Via email:
Recently, you may have noticed that it is no longer possible to access Crozet United Methodist Church from Carter Street. This is because the current owner of the property adjacent to ours has unfortunately decided to close that entrance, one they own but have previously allowed us to use for at least the last five decades.
Therefore, it will be necessary for everyone to enter our property for worship, church events, the Farmers’ Market, neighborhood association meetings, our food pantry, county meetings, Scout meetings, etc. via our Crozet Avenue or Jarmans Gap entrances.
Also, please do not park for events held at the church on the Carter Street side of this barrier, as we have learned that this too is prohibited by the landowner next door. Please rest assured that we are working diligently to gain access off our property to Carter Street, and we hope to have this accomplished soon.
The Trustees of Crozet United Methodist Church