Crozet Trails Crew gets Noticed

Good. From today’s Daily Progress: (follow along or contact the Crozet Trails crew via their blog)

The Crozet Trails Crew — one of numerous local groups of its kind — has about eight to 10 regulars, and Mauzy hopes that number grows.
“Once we start working on the trails that really connect the community … I feel like that’s what’s really going to bring folks out,” Mauzy said. “When they have a safe route where they can ride their bikes with their kids on a Sunday, or on a Saturday morning to the farmers market in downtown Crozet, I think that’s going to do wonders for the community.”

The Scottsville Trails Group, Charlottesville Area Mountain Bike Club, Virginia Master Naturalists and Neighbors of our Parks are also among regular volunteer groups. The Rivanna Trails Foundation, Rivanna Conservation Society and the Appalachian Trail Club also work to provide trails in the county.

Mauzy and county leaders say workers are focused on building a system in which many trails connect. Some Crozet residents also hope to have, eventually, a trail system that connects Crozet to Charlottesville.

Better to do it ourselves than depend on the government.

Also – they are looking for a local school liaison. Volunteers wanted.

    Fourth of July Parade in Crozet? Fireworks?

    Update 10 June 2010:

    The Crozet Gazette (good thing we have paid journalists to do this reporting!) reports that the Crozet Volunteer Fire Department will be doing neither fireworks nor a parade this year.

    “We’re not doing the parade this summer,” announced assistant chief Warren “Hubba” Wood. “We’re doing everything for the 100th anniversary celebration on Sept 18. We can’t turn around and do it again in September. We’ll make it big this fall.”

    Who’s interested in holding a parade on the Fourth of July? It’s on a Sunday …

    Anybody know what’s happening this year?

    Crozet’s fireworks were canceled/never planned last year. It’s most likely too late to plan them this year, so I ask – has anybody planned them?

    I assume there will be a parade and fireworks, but everybody knows what happens when one assumes …

    Continue reading “Fourth of July Parade in Crozet? Fireworks?”

    Storms, Public Hearing & Pickup Soccer – The week That Was – Crozet Twitter Updates – Brief Notes for 2010-06-06

    Note: the green/italicized portion of this post are from the public hearing on the Restore N Station.

    Restore N Station Clears Another Hurdle

    Thanks to Jessica Jaglois of the Newsplex:

    If built, the station would be the second-largest full-service gas station in Albemarle County and would be built on Route 250. Crozet residents said such a large station would destroy the scenic route on 250, and it would also bring in big rigs at all hours of the night looking to fill up on diesel fuel.

    About 30 people showed up to stand before the board to express concern, but it wasn’t enough to sway the board, which voted that plans for the service station are ready to move forward.

    I went to the public hearing and listened for about 90 minutes. By the time I left, ten people had spoken against the proposed gas station and one person, who represents the applicant, spoke for it. As I said on Twitter – “I’d like to hear one member of the public not affiliated w/ the applicant speak for it. Seriously.”

    I’m waiting for the in-depth coverage to be provided by the Crozet Gazette and Charlottesville Tomorrow.

    Update 3 June 2010: Crozet Gazette has, as usual, a more detailed accounting of the BZA meeting.

    Continue reading “Restore N Station Clears Another Hurdle”

    Swimming in Crozet – Part 1 – Old Trail Pool

    Old Trail Pool

    The newest addition to Crozet – Old Trail Pool. Open to the public.*

    The Old Trail Village pool, surrounded by breathtaking views of the Blue Ridge Mountains and Old Trail Golf Club course, incorporates features to entice all users of all abilities:

    • Zero-depth walk-in beach entry and expanses of walkable submersion
    • Plenty of room for 25-meter lap swimming
    • A 12-foot diving well for the more adventurous
    • A wading pool with fountains (for our young ones or those wishing a more restrained pool experience)
    • An enclosed area for protecting small ones.

    RATES for 2010

    $600 Family (household)

    $400 Couple/Two-person (household)

    $300 Individual

    Continue reading “Swimming in Crozet – Part 1 – Old Trail Pool”

    Swimming in Crozet – Part 2 – Crozet Park

    Crozet Pool Opens Memorial Day Weekend 2010

    Opening this weekend!

    Crozet Park Pool is a community summer pool celebrating 50 years of operation as the only pool in Albemarle County that is open daily to the public.

    The Pool is owned and operated by our Community Park, which also operates the bi-annual Crozet Arts and Crafts Festival. Tax dollars do not support the operation of Crozet Park Pool.

    Purchase your membership today and find out about the best kept summer secret in Albemarle County. Visit us online at .

    Early Morning Adult Lap Swim (EMALS)

    Beginning Tuesday, May 25th, EMALS will run Tuesday and Thursday from 6:00 A.M. to 7:30 A.M.,
    and Saturdays from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 A.M.

    For more information on Early Morning Adult Lap Swim

    Session 1: June 6 – June 10 (3 classes)
    Sun., Tu & Th @ 6:00-7:00 PM

    Session 2: June 13 – September 2 (32 classes)
    Sun., Tu & Th @ 8:00-9:00 PM

    ~ No class on 6/27, 6/29, 7/1, 7/4 and 8/8 ~

    Class capacity: 25
    Age limit: 13 and up

    For more information on Water Aerobics

    Part 3 – Mint Springs Park
    Part 1 – Old Trail Pool

    Restore N Station Hearings in June

    From a comment:

    Two important public hearings for the proposed ReStore ‘N Station are coming up and it is critical that people attend these meetings if they are concerned about the size and character of a huge gas station/truck stop proposed for Route 250 West. If approved, this would be the second largest gas station in the County, serving both cars and semi trucks Interstate 64.

    Please take some time out of your schedule to attend these meetings. It is crucial that the County know that citizens are paying attention to their decisions regarding this project. Here are two hearings where your attendance is needed to:

    ·        Show your support for the adjoining neighborhood’s attempt to scale back the size and use of the project;

    ·        Note your concern about a large project like this proposed to be built near three schools on Scenic Route 250.

    1) Tuesday, June 1 at 2 p.m. for a Board of Zonings Appeals (BZA) Hearing and

    2) Tuesday, June 8 at 6 p.m. for a Planning Commission Public Hearing

    Don’t feel like you need to speak at these meetings, just showing up is important! this could be your neighborhood and you would certainly want other Albemarle County citizens to stand up for you. You also might have children going to one of the nearby three schools and are interested in showing support for scaling back the size of the project.

    (from email by Mary Rice)

    At the very least, couldn’t they come up with a better name than “Restore N Station”?