Folk Festival in Crozet – 25 October 2009

From a reader:*

Crozet Baptist invites you to come hear great acoustic music Sunday, October 25. We are having our annual Fall Festival but this year besides Brunswick stew, cider pressing, and great kids activities we are adding a Folk Music Festival.

We are thrilled to bring a Virginia favorite, Robbie Schaefer (of Eddie from Ohio) to our part of town. He’ll bring two sets of music, the first at 4:30 featuring music from his children’s cd Songs for Kids Like Us, and then at 7:00 he’ll share his exceptional music and lyrics from his two cds In the Flesh and Strange and Lovely World.

But wait, there’s more, local faves Jan Smith and Scuffletown will also be performing – Scuffletown from 5:15 on our outdoor stage and Jan at 6:30 opening for Robbie. How much, you may ask, would one have to pay to have so much fun? Nada, zilcho, zero, come, be our guests! For directions check us out on the web: –street address, 5804 St. George Avenue, Crozet, Virginia 22932!

* Editor’s note: Thank you for the reader-submitted stories. We’ve had more reader-generated stories in the past month than we had in the first three years!

Crozet Business Networking Forum – 20 October 2009

The next Crozet Business Networking Group meeting will be Tuesday, October 20th at 8:30 AM at the Old Trail Clubhouse. Our speaker will be Bill Gilliland with Action Coaching. His topic is hiring the right team members. Look forward to seeing you there and as always please invite other Crozet Business owners to join us!

Also, don’t forget about the Crozet Health Fair and 1 mile Family Fun Walk/Run on October 18th 2-5 at Crozet Baptist Church. The Crozet Business Networking Group is sponsoring this so please help pass the word!!! Over 20 health care providers, free screenings, children’s activities including a moonbounce. Put it on your facebook, twitter, etc. pages! You can cut and paste the information below:

First Annual Crozet Health Fair, Sunday, October 18th from 2-5 at Crozet Baptist Church. Over 20 healthcare providers offering free screenings, massage, and health information. Kid’s activities including crafts and a moonbounce. 1 mile Family… Fun Run/Walk starts off the fair with healthy activity! Lectures about nutrition, stress management, and first aid. Bring your whole family to… Keep Crozet Healthy!

Pink Day in Crozet – 17 October 2009

As a part of the October activities for National Breast Cancer Awareness Month (NBCAM), Marcia McGee, owner of Trailside Coffee, is leading the first Virginia-based “Pink Tulip Project Garden” located in Old Trail Village, Crozet, Virginia. Originally started in Maine, the Pink Tulip Project raises funds for breast cancer research through the creation of pink tulip gardens and the purchase of pink tulip bulbs. (

Pink Day, October 17th, will allow community members from across the Commonwealth to order tulip bulbs for the Project Gardens in Old Trail Village. These gardens, planted in public view for everyone’s enjoyment, are a symbol of hope for those affected by cancer in our community. The concept, created by cancer survivor Robin Whitten, has raised over $120,000 for cancer research since its inception in 2006. Once ordered, the tulips will be delivered for Planting Day in mid-November.

Marcia McGee, whose mother passed away from cancer in 2008, found the Pink Tulip Project in a magazine. “When I read about the project, I was excited to participate and signed-up immediately. 100% of the profit goes directly to cancer research, and that’s really important to me. After talking about it with my employees, some of whom are seniors at Western Albemarle High School, they wanted to get involved, too. This Saturday’s ‘Pink Day’ is our kick-off for the effort to reach our goal of $2,000 for research.” Sold for $2 per bulb, all of which is donated, the Old Trail goal will provide an acre of tulips for the four planting locations.

“Pink Day” will feature the sale of pink tulip bulbs at each business in the Old Trail Village Center (OTVC). Additionally, Trailside Coffee will offer pink cupcakes and pink lemonade. The bulbs will be on-sale through November 1st; after that date, the bulbs will be ordered and Planting Day will be on Saturday, November 7th (rain date on Sunday, November 8th).

For more information, contact Marcia McGee, Trailside Coffee, [email protected], 434-205-4253.

Crozet Redevelopment Conversations

Read the whole thing at C-Ville.

There are plenty of contentious issues at stake, but it was nonetheless a calm affair when dozens of Crozet residents turned out to Western Albemarle High School on September 30 to be briefed by Albemarle County staff on the mandatory five-year update to the Crozet Master Plan, adopted in 2004. Folks listened politely as staff described progress on a major downtown streetscape project, the new library and a 28-unit affordable-housing project for seniors called Crozet Meadows.

Also, please read the guest post by Leslie Burns here on RealCrozetVA:

At the town meeting on Sept. 30th, the progress of the Master Plan was reviewed by individuals spearheading each part of the plan that are seeing progress. A brief review showed attention to all of the 7 Guiding Principles. Take a moment to review the principles that you in Crozet set out as a guide from the very beginning of this process:

H1N1 Vaccines at Albemarle County Schools

From Albemarle County Schools and the Henley Matters listserv:



· Vaccinations are currently scheduled for October 28th.

· Vaccination will be voluntary. No child will receive the H1N1 flu vaccine if we do not have a signed consent form from a parent or guardian.

· There is no cost for your child to receive the H1N1 flu vaccine at school.

· We are offering only the 2009 H1N1 flu shot, as described on the Vaccine Information Statement. This vaccine contains the common preservative thimerosal. We will not offer the Nasal Mist flu vaccine. If you wish your child to receive the Nasal Mist or a preservative-free vaccine, please make arrangements with a private provider as soon as possible.

· One dose of vaccine is required for children age ten and older, but two doses are recommended for children age nine and younger. The second dose is required four weeks after the first. We will schedule follow-up clinics for the second dose.

· If a child with permission to be vaccinated does not cooperate, we will not force him or her to receive the vaccine. We will inform you so you can make vaccination arrangements with a private provider.

All documents sent home with students (letter in English/Spanish, VIS in English/Spanish, Vaccination Plan and VDH Consent Form) as well as master schedules of clinic dates are located here. The link is also available from the division home page.

Listen to the message from the Albemarle County School System here.


Greetings, Albemarle County Public Schools Families and Educators:

The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE), in cooperation with the Virginia Department of Health, has produced brief videos to inform parents and educators of the steps they can take to prevent the spread of H1N1 A and seasonal influenza in schools.

Please view “H1N1 for Parents” (length 3:05) by clicking this link.

A companion video, “H1N1 for Educators” (length 3:54), describes the steps schools should take to protect the health of students and staff and may be viewed at this address.

Additional information on H1N1 A Influenza and schools is available on the VDOE Web site at this address.

Thank you for your support as we all work together to keep our children safe, healthy, and ready to learn. You may also visit our News site, and click on the H1N1 information link on the left hand side. We are posting updates from the Thomas Jefferson Health Department, as well as copies of any communications regarding H1N1 A influenza distributed through our schools.

Maury Brown, communications coordinator
on behalf of

Dr. Bruce Benson
Assistant Superintendent for Planning & Systems Operations

Editor’s note:

I’m encouraging everyone to ask questions about the vaccine(s). A little questioning and healthy skepticism can’t hurt.

Age of Autism

Charlottesville-Right Now: Barbara Loe Fisher

Barbara Loe Fisher, Co-Founder of the National Vaccine Information Center, joined Charlottesville—Right Now! to discuss the swine flu and vaccine.

David Kirby

Cider Pressing at the Crozet Farmer’s Market – 10 October

Freshly made apple cider will be featured again this year at Crozet Farmers’ Market. Wayne Clarke will bring his wooden, hand operated press and apples from Henley Orchard. If you’ve never tasted cider straight from the press, you’re in for a treat. If you’d like more than a complimentary cup of cider, bring a clean jug and make a donation. All donations will go to organizations that assist impoverished people of the Appalachians.

And try your hands at African drumming! William (Whit) Whitten will be at Market to offer a lesson in African drumming beginning at 10:00 AM, all ages welcome and drums available. Don’t miss this opportunity to share Whit’s years of experience in learning and teaching the rhythms of Africa’s many cultures.

As always, local fruits and vegetables will be available for purchase along with fresh cut flowers, potted plants, herbs, arts, crafts, hand-woven items, homemade baked goods, farm eggs, and heirloom varieties of tomatoes and peppers. A Master Gardener Horticultural Help Desk will offer Cooperative Extension publications and advice appropriate for this time of year, and a children’s activity will feature decorating pie-sized pumpkins. Along with a pumpkin, your child may take home directions and a recipe for making a pie from scratch.

Market hours are 8AM until Noon; cider pressing begins at 9 AM and drumming at 10 AM.

New vendors are always welcome, Crozet market asks only for 5% of your sales. Just show up and set up, no reserved spaces.

Location: parking lot of the Crozet United Methodist Church

1156 Crozet Ave, Crozet, VA 22932

Wrapping up the Crozet Town Meeting – 30 September 2009 Crozet Town Meeting- September 30 2009

Ed. Note: This story was written by RealCrozetVA reader and commenter Leslie Burns.

At the town meeting on Sept. 30th, the progress of the Master Plan was reviewed by individuals spearheading each part of the plan that are seeing progress. A brief review showed attention to all of the 7 Guiding Principles. Take a moment to review the principles that you in Crozet set out as a guide from the very beginning of this process:

The 7 Guiding Principles of Crozet’s Master Plan

– Building Distinct Neighborhoods

– Linking the community through multiple forms of transportation, including walking and bicycle riding.

– Diversity, affordability and choice in housing stock.

– Promoting locally grown businesses that provide jobs for residents.

– Valuing and conserving natural resources.

– Families, History and Diversity provide identity to the community.

– Actively supporting the community facilities-parks, pool, library etc.

Lee Catlin and Ann Mallek welcomed and introduced the evening’s presenters and their purpose. Individuals working directly with each area presented an overview of the progress being made.

Bill Letteri – Director of the Albemarle County Office of Facilities Development- spoke about the many facets that make up the master plan as a whole and how they work together. He urged Crozet to stand united behind the plan which has $15 million in funds scheduled to help realize the vision.

Trevor Henry– Albemarle County Senior Project Manager- brought us up to date on the Library and introduced the elevation/drawings for viewing. The Library is working towards a LEED Silver certificate, making it not only a pleasant place to read books, but an environmentally friendly place as well.

Jack Kelsey– Albermarle County Transportation Engineer- spoke of the progress being made on the Streetscape project. The preparations for the utilities work is almost complete, as well as slow and steady progress towards gaining easement rights downtown. The process is still on schedule. The new curbs, sidewalks and trees, as well as removal of the utility lines will greatly enhance the downtown experience.

Jarman’s Gap project (a VDOT project) for widening and improving the usability of that road is also on track and is an active piece of the Master Plan puzzle.

Bill Schraeder– Chair of Fundraising for the Crozet Library- urged all those present and beyond, to be creative and provide sources for funding of the library. He asked all of the citizens of Crozet that work for, or have retired from corporations/businesses who donate through matching funds or otherwise, to reach out to them for monies to be donated to the Crozet library. You can contact Bill directly or donate using the following contact info:

Friends of the Jefferson-Madison Regional Library-Crozet Building Fund
1500 Gordon Ave., Charlottesville, Va. 22903
phone: (434-977-8467 | email
Crozet Library Fundraising Committee-Bill Schrader, Chair
phone: (434)823-8420 | email

Ron White– Albermarle County Housing Director- let us know that new affordable housing project at The Meadows (on Crozet Ave.) is ahead of schedule. A grant of $700,000 provided funding for the land and site preparation that will bring the total units at the Meadows to 66. The new buildings are Earthcraft built- meaning that they are in line with green building specifications. Once the new buildings are completed, the older units will be renovated. This housing is specifically built for those 62 years and older.

David Wayland– heads the Crozet Historic District and updated us on the Historic District designation, which has been approved. The area included is north from the Rock Gate cemetery on Crozet Ave. up to the Old School, west on St. George and east to include the downtown area.

Elaine Echols– Albemarle County Principal Planner- gave us a five-year update on the Crozet Master Plan. Crozet is one of eleven growth areas in Albemarle County. They project that by July 2010 the planning and preparation should be completed and bids for work to take the progress forward will occur.
Albemarle County Police had Sergeant Pete Mazmer (sp) speak about the police presence in Crozet and in this section of Albemarle County. Main concerns he addressed were traffic and safety.

All speakers were available to answer questions and provide more information following the brief updates.

PLAN TO ATTEND the first of many scheduled forums to discuss individual Master Plan topics. The first forum will be held at the Old Crozet School on October 15th, hosted by Crozet Community Advisory Council.

Sign up for Crozet e-news from A-mail:
Check out the Crozet website:

Attend the Crozet Community Advisory Council regularly scheduled

Meetings on the 3rd Thursday of each month, 7-9 PM at The Meadows

For more information on the Crozet Master Plan please call Rebecca Ragsdale at 434-296-5832 or email.

Crozet Arts and Crafts Festival – October 10 and 11 2009

The Crozet Arts and Crafts Festival is this weekend, and with any luck the weather will be as good as it was this past weekend (which was perfect). This is a great event that tends to highlight one of the (many) reasons why it’s great to live in Crozet.

Wine tasting, children’s events, hundreds of arts and crafts vendors

The Crozet Arts and Crafts Festival’s site has a nice history of the event, written by Tracey Pugh:

The first Crozet Arts and Crafts festival occurred in May 1981 with a roster of 28 artists and craftsmen. The idea was Mrs. George Kane’s. At the time she was serving as treasurer of Claudius Crozet Park and she was well aware that the Park desperately needed a source of yearly income to support it. In particular, there was the pressing necessity of paying off a very sizeable debt incurred when the 20-year-old junior Olympic pool required extensive repairs. The debt came to $53,000 and interest on it amounted to nearly $5,000 that first year.

In the years since its inception, advertising and other costs have climbed, guidelines for permits and licenses have become more rigid and offering an affordable show for the artists has become increasingly challenging. We not only want to raise money for the day-to-day operation of the Park, we want to ensure our artists make a profit as well. Most of the festival profits come from gate admission. There is a limit on how much the Festival can charge in space fees, and the monies received from those are spent on advertising and other expenses. Many of the ideas and principles implemented by Mrs. Kane are still in effect.

Claudius Crozet Park is a community non-profit recreational facility open to all. Our goal is to provide a clean, safe place for children to play, a place where families will want to spend leisure time together and where young and old alike can enjoy the beauty this area is blessed with. As the primary source of income for year round operations, the Crozet Arts & Crafts festival relies heavily on the support of local businesses and individuals to help ease expenses.

(They’re on Facebook, too!)

(Search for homes for sale in Crozet, or call Jim Duncan 434-242-7140)

Crozet PARC – a Dome for the Crozet Pool

The new Crozet Park Aquatic and Recreation Center (Crozet PARC) will be the first of its kind in Albemarle County. It will provide affordable year round swimming and fitness programming for families in the western part of the county and beyond.

Our fundraising campaign has two phases. The first benchmark is to raise $200,000 in the community to match a pledge from Claudius Crozet Park, Inc. This $400,000 benchmark will provide the funding to add a removable dome to the existing pool; the final phase of the campaign will provide the funding to convert the existing park building into a recreation center that will offer fitness equipment, classes, after- school and camp programs, and community space for healthy lifestyle workshops. The Crozet P.A.R.C. will be a special place, open to all, regardless of ability or income.

Campaign Goals:
• 2009 – 2010 Pool Dome Fund Drive
• 2010 – 2011 Recreation Center Fund Drive
Claudius Crozet Park, Inc. is a community-owned charitable organization (501(c)3).

All gifts are tax deductible and can be mailed to:
Crozet Park Pool Dome
PO Box 171
Crozet, VA 22932

Make checks payable to Claudius Crozet Park, with pool dome written in the memo section.

Information will be available at the Crozet Music Festival October 2nd, 3rd & 4th and at the Crozet Arts and Crafts Festival on October 10th & 11th.

For more information or to make a donation on-line visit our park website after October 1, 2009
and click on the Crozet P.A.R.C. campaign tab. The park website is
For additional questions contact Ravi Respeto from the fundraising committee at [email protected].

More at Crozet Gazette.