- It saddens me that liability has to be discussed re: railroads in Crozet. “Don’t let a train sneak up on you” seems sufficient advice #
- RT @Rullmania: Taking video of lightning is hard! Here is a storm in Crozet tonight: http://tinyurl.com/2ac8p5z. [very cool] #
- RT @centofante: House across the street just got hit by lighning! Hole in the side just where the roof meets [wow!] #
- The fencing of Crozet’s Square – http://bit.ly/dyus55 #
- RT @CBS19: Crews at The Square in Crozet sent back this picture of the railroad company blocking off parking – http://twitpic.com/1nqurv #
- Registration for Crozet Pool’s swim team starts this weekend – http://bit.ly/adKGpW #
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