I emailed John Halliday, the Executive Director of the JMRL and asked three questions:
1 – Why was the study commissioned?
2 – Can you tell me how much it cost?
3 – What was the purpose of the study? It seems obvious that the library is too small.
His answers:
The study was done as a routine review of library facilities. JMRL’s Five-Year Plan, 2009-2014 called for a review of library facilities to be completed by June 2010. The review was completed in June, even though it had a July date. The cost was $2000. We called in a consultant because we wanted JMRL’s facilities to be looked at objectively, from an outsider’s perspective. The review included space needs (size) based on current standards, condition of physical plant including furnishings and mechanical systems, and security needs.
More on the history of the Crozet Library’s need and plans to build at Charlottesville Tomorrow’s cvillepedia.
The above information isn’t new: