Crozet Real Estate Conversation – January 2016

Median sales price, where are new homes selling, what neighborhoods are coming online in Crozet? We love questions!

Our experiment continues. David and I love to talk about real estate. We thought the Crozet Real Estate Conversation series would be a good place to talk about real estate and share some of our thoughts and insights about life in Crozet & the Crozet real estate market.

  • “Crozet” for these purposes is defined as “Crozet Elementary + Brownsville Elementary” 
  • 2015 Median price for Attached & Detached homes in Albemarle County: $340K  (1,471 homes).  (1,374 homes)*
  • 2015 Median price home in Crozet: $400K (285 homes sold) Median price home in Crozet in 2014: $373K (253 homes sold).
  • New construction in Crozet is up 50%(!) in 2015 over 2014.
  • Small builders are holding their own, holding 20% of the new construction market.
  • 50% of new construction in Crozet is in Old Trail.
  • 26 of sales in Crozet last year were in Old Trail (also, Old Trail is seeking a downzoning)
  • 28% of new homes sold in Crozet last year were under $400K.

Read/comment more at the facebook post.

David and/or I are at the Crozet Mudhouse on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month. Please stop by to chat; we pulled (and know) a lot more real estate data and information than we shared in the video.

Ask us questions anytime!

Continue reading “Crozet Real Estate Conversation – January 2016”

CCAC Meeting – 16 December 2015 – New Developments + Growth

A few thoughts after tonight’s CCAC meeting:

  1. Having that many involved, interested, engaged people at a local meeting is AWESOME.
  2. Crozet is a designated growth area. It has been for many years.
  3. Crozet is going to grow.
  4. These developers are working under the constructs permitted by the County of Albemarle.
  5. If you want to effect change, it takes time. And effort. And time and dedication.
  6. See #1.
  7. If you want something to stay the same, buy it. Otherwise, expect it to change. I don’t say this flippantly, but bluntly and simply.
  8. The conversation that the community needs to have is far, far greater than one or two neighborhoods. It’s about Crozet. And the County. And the City of Charlottesville + County of Albemarle. And schools. And roads.  And taxes.
  9. If you comment on a matter, I think you should have to disclose your interest in the matter.
  10. Dig into the tweets. Come to the next meeting. Please.
  11. This is the slide deck the folks presenting about Adelaide used last night.
  12. Update – letter from the Cory Farm neighborhood against the rezoning

UpdateSean Tubbs with Charlottesville Tomorrow has as well.

Continue reading “CCAC Meeting – 16 December 2015 – New Developments + Growth”

Ways to Stay informed in Crozet + a New Entry

There’s more than one way to stay on top of news and happenings in Crozet.

CCAC Meeting Recap | 10/21/2015 | Infrastructure & Downtown Crozet

Really interesting Crozet Community Advisory Council meeting tonight. Downtown Crozet is going to change. Traffic is going to get worse different. Businesses will hopefully come to downtown Crozet.

Quick notes:

  • I persicoped. Live-streamed on Twitter. I think it was useful, and next time, so long as we’re at the Crozet Library with Wifi and outlets, I’ll do it again … but with a tripod most likely and my computer so I can tweet as well. But really, are they useful for you? (I really thought the iPhone should have been horizontal. Clearly that was wrong) Periscope 1YouTube version here – , Periscope 2Periscope 3 (parking discussion).
  • Discussion about the WAHS Environmental Academy (I was late, but @CrozetCommunity tweeted!)
  • Big discussion about the future of downtown Crozet, Barnes Lumberyard, commercial, phasing of the development and more. You really shoulda been there.
  • Discussion about parking in downtown Crozet, the coming Piedmont Place, and I spoke up (which I never do at these meetings)
  • Milestone Partners will be launching a new website to convey the message/brand of their project and downtown Crozet.


Click through, scroll to the bottom, and read the tweets.


Continue reading “CCAC Meeting Recap | 10/21/2015 | Infrastructure & Downtown Crozet”

CCAC Meeting 21 October – Updates on Barnes Lumber, Infrastructure & Downtown

These meetings are among the better ways to learn about what’s happening and what’s coming in Crozet.

Anyone available to tweet the meeting? Hashtag – #CCAC1015

via email – 


Wednesday, October 21, 2015 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

The Crozet Library, Crozet


1. Agenda Review. (Jennie More – CCAC chair)

2. Approval of Minutes.

3. Project Updates/Information:

– Reminder about change in location for the November Meeting- It will be at The Meadows.

– Introduction of Adam Mulchay (sic) – Environmental Studies Academy (15minutes)

– Update on Former Barnes Lumber Property- Frank Stoner- (45minutes)

– Discussion about parking and DCD zoning. (20 minutes)

– Discussion about infrastructure specific to roads and connectivity. (20 minutes)

Crozet Real Estate Conversation – 3rd Quarter 2015

The experiment continues. David Ferrall and I have launched a new effort to educate folks, and satiate our own desires to talk about real estate. We had our first conversation in July; this time we’ve been a bit more brief.

We’re going to be at a Crozet coffee shop – for the next couple months, the Crozet Mudhouse – the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month from 9 to 11 if you’re curious about the market and want us to buy you a cup of coffee.

Recapping Brownsville’s School Board Forum

Last night was a fun forum at Brownsville. The White Hall and At-Large candidates for school board made some time to lay out their positions and reasons for running for school board.

First thoughts:

I was thisclose to leaving out my opinions, but can’t help myself. The tweets are after the break; I highly recommend you read those.

  • Unless convinced otherwise, supporting/advocating for the county school system building their own private internet is reason for me to disqualify the candidate. Why, exactly, is Albemarle county building their own internet?
  • Supporting SOLs in their current format is reason to disqualify the candidate.
  • Colleges don’t look at SOLs, to the best of my knowledge. This seems to be a baffling & upsetting statement. (stated here as well)
  • I appreciated Dolly Joseph’s thoughts on technology, “hitting it with a technology stick” and her pushing back on the 1:1 technology ratio. We do live in a relatively affluent community (relatively!) – giving kids who already have devices is wasteful. (my opinion: and stupid).

As a friend said last night on Twitter:

I’m glad we all have chance to watch presidential politics tonight, but we’d be a better country if more people paid attention to local govt


Read the tweets.



Big Crozet Weekend – 9-10 October 2015

Lots of stuff this weekend in and around Crozet: (see everything at the Crozet Calendar)

1 – What’s missing?

2 – Submit your own event – it takes less than 60 seconds.

White Hall School Board Candidate Forums – 2015

It’s a bit weird to be having a contested election. And nice! There is much more than School Board on this year’s ballot, but local elections are where our votes can matter the most.

There are various forums coming up for the White Hall School Board candidates. If I have any information incorrect or missing, please let me know or correct me in the comments.

6 October – The Crozet Elementary PTO is hosting a candidate forum

7 October – “From the Daily Progress: White Hall School Board Forum at Henley Middle School Cafeteria 6:30-8:30 PM (doors open at 6).”

13 October from 6:00 to 6:45pm: The Brownsville PTO is hosting a forum

13 October (waiting for confirmation) the CCA is holding a candidate forum – probably from a bit after 7pm until ..

Charlottesville Tomorrow’s education reporting has been top-notch.

Curiously, the Virginia State Board of Elections page’s most recent election results are from 2003(!) for the White Hall School Board seat. During that election, 3,770 votes were cast. As of 2010, Crozet’s population was 5,565 people; I’d wager we’ve added at least 500 people since then.

In an election with this relatively few voters, these votes matter.


What’s on the Ballot in Crozet this Year?

Election day is 3 November, 2015. Now’s as good a time as any to learn who’s going to be on the ballot.

Start here; the Virginia Department of Elections has a pretty good site.

For the first time in I don’t know how long, we have a choice for our School Board rep; neither of whom is the incumbent.

White Hall School Board: David Oberg and Caroll J. “C. J.” Hatcher are competing.

At-Large School Board seat: Dolly R. D. Joseph, Catherine M. Lochner, J. S. “Jonno” Alcaro

More at the excellent CvillePedia’s page.

Click through to see my sample ballot (I live in the Brownsville district) — there are some big elections, namely the school board, Commonwealth Attorney, Soil & Conservation … dig in, and please, please please, be an educated voter. And a personal request: if you’re not going to be said educated voter, consider not voting.


Continue reading “What’s on the Ballot in Crozet this Year?”