Restore N Station *Does* Need a Special Use Permit

Basically, Ron Higgins’ determination has been negated and the current status of the RestoreNStation is that it is still denied and must/may proceed with the Special Use Permit process.

From the letter: (bolding in the letter)

This determination supercedes the August 19, 2010 determination, which is hereby withdrawn.

It is my determination, after careful review of the information in your July 21, 2010 memorandum, the pertinent sections of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance and further discussions with Albemarle County Officials, that the proposed Re-Store N’ Station continues to require a special use permit for water consumption in accordance with County Code …

See the PDF after the break. Continue reading “Restore N Station *Does* Need a Special Use Permit”

Crozet Trails Crew gets Noticed

Good. From today’s Daily Progress: (follow along or contact the Crozet Trails crew via their blog)

The Crozet Trails Crew — one of numerous local groups of its kind — has about eight to 10 regulars, and Mauzy hopes that number grows.
“Once we start working on the trails that really connect the community … I feel like that’s what’s really going to bring folks out,” Mauzy said. “When they have a safe route where they can ride their bikes with their kids on a Sunday, or on a Saturday morning to the farmers market in downtown Crozet, I think that’s going to do wonders for the community.”

The Scottsville Trails Group, Charlottesville Area Mountain Bike Club, Virginia Master Naturalists and Neighbors of our Parks are also among regular volunteer groups. The Rivanna Trails Foundation, Rivanna Conservation Society and the Appalachian Trail Club also work to provide trails in the county.

Mauzy and county leaders say workers are focused on building a system in which many trails connect. Some Crozet residents also hope to have, eventually, a trail system that connects Crozet to Charlottesville.

Better to do it ourselves than depend on the government.

Also – they are looking for a local school liaison. Volunteers wanted.

    More on the Crozet Library

    Update 10 February:

    Ann Mallek writes that the meeting tonight is questionable due to the weather. Make sure you check before you go.

    From the CrozetEagle listserv:

    Many of you may not know that the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors has spoken about closing Scottsville Library and our own Crozet Library. Due to budget constraints, they say there is not enough money for these libraries. It has been shown that the cost of running the libraries in Albemarle County is well below the other areas in Virginia. Also the Crozet Library has increased their volume of circulation over the last 2 years. As you know, once they do close this library, it is very likely we will not get another one – new or old back into this area.

    Please help us save our local library! They are trying to brainstorm ideas of how we can help save the library. Right now due to weather conditions, they are not having a library meeting scheduled. But, there is a Board of Supervisors meeting on Wednesday Feb. 10th. Anyone who wishes, can go and sign up to speak out for the library.

    We also have petitions to sign against closure put out at Crozet Pharmacy, Crozet Hardware Store, Mudhouse and the Post Office. I will try to put out more petitions as weather clears. Also there is a website I have created for people to post on and I am sending these to Board of . Please forward this info to anyone you can! On this website is a calendar for future events. If we can get the weather to co-operate, I will try again to post new dates for any meetings.
    Continue reading “More on the Crozet Library”