An Animal Wellness Center on 240?

You may have seen Sign #36 on 240 between the Cemetery and Tabor …

This is what it’s for:

PROJECT: SP 2008-009 Animal Wellness Center PROPOSED: Veterinary Clinic for small animals ZONING CATEGORY/GENERAL USAGE: C-1 Commercial – retail sales and service uses; and residential use by special use permit (15 units/ acre) SECTION: 22.2.2(5) Veterinary office and hospital; 5.1.11 Commercial Kennel, Veterinary Service, Office Or Hospital, Animal Hospital, Animal Shelter COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE/DENSITY: Community of Crozet, CT5 Neighborhood Center in the Crozet Master Plan which allows for a mix of uses and residential types at net densities of up to 12 units per acre; up to 18 units per acre if in a mixed use setting and CT 1 Development Area Preserve. ENTRANCE CORRIDOR: Yes LOCATION: 1100 Crozet Avenue/Route 240, approx. 400 feet south of the intersection of Jarmans Gap Road and Crozet Avenue TAX MAP/PARCEL: 056A2-01-00-00700 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: White Hall

Brief Notes for 2009-08-02

  • Had my first closing delayed thanks to the new lender Disclosure laws. Sweet. #
  • RT @cvilletomorrow: RT @DailyProgress: Crozet leaders ask county to advance historic district #
  • WTF-Neighbor's car stolen from their driveway last night/this am in Crozet – Blue Honda Civic – JSY-1778 #
  • RT @haminga: Excited Old Crozet School registration opening soon-the list of classes looks great! #

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Stolen Car in Crozet

After the recent break-ins in Crozet, one would think that the criminals would move on … lamentably, my neighbor’s car was stolen last night/early this morning.

If anyone sees a blue Honda Civic, license plate JSY-1778,

 please call Albemarle County Police – 434-296-5807 or Crimestoppers – 434-977-4000 – or 911 if you see the car around town..

Update 02 August 2009: The car is back in the owners’ possession, “with everything in it and not a scratch on it.” Hoorary!

Brief Notes for 2009-07-26

  • RT @mudhousecoffee: Mudhouse Crozet Grand Opening :This Saturday! Festivities begin around noon…details coming soon from @mudhousecrozet #
  • Just posted on my local blog about car break-ins. It's a shame & a reminder that there are bad people out there #
  • If you're in Crozet and your car was broken into, please let me know. Maybe @dailyprogress or @robdavis or @hanchettjim can help #
  • RT @seantubbs: Does anybody in Charlottesville deliver beer? How expensive would this be? #
  • Really bothered by the break-ins into cars last night. Apparently a gold-colored Kia might be involved? #
  • Just so you know – curbside recycling that doesn't have to be separated by me is awesome. #
  • RT @ABrement: Looking at daycare centers in Crozet /W'bro!Anyone have recommendations for Waynesboro?Any feedback on Victory Hill in Crozet? #
  • RT @crozette: Looking forward to the Crozet Business Networking Lunch today [wish I could make it today] #
  • Interesting conversation about Old Trail's Grand Opening – #
  • Finally finished my post for @agentgenius. Part 1 of 2. Scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. #
  • RT @ChilesPeachOrch: Went to @mudhousecrozet yesterday and @trailsidecoffee today! It's great to have these options in Crozet. Go Local! #
  • Trailside Coffee – it's open! #

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Brief Notes for 2009-07-19

  • Crozet pool is very quiet today. Due to the Old Trail pool being open? #
  • If anyone's taking pictures of the Old Trail Town Center opening today, please put them on flickr tagged with "crozet" #
  • Intense storm in Crozet right now. Wind & sideways driving rain. Hope the power stays on long enough to finish cooking dinner! #
  • Crazy sideways rain in Crozet right now. Wind and rain. Where's the hail? #
  • Why do we have gov't when we have Google? #
  • @RoamingVA Starr Hill's brewery is in Crozet. Tours on Saturday, growlers & merch. Blue Mountain is tremendous in reply to RoamingVA #
  • @RoamingVA Fardowner's restaurant – Good food, beer, Starr Hill & Blue Mtn Breweries, Mudhouse & Trailside Coffee (Green House coming soon) in reply to RoamingVA #
  • RT @RoamingVA: What's the perfect compliment to all that wine I've been writing about recently? Pizza, Crozet Pizza! #
  • RT @hanchettjim: Old Trail prez tells me Old Trail pool opens tomorrow to everyone through the weekend. No charge. #
  • Old Trail Pool's opening this weekend, as is the Old Trail Town Center. #
  • Did an interview with Green House Coffee, should be up early next – #
  • @va_longhorn What's going on at the Crozet ACAC? in reply to va_longhorn #

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Brief Notes for 2009-07-12

  • Back from showing houses all day. Expected 150 miles, drove 160. Might have found a house for my clients, too! #
  • RT @petermcarey: RT @CrozetGazette: Crozet Mudhouse has opened their doors! [hoo-ray!] #
  • Just so you know the FHA appraisal & challenge process is impossible. Would love to talk to someone offline about strategies for challenges #
  • RT @ChilesPeachOrch: The new Mudhouse in Crozet bought some peaches yesterday to make some yummy treats. Should open any day now! #
  • Crozet Mudhouse – coming very soon – #
  • RT @ABrement: Saw someone get pulled over by undercover cop on Jarman's Gap Rd in Crozet today. Stay at 25 mph! #
  • RT @hanchettjim: Thick fog in Crozet this morning. Can't see the mountain. #

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Brief Notes for 2009-07-12

  • Back from showing houses all day. Expected 150 miles, drove 160. Might have found a house for my clients, too! #
  • RT @petermcarey: RT @CrozetGazette: Crozet Mudhouse has opened their doors! [hoo-ray!] #
  • Just so you know the FHA appraisal & challenge process is impossible. Would love to talk to someone offline about strategies for challenges #
  • RT @ChilesPeachOrch: The new Mudhouse in Crozet bought some peaches yesterday to make some yummy treats. Should open any day now! #
  • Crozet Mudhouse – coming very soon – #
  • RT @ABrement: Saw someone get pulled over by undercover cop on Jarman's Gap Rd in Crozet today. Stay at 25 mph! #
  • RT @hanchettjim: Thick fog in Crozet this morning. Can't see the mountain. #

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Brief Notes for 2009-07-05

  • RT @rprav8r: The rumors are true – crozet acac not opening till the fall (or later). #
  • Just so you know, the new Mudhouse space is fantastic. #
  • Meeting buyer clients at Fardownders; parking lot is FULL. Anticipation of @mudhousecoffee? #
  • RT @petermcarey1: where's the free wifi in Crozet? [Fardowners, Old Trail clubhouse, soon Mudhouse in the Square & Trailside Coffee in OTV] #
  • @gingergermani I really thought Crozet would have fireworks this year. That's what you get for assuming. in reply to gingergermani #
  • Fireworks canceled in Crozet. (discuss at RealCrozetVA) #
  • Grilled cheeses were cold and slow at Otto's tonight, but their new cinnamon things are great! #
  • RT @sajego: @xtopher1974 That's my problem 🙂 Didn't know you knew the area. I wish wish wish there was a Bodo's in Crozet! 🙂 [amen!] #
  • mudhouse #
  • RT @SallyGolf: Cap and Trade protest-Tom Perriello's Charlottesville office 313 2nd St. SE Ste. 12 Thursday 7/2 4 pm Bring some attitude! #

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Brief Notes for 2009-06-28

  • Strictly from a housing point of view, Title II -Building Efficiency of Clean Energy & Security bill -is bad. Very bad. #
  • Shame there were no fireworks yesterday. What happened? #
  • Fireworks at 10:30 tonight? You'd think more people would know about it. #
  • Anyone taking photos of the parade today, please upload to flickr and tag with "crozet"! #
  • Heard a credible account of the Crozet Mountain Lion attacking a pony.Wish I had time to follow up w/ Albemarle Cnty Police & Animal Control #
  • @globedope @LarryHuffman The Crozet tunnel in reply to globedope #
  • "We all knew he was bringing hope & change …" Jon Stewart *rips* Obama for his "transparency" -Anyone paying attn? #
  • Question from a visitor: "does anyone know how to get to the western entrance of the crozet tunnel by Waynesboro?" #
  • Reading: Google Wave Goodbye Real Estate Brokerage As We Know It? #
  • RT @cvilletomorrow: We just posted our 1,000 entry on our News Center. Now we look forward to the next 1,000. [THANK YOU and Congrats!] #
  • Back on Seesmic for now. Tweetdeck is fantastic. Each has benefits. #
  • RT @hodgesmyers: Mudhouse in Crozet on home stretch… Happy owner. — Woo-hoo! I can't wait! #
  • The swim meet is *still* going on at Crozet Pool! There are worse things we could be listening to though 🙂 #
  • @gingergermani I'm working on whether there will be fireworks and will post shortly #
  • RT @cvillepiefest: 100 days until the Pie Fest!Interested in baking?Or judging?
    Otherwise lending a hand? #
  • Fireworks in Crozet this weekend? Anybody? #
  • Old Trail Town Center grand opening on 18 July. Fingers crossed! #
  • Looking at yet another foreclosure in Crozet – this one in Waylands Grant. Link coming soon. #
  • RT @JimDuncan: Crozet Volunteer Fire Dept. Car Show sign – – I like how this marketing is useful in our small town #
  • @BeeRealty I've blocked about 25 "people" in the past 36 hours. Frustrating. #dang in reply to BeeRealty #
  • Crozet Volunteer Fire Dept. Car Show sign – – I like how this marketing is useful in our small town #
  • Putting in a new listing, blocking lots of Twitter spammers this morning. #
  • RT @edmj: Just saw a big adult black bear crossing I-64 halfway between Richmond and Charlottesville. That was a surprise! — #

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Brief Notes for 2009-06-21

  • A beautiful evening in Crozet. Finally the humidity is gone! #
  • @ryancordell Yep – Crozet Pool was closed due to a pump's breakage. It was very salty this evening, and cloudy. in reply to ryancordell #
  • RT @julenesque: Dear newcomers, Crozet does not need a walmart. or a mall. [That's why we go to Waynesboro 🙂 ] #
  • RT @cvillepiefest Saturday, October 3. Crozet Mudhouse. Pass it on! — woo-hoo! #
  • RT @juphoff: @JimDuncan Agreed on @eatateppies chicken & dumplings. YUM! — I'd say it's good business to host Tweetups, too. 🙂 #
  • There's a townhouse foreclosure in Old Trail – $190k. If you're curious about how it's priced in context, @ or DM me. #
  • I'd love *anyone* to write a post for RealCrozetVA about tonight's Crozet Community Advisory Meeting. Please? #
  • RT @ancym: oh my! RT @cvillepiefest Whoo-hoo! WINA AM 1070 and Coy Barefoot have volunteered to broadcast the festivities live! — sweet! #
  • @nhaffey click on the wrench in the top right, then the accounts tab. Ensure you have the newest version, too. Seesmic-v-Tweetdeck is fierce in reply to nhaffey #
  • slowly but surely coming back to life. It's good enough for now, I think. Suggestions welcome. #
  • Cville & Crozet folks – just saw Mary Rice at Great Valu,says people don't know about the Crozet Master plan. Take it! #
  • Yes, I know RealCrozetVA is down. Blue Ridge Internetworks are working on it. They rock. #
  • @JonathanK To paraphrase GI Joe – "being there is half the battle" 🙂 in reply to JonathanK #
  • Major blog issues with RealCrozetVA. #
  • RT @younganna: So so jealous of #mudhouse crozet. Srsly. — curious -what about it? #
  • RT @CrozetGazette: Announcing the Crozet Gazette 2010 Calendar PHOTO CONTEST! — Sweet. #
  • Getting ready to go to the Crozet business networking coffee meeting @TrailsideCoffee #

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