Crozet Music Fest – Now in the Spring!

From their Facebook page:

Inquiring minds want to know, and you’ve been calling, so here you go. We can say with 95% certainty that the first Spring CMF will be held May 13, 14, and 15, 2011 at 4 sites in and around Crozet. The papers aren’t signed, but it looks like we’re good to go to return to Crozet Park with a Country/Bluegrass/Gospel mix…. Other locations can’t yet be confirmed, but there will be 3 more: a Festival Mix site (similar to what we’ve always done), a Christian Music site, and a fourth site variously called Guitarist Paradise, Banjo Paradise, and Drummer’s Paradise. Working on the locations for Sites 2, 3, and 4, will keep you all posted on the progress. Check the website for pics from last year:

Jim Minick at Over the Moon this Saturday – 6 November

From Over the Moon’s email:

We’re thrilled to be hosting Jim Minick, author of The Blueberry Years: A Memoir of Farm and Family.

Please join us this Saturday at 6 pm to hear Jim read from this great book, and get your copy signed!

This is a gorgeous book, part memoir, part history, all delicious prose (plus recipes!) about the journey of a couple with a dream to become self-sufficient organic blueberry farmers.I just loved this book!

The HooK Looks at Re-Store ‘N Station

Lisa Provence at the HooK reports.

I hadn’t heard this anywhere.

As for the owners, Michelle Sprouse says she and her husband envision the Re-Store ‘N Station as an environmentally friendly place— complete with healthy foods— and whose the motto will be “refuel, replenish, refresh.”

I’d love for the Sprouses to write a letter to RealCrozetVA describing what their vision is.

If you want or need background on the Restore N’ Station or the Re-Store N’Station or Re-Store ‘N Station.

Should we trick or trick on Saturday or Sunday in Crozet?

PPTT Petrifying Scooter Pig

I was asked this question this morning while walking my daughter to Crozet Elementary – is there a day this year in Crozet that is considered “the day” for Trick or Treating?

It’s a question that is being asked around the country, in many localities.

So, I pose the question – Should we trick or trick on Saturday or Sunday in Crozet?

Further, if you don’t live in in a neighborhood that is great for trick or treating, where do you go? (and please, don’t do car-trick-or-treating! If you can’t walk from house to house … )

Crozet Music Fest – Double the Fun!

If you’re not a liker/follower/fan/friend/whatever of the Crozet Music Fest on Facebook, you might have missed this:

Crozet Music Fest

Hope you all had a good time a few weeks back, and hope you had a chance to enjoy Crozet Arts and Crafts and The Festy Experience on Columbus Day weekend, what incredible events. As the festival season winds to a close, we are putting on our thinking caps and making big plans for next year. We can already say for sure that we are going to start doing our thing twice a year, the first Spring CMF will be the weekend of April 29, 30, and May 1. Lots of plans in the works to get the multi-site model under way, there is SO MUCH GOOD MUSIC around here, we need more venues to put it on display. Will keep you posted, in the meantime, enjoy the pictures both here on FB and at the website, Love, Biff

Field School Spirit Walk This Weekend

“Join us for our 2nd Annual Fall Fest at Field School. Starting at 6:30 on Friday and Saturday, October 22nd and 23rd, we will be staging the Spirit Walk, with actors portraying characters from the history of the area through the streets of Crozet. Tickets are available in 15-minute increments at Maupin’s Video in Crozet or at Greenberry’s Barracks Road. On Friday night, we will also start to cook 60 gallons of apple butter, to be bottled early Saturday morning. Stop by to get yours either Saturday morning or Saturday night at the Spirit Walk.”

Thoughts on Crozet, the CCAC and Business in Crozet

From a reader:

Several Days ago you inquired what type of business I thought should be in Crozet. I can share with you that over the last 3 years there have been serious inquiries from such businesses as a small surgical instrument manufacturer (10-12 employees with average salary of $40,000+, a dentist office, a doctors office, a bakery, lawyers office and an architectural firm. All with 10-12 employees with hours of operation 8 – 5 most with Monday – Friday schedules. They have located in other areas at this time.

Continue reading “Thoughts on Crozet, the CCAC and Business in Crozet”