited crowd of Crozet residents was on hand at a public forum Thursday to challenge the notion that western Albemarle is a prime location for expanded industrial development. The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors has asked for consideration of a new light industrial business park in the Crozet Master Plan’s first five-year update.

Here are a few of my questions:

– What businesses do they hope to bring to the Yancey Business Park? Who?

Yancey said many potential business owners have told him his family’s land would be an ideal location for them to locate because of its close access to I-64.

– What will be the cost to the County?

– What infrastructure will have to be improved? Who will pay for it?

– What assurances do the citizens have that this won’t be re-zoned in five years to commercial.

– How will this benefit the community?

– How will this harm the community?

Blockbuster Movies in Crozet

Well, only a kiosk.

A Blockbuster kiosk in Crozet

Blockbuster shut down their stores in CharlottesvilleRedbox is in the Harris Teeter … (even though Hollywood is working against Redbox) I can’t see myself paying (I didn’t before) $4 for a Comcast On-Demand movie now.

Thank you to the reader for pointing this out to me. If you ever have a tip or story idea, please let me know!

Update 31 January 2010:

Just a little bit more on Blockbuster’s kiosks, courtesy of Read Write Web: Blockbuster Kiosks: Still a Bad Idea

What will Livenation/Musictoday impact have on Crozet?

From the HooK:

… the Justice Department gave tentative approval today to the merger of Ticketmaster, the widely reviled concert ticket company, and to LiveNation, an entertainment conglomerate whose click-pack-and-ship division is headquartered in the Charlottesville-area community of Crozet and known as MusicToday.

Anybody wish to speculate? Or better yet, provide insightful knowledge?

Continue reading “What will Livenation/Musictoday impact have on Crozet?”

Could Open Space work in Crozet?

I’ve made no secret about how much I like Open Space in Charlottesville. While they are still trying to, in the words of a friend, “trying to find their soul” – seeking their own personality as it were, it’s a fantastic concept, and is a space I use as frequently as possible.

I’m a Realtor, so having a great space to work and meet clients is crucial, but not something I need every day.

My question is this – if there were an Open Space in Crozet – in Old Trail for example – would you use it?

What is Open Space Co-working?

For starters, it is going to be a place where I (others, too, but I’m really looking forward to this space) will be able to rent time to work in an aesthetically pleasing, architecturally designed professional workspace populated by fellow creative professionals, many of whom I suspect will either be fellow entrepreneurs or telecommuters who live in Charlottesville and work in other parts of the country or world.

For years, the Charlottesville area (really Central Virginia) has been a destination location; I think that OpenSpace fills a void.

Or, from the co-working wiki:

Coworking is cafe-like community/collaboration space for developers, writers and independents.

Or, it’s like this: start with a shared office and add cafe culture. Which is the opposite of most modern cafes. ?

Right now, lacking a physical office outside of home, I spend an inordinate amount of time in coffee shops … but coffee shops don’t have quiet spaces to meet with clients as well as talk on the phone or Skype. Take some of the people from coffee shops, provide a cool space with conference rooms, Apple displays, great lighting (and coffee, hopefully) – and the possibilities are pretty exciting.

I’ll have access to all of the above – and more – in OpenSpace.

So there you have it – a beautiful office space, rentable by the hour or in bulk.

I see this as being yet another way that Crozet may becoming self-sufficient.

Take a look at some photos of the Charlottesville Open Space.

What do you think? Would you use it?

Update: the GetOpenSpace blog has an interesting story this morning.

More and more people are choosing to work away from the traditional office. Today’s technology makes this easier by allowing us to stay fully connected almost anywhere we roam.

This new breed of worker has been lingoed: a “nomad”, the “mobile worker”, or “worker in limbo”. The word on the street is that about 23% of the U.S. do their jobs outside of the office and this number is on the rise.

Crozet Twitter Updates – Brief Notes for 2010-01-24

  • Stop in front of Great Valu, buy a cupcake & donate some money for Haiti #
  • The most reasoned comment I’ve seen about the WAHS student accused of threatening classmates – #
  • Brownsville Elementary students holding a bake sale tomorrow for #Haiti #
  • RT @JimDuncan: Great meeting at @trailsidecoffee this morning. Little one had her own “play meeting”. Grateful Crozet has such a place #
  • RT @ GuyKawasaki Poll: 81% support medical marijuana legalization [Virginia has a bill for this ] #
  • @DoloresMaireRog I’d be willing to pay slightly higher taxes if I trusted the gov’t to spend it one what I wanted. But, I don’t trust them. in reply to DoloresMaireRog #
  • Crozet Library might close? #
  • RT @hanchettjim: New Alb. county report: massive Acme bldg in Crozet only 4 yrs into 10 yr enviro clean-up…more on CBS19 at 5. #
  • RT @rprav8r: PS Crozet pharmacy is awesome & totally unfazed by baby vomit.Had cleanup crew all over me, baby & floor within seconds #
  • Big milestone achieved today. 4 of last 5 stories on written/submitted by readers. #
  • Crozet efforts for Haiti – #
  • @BSBIAssociates Do you have more information on the PIedmont Senior Living/The Lodge in Crozet you can share? in reply to BSBIAssociates #

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