What’s the Future of the Crozet Farmer’s Market?

I hear that the main coordinator has moved out of Crozet and there is no one running the farmer’s ship. It would be devastatingly sad if this were left to “wither away” as someone recently said to me.

So the questions are –

1 – Is anyone running the Crozet Farmer’s Market? If so, who? When do you open?

2 – If no one is coordinating now, is there anyone willing to step up? Crozetians will support the farmer’s market.

** note that this is a story based on one email back and forth; I’d love to post a correction/clarification/update **

Related stories from RealCrozetVA:

Crozet Farmer’s Market – linking to a wonderful story from Life in Sugar Hollow

Crozet Farmer’s Market – Fresh Veggies, Organic Food and more

Help the Crozet Farmer’s Market

Update 31 March 2010:

WCAV has a story today … thanks for picking up this story!

With the warm weather arriving, farmers markets are beginning to open.
The Charlottesville market opens this weekend, but the future of another popular market could be in jeopardy.

Every summer, about 10 local farmers and vendors fill a church parking lot in downtown Crozet with their goods.

“I’ll be driving into work one morning, and I’ll see all the tents set up, and I know it’s time to go over and start getting my produce from there,” said Mark Cosgrove, chef and owner of Fardowners.

The tradition could change. Vendors said they can only hope the market will start the first Saturday in May. The organizer is stepping down, and someone needs to take her place.

The problem is a new leader hasn’t been chosen yet.

Update: I’m assuming this is the Local Harvest site Janet mentions in the comments.

WAHS Losing Teachers, Crozet Getting Federal Money, More Crozet Twitter Updates

  • Just learned that WAHS is losing 7 *core* teachers. That’s not good. #
  • Sweet. First U-6 soccer games are on today! And it’s darn chilly, too! #
  • RT @SMCCville: A Facebook “LIKE” button for the entire web universe coming? http://bit.ly/bBt0KG #
  • Could Crozet getting federal money for its streetscaping project? http://bit.ly/d3Z0cU What about the library? #
  • RT @RBWMOM: The Biscuit Shack, Crozet, http://przd.com/tGQwE-TQ0xz #
  • RT @CrozetGazette: There is a benefit at the Cville Moose Lodge for Jesse tomorrow http://bit.ly/9eNwL3 @ABrement #
  • RT @ABrement: @realcrozetva Is there any online info about the benefit for Jesse? [no idea. yet] #
  • Benefit for Jesse. Call 996-5887 for more information. #
  • Love working out of the Crozet Mudhouse this morning. #
  • Where are the Summer jobs for kids in Crozet? #
  • Just took the little one to Crozet elementary; saw a 1st or 2nd grader w/ travel coffee cup. I hopw she was drinking juice. 🙂 #
  • RT @PiedmontHousing: Work in Crozet but can’t afford to live there? PHA is stepping up homebuyer counseling & resources for Crozet workforce #
  • RT @haminga: Police are out and active in Crozet this morning – drive slow! #crozet #
  • I built a garden in my backyard this weekend. http://bit.ly/c9Z4PA #

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Crozet Trails Update

Greetings Crozet enthusiasts and trail lovers,

It has been a winter to remember. Perhaps some of you had a chance to try out your dusty cross-country skiis around town. Now that Spring has arrived, we’d like to delve back into the Crozet Trails and Greenways endeavor. Some of you had a chance to meet with Dan Mahon and I at the Crozet Mudhouse in the fall. We discussed future trail routes, existing trail beginnings, and the need for a dedicated group of volunteers to both build and help plan the Crozet trail system.

We hope that those of you who are interested will be able to attend one or both of the following get-togethers:

1. April 3rd (Saturday)Beaver Creek Reservoir parking area- 8:30am– We will walk the existing trail, discuss what needs to be done to complete the trail (clearing, grading, building benches, signs, drainage systems, etc.),and plan a training session for trail builders. Wear good walking shoes. Email me with any questions about this event.

2. April 8th (Thursday) – Crozet Mudhouse- 6pm — For the Crozet Trail project to work, we will need organizers as well as builders. Brains and brawn. And of course, we encourage folks to be on both “teams” if you are interested. We would like to establish a monthly meeting in order to discuss progress, issues, and strategies. At the April 8th meeting, we will talk about ideas for acquiring a logo, various representatives, a school liasion, and any other planning topics that come up. We heard some good ideas at the meeting in the fall and would like to follow-up with some of those. Email me if you have any questions or suggestions for this event.

I look forward to meeting and reconnecting with those of you who are interested in working to make the Crozet Trails project come to life.

Jessica Mauzy (working with Dan Mahon, Albemarle County Trails and Greenways Planner)

Thanks For Helping Jesse

From a commenter:

“The bake sale for Jesse on the 14th raised $1,350!! Thanks to everyone who stopped by…we had shoppers waiting for us at 12:30 when we arrived to set up and we stayed until 6:15 and sold it all! Jesse was very touched and appreciative, so thank you, everyone.”

Crozet Twitter Updates – Brief Notes for 2010-03-21

  • What’s going on at Crozet Park? It’s a bit early to be talking on the loudspeakers this morning. Please stop. #
  • @MudhouseCrozet if you had some chocolate croissants, we’d be there asap! in reply to MudhouseCrozet #
  • It’s Walk to School day at Crozet Elementary. Pit-stop at the halfway point at the Mudhouse. #
  • Watch out for police b/t exit 118 & 107 (Crozet). #
  • RT @TessOrtega: Mailed Census today. Very interested to see how the demographics for Crozet have changed over the last 10 yrs. #
  • RT @mistycamp: I posted 101 photos on Facebook in the album “CROZET MUSIC FESTIVAL 2009” http://bit.ly/dtGYY2 #
  • RT @jabacares: Mountainside Senior Living (Crozet) holds its beauty pageant tonight at 7PM. Should be a fun! #
  • RT @shannoneyedoc: Looking forward to the Crozet Business Networking Meeting today at 11:30 AM http://bit.ly/cGw0V5 [I’m missing it again] #
  • @Ebvalentine I don’t know about them being on their last legs, but a commenter succinctly stated the situation – http://bit.ly/at27n8 in reply to Ebvalentine #
  • RT @cvilletomorrow: Supervisor Rooker encourages Crozet Library to move forward in favorable bid market if we can (cont) http://tl.gd/gspkn #
  • RT @cvilletomorrow: Sup Mallek reviewing implications on Albemarle’s capital budget if Crozet Library is funded in part by fed earmark #
  • On the way back from the gym tonight there were lots of deer on 240. Be careful out there! #
  • RT @GoodwinCreek: If you are in Crozet stop by Fardowners and order a burger. #
  • Stopped by Great Valu & got some sweets at the bake sale. There seemed to be more employees than customers at the store. Sad. #
  • Riding my bike to show two houses yesterday in Crozet – http://bit.ly/c24UjT #

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Crozet Real Estate Market Update – March 15 2010

I’m planning on providing brief market updates on the Crozet real estate market, hopefully every Monday … I don’t want to nor do I intend to detract from the focus of RealCrozetVA, which is the Crozet community, but I do get asked a lot of questions about the market and I’d like to answer some of those.

See all the reports on the Crozet real estate market here.

I’m looking forward to seeing how these charts change as we move towards the second quarter of 2010.

Medium Chart

Continue reading “Crozet Real Estate Market Update – March 15 2010”

Spaghetti Dinner to Benefit Mountainside Senior Living – 19 March 2010

From a comment:

Please help support Mountainside Senior Living in downtown Crozet. Mountainside is home to 106 of our elderly, most of whom grew up in our area. The assisted living facility is operated by JABA, a not for profit , local organization. State and county funding plays a big part in keeping the standards high. These funds are in danger of being reduced with current budget work so donations and fund raisers become all the more important. I volunteer at Mountainside and can speak first hand of the quality of care given our seniors, many of whom are low income and dependent on the support Mountainside provides them.

There will be a spaghetti dinner this Friday, March 19, from 6-8 p.m. at Western Albemarle High School. All proceeds will go directly to Mountainside.

The menu is as follows:

.Spaghetti (meat or meatless sauce)
.Green Beans
.Dessert Choice
$7.00 per person (small children eat free).

Thanks for the support !!


Crozet Business Networking Group – 16 March 2010

Our next meeting is tomorrow at 11:30 AM (NOTE TIME CHANGE) at the Old Trail Clubhouse. Dr. Bryce Jackson (Connections Chiropractic) and Rick Moore (Emcompass Therapy) will be discussing/demonstrating “Springtime Ergonomics.” If you don’t know what that is, you better be there! 🙂 Hope to see you there!

Get Involved in Crozet’s Growth/Progress/Way of Life

Here’s your chance to put your money/time/effort where your mouth is –

Crozet Community Advisory Committee:  Five vacancies.  Do you want to get involved in your community? Are you interested in working on issues that impact the future of Crozet? Consider applying for a position on the Crozet Community Advisory Council. Albemarle County has several openings on the Crozet Community Advisory Council (CCAC), a 15-member volunteer advisory committee appointed by the Board of Supervisors that provides assistance to County staff and the Board on civic and community issues related to implementation of the Crozet Master Plan. The CCAC contributes to public understanding of and support for Master Plan implementation through enhanced communication and collaboration among all Crozet community stakeholders, and seeks to identify, communicate and collaborate with unrepresented stakeholder groups.   CCAC membership is broad-based to incorporate a variety of perspectives and ideas and to provide citizens, businesspersons and representatives of active community groups a chance to be engaged and heard in a constructive and meaningful way. The CCAC meets on the third Thursday of each month from 7:00-9:00 p.m. at The Meadows Community Center in Crozet.  Application deadline is Wednesday, March 24, 2010.

Application forms and information may be obtained from the Clerk’s Office, Board of County Supervisors, Fourth Floor, County Office Building, 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, VA, between 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M., Monday – Friday. Applications are also available on-line. Telephone:   (434) 296-5843 (434) 296-5843 .