Crozet Twitter Updates – Brief Notes for 2010-05-16

Crozet Twitter Updates – Brief Notes for 2010-05-09

Crozet Twitter Updates – Brief Notes for 2010-05-02

Crozet Twitter Updates – Brief Notes for 2010-04-25

  • RT @juphoff: amused at Crozet Mudhouse laptop scoreboard: 7 Macs, a Linux ThinkPad (me), and only 1 MS Windows box (a Dell). #
  • Who has the Crozet Farmer’s Market signs? Bueller? Bueller? #
  • RT @CVilleKim: Happy that McCauley Refuse Service in Crozet is now including recycling. [it’s about time! (no pun intended)] #
  • RT @JimDuncan: @trailsidecoffee‘s “curbside” service is saving me crucial time this morning. Awesome. #
  • #Crozet real estate market update – #
  • RT @JimDuncan: RT @CVilleKim: Crozet School and Office Supply: so nice to work with a locally owned business. [Really nice people, too!] #
  • Does Crozet *really* need to add bike lanes? #

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Crozet Twitter Updates – Brief Notes for 2010-04-11

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Crozet Twitter Updates – Brief Notes for 2010-04-04

  • RT @bharathc: Sugar Hollow in Crozet,VA. Beautiful outside, allergies be damned! What can't wine cure? #
  • @juphoff Hey, now. We love our @MudhouseCrozet . in reply to juphoff #
  • A great day to coach soccer. Then show. Then leave. #
  • I'm going to say the heavy equipment making noise this morning is a sign of the economy moving. Otherwise, it's aggravating. #
  • RT @1070WINA: First Two Phases Completed At Crozet Meadows Apartments #
  • @trailsidecoffee has been streaming people for the past 45 minutes. Busy is good. #
  • Please don't block the intersection at Western and Old Trail. #
  • Home sales in Crozet seem to have doubled YoY. #
  • RT @JimDuncan: Morning at the Crozet Mudhouse #
  • @TessOrtega Amazingly, the train has been my clients' nemesis while trying to sell their home. in reply to TessOrtega #
  • RT @JimDuncan Welcome to Crozet (signs) [which entrance sign do you like?] #
  • @trailsidecoffee is making Old Trail look good. Tremendous service & ice cream for my clients! #
  • RT @brbs: Ok, One Saturday only, On Saturday, April 10, the first 50 customers to spend $100 or more get a FREE Crozet CommuniTee T-Shirt! #
  • RT @CBS19: [NEWS] Without Leader, Crozet Farmers Market Could Be in Jeopardy #
  • RT @MudhouseCrozet: Tea party to go!! We've got a new line of tea cookies [and they are *delicious*!] #
  • Damn proud of one of my classmates at VMI – #
  • RT @mgw68: @realcrozetva totally enjoyed my blueberry spudnuts and Elephant Chai. Thanks Cville Concierge for donut transport to Trailside #
  • Does anyone know what's going on with the Crozet Farmer's Market? #
  • Be careful, Crozetians. It seems there are lots of new teenage drivers out there this Spring. #crozet #
  • Crozet crash – #
  • RT @bradramsey: – The calm after the storm in Crozet [I loved the storm last night!] #
  • Anyone on Jarman's Gap who received the letter from VDOT willing to share it with me? jim @ #
  • @trailsidecoffee Thanks for the great coffee today! Fresh flowers for sale are a great addition. What *don't* y'all do? in reply to trailsidecoffee #
  • RT @trailsidecoffee: Spudnuts today…fresh local organic flowers for sale, Bali blue moon, Malawi dark and Peru on tap today! #
  • Correction: if I hadn't waited nearly 10 minutes and *then* have guy call on guy who had just walked in, I'd have patience. #
  • Two mornings in a row I've been disappointed with mudhouse's interminable slowness. Part of it is me, but only a small part. #
  • RT @SuzySaidCville: But…Suzy's Night Out in Crozet will be a great way to start it off! #
  • Proof one person can make a difference: one slow car causes 50 cars to go slowly on 250 into C'ville #

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WAHS Losing Teachers, Crozet Getting Federal Money, More Crozet Twitter Updates

  • Just learned that WAHS is losing 7 *core* teachers. That’s not good. #
  • Sweet. First U-6 soccer games are on today! And it’s darn chilly, too! #
  • RT @SMCCville: A Facebook “LIKE” button for the entire web universe coming? #
  • Could Crozet getting federal money for its streetscaping project? What about the library? #
  • RT @RBWMOM: The Biscuit Shack, Crozet, #
  • RT @CrozetGazette: There is a benefit at the Cville Moose Lodge for Jesse tomorrow @ABrement #
  • RT @ABrement: @realcrozetva Is there any online info about the benefit for Jesse? [no idea. yet] #
  • Benefit for Jesse. Call 996-5887 for more information. #
  • Love working out of the Crozet Mudhouse this morning. #
  • Where are the Summer jobs for kids in Crozet? #
  • Just took the little one to Crozet elementary; saw a 1st or 2nd grader w/ travel coffee cup. I hopw she was drinking juice. 🙂 #
  • RT @PiedmontHousing: Work in Crozet but can’t afford to live there? PHA is stepping up homebuyer counseling & resources for Crozet workforce #
  • RT @haminga: Police are out and active in Crozet this morning – drive slow! #crozet #
  • I built a garden in my backyard this weekend. #

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Crozet Twitter Updates – Brief Notes for 2010-03-21

  • What’s going on at Crozet Park? It’s a bit early to be talking on the loudspeakers this morning. Please stop. #
  • @MudhouseCrozet if you had some chocolate croissants, we’d be there asap! in reply to MudhouseCrozet #
  • It’s Walk to School day at Crozet Elementary. Pit-stop at the halfway point at the Mudhouse. #
  • Watch out for police b/t exit 118 & 107 (Crozet). #
  • RT @TessOrtega: Mailed Census today. Very interested to see how the demographics for Crozet have changed over the last 10 yrs. #
  • RT @mistycamp: I posted 101 photos on Facebook in the album “CROZET MUSIC FESTIVAL 2009” #
  • RT @jabacares: Mountainside Senior Living (Crozet) holds its beauty pageant tonight at 7PM. Should be a fun! #
  • RT @shannoneyedoc: Looking forward to the Crozet Business Networking Meeting today at 11:30 AM [I’m missing it again] #
  • @Ebvalentine I don’t know about them being on their last legs, but a commenter succinctly stated the situation – in reply to Ebvalentine #
  • RT @cvilletomorrow: Supervisor Rooker encourages Crozet Library to move forward in favorable bid market if we can (cont) #
  • RT @cvilletomorrow: Sup Mallek reviewing implications on Albemarle’s capital budget if Crozet Library is funded in part by fed earmark #
  • On the way back from the gym tonight there were lots of deer on 240. Be careful out there! #
  • RT @GoodwinCreek: If you are in Crozet stop by Fardowners and order a burger. #
  • Stopped by Great Valu & got some sweets at the bake sale. There seemed to be more employees than customers at the store. Sad. #
  • Riding my bike to show two houses yesterday in Crozet – #

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Crozet Twitter Updates – Brief Notes for 2010-03-14

  • Riding my bike to show two houses in Crozet. I’m glad spring is almost here! #
  • RT @TessOrtega: Baking for Bake Sale for Jesse at the Great Valu on Sunday 1-5pm.There should be some great treats so come on out to Crozet #
  • RT @likeglue: realizing how much i missed people in charlottesville. drive out to crozet made me so ready for summer. #
  • At Starr Hill, tasting a few beverages. They’re quite busy. #
  • Somehow the kids are walking without the benefit of sidewalks. Amazing. Ground-breaking. /sarcasm #
  • Saw two kids walking to WAHS from Old Trail this morning. While sitting the the ill-timed light. 2 is a good start. #
  • @Fardowners Welcome to Twitter! Thanks for being Crozet’s pub! in reply to Fardowners #
  • A community garden in Crozet? #
  • Amazing how confusing the 4-way stop is for some. Honking, near-collision this morning. Fun to be a pedestrian #
  • Walked my kid to school tihs morning; this is what we saw – #crozet #
  • Weather’s nice. Walking the small one to school. #
  • Anytime Fitness was surprisingly busy tonight. #
  • Sputdnuts are in Crozet. Woot. #
  • Crozet real estate market data update – as of 8 March 2010 – #
  • RT @willtownes: Great band “Naughty dynamic and the design” playing at fardowners restaurant in crozet. #cville [one day I’ll make it out] #

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