Marcia McGee – People of Crozet

Marcia McGee - Trailside Coffee

Marcia McGee, proprietress of Trailside Coffee in Old Trail, has been in the Crozet area her entire life. While we were talking, she said that told me that she’d shot at a groundhog that was near the grain silo that was where her cash register currently stands.

Q: What do you love about Crozet?
A: (said with a big laugh) … It’s a love-hate relationship; I know everybody and I know everybody.

Q: Best change about Crozet in the past 10 years?
A: You know, Blue Ridge Hardware was a big change from Crozet Hardware … I think that the best thing has been that I don’t have to go into Charlottesville now. Now that we have these things,

Q: What is one thing you’d tell something about Crozet?
A: I was talking to a family coming from Lexington, and my husband told them that Crozet is kind of like an adult playground. You can get to Charlottesville, but polo on Sundays … there’s tons of kids, great schools, families, older families – not just the early 20’s families but mid-30’s families too. Kids and families, but there’s just as much for adults as there are for kids.

I love the mountains – the view from Trailside is tremendous, the coffee is great, and Crozet’s lucky to have Marcia, her family and Trailside.

See the entire People of Crozet series at

I’m still looking for volunteer authors/contributors/anybody who’ll help me with this series; If you’re interested please let me know.

Kids’ Pickup Soccer Sundays at Crozet Elementary

If your kids are looking for a game, this Sunday at Crozet Elementary summer pickup starts again – 6pm to 7pm at Crozet Elementary –

via email …

… this is not a practice or clinic or part of a formal/official program. The idea is to provide an outlet for kids who want to play soccer but may have fewer opportunities during the
offseason. It’s purely for fun. No drills, no coaching, just soccer. Adults can help the younger players (U8-U10) get organized. Older players (say, U12 and up) probably should be able to manage on their own. …

Water and Power in Crozet – Unconfirmed Updates

Two unconfirmed rumors … take them for what they are ….

via Facebook:

Just off the phone with ACSA, no boil required, AND….the road to the station has finally been cleared and they are moving trucks loaded with diesel to refuel their generators. Translation….the conserve notice is going to be lifted shortly.

Update 1:02pm 2 July – @CBS19: ACSA is removing the request for Crozet residents to limit their water usage–power and fuel issues have been resolved.

And via email in response to an email to a friend in which I asked “Does Western Ridge have power?”:

Kind of. The back half of the neighborhood does, but not the front half, so we’re still out. This is hearsay, but one of our neighbors told me that her friend stopped to talk to a Dominion guy working outside yesterday. He told her that there was a huge tree that went down near King Family, which caused extensive damage – they’re having to replace not only multiple power lines, but several telephone/electric poles as well. Supposedly he said that if the repair went smoothly, we’d be back up sometime between today and Wednesday; if they run into problems, it could be as late as Saturday.

I’m not sure how the connections are mapped, but you can kind of see a straight-ish line of outage going from the King Family area, through part of Old Trail, Crozet Ave @ Mudhouse & JABA building, down 240 to Western Ridge, etc… so if what I heard is true, I guess we must all somehow be tied back to that issue @ KFV.

I do see several Crozet locations listed on Dominion’s work schedule for today, but I’m keeping my expectations low.

Via Facebook:

New work locations for today say Crozet Ave…good sign hopefully

Follow RealCrozetVA on Twitter for the most up to date information.

Thanks Crozet

Thanks for your patience, your friendliness, your helping-each-other-out, for (mostly) treating the stoplights that are out as four-way stops and for not freaking out about a bit of power outage. That being said, I’d really like to have power back soon.

Dominion Power is pretty active on Twitter, by the way.

Follow RealCrozetVA on Twitter

Now that we’ve all learned what a derecho is, this is as good a time as ever to remind you to follow RealCrozetVA on Twitter – I’m posting there much more often than I can here, in part because it’s much, much, much easier to post tweets from my phone than it is to write a blog post. I’m trying to post on the RealCrozetVA Facebook page, but that app is so remarkably slow and dysfunctional that it drains my iPhone’s battery super-fast.

So – follow RealCrozetVA on Twitter or simply keep refreshing that page if you’re not on the Twitter.

Continue reading “Follow RealCrozetVA on Twitter”

Important Announcement – Conserve Flushes!

From Ann Mallek (received 3 minutes ago) –

“All Crozetians. Please conserve flushes. The power lines feeding the sewer pump station are tangled in fallen trees. There is a 14 hour fuel supply for the generator. There may be a several day power outage so we all need to pitch in and help eachother. Thank you all and Please be safe.”

Fireworks are still on for tonight

Via the Crozet fire department: no parade or other activities but the fireworks are still on.

Don’t forget that they will be collecting donations at the gate. If you can, please give.

I am always thankful that the volunteer fire department are there.

Hoping that everyone is okay out there today, staying safe, and helping out neighbors to clean up.

Barnes Lumberyard Sold for $1.9 Million

The buyer, shown in the white shirt with stripes and khaki pants, is unknown and wouldn’t give his name. Skip to 2:40 in the video to see who he is.

The HooK has more.

The first eight minutes are here.

The last three minutes of the auction are above, but I’ll be swapping that out later with an HD version. That I’m able to upload 3 minutes of video onsite is still remarkably cool, technologically.

A few photos as well:

Mr. Jackson – People of Crozet

Mr. Jackson

Mr. Jackson is one of those figures who you see around Western all four years and he says hi to you in the hallways like you are best friends, even if you have never talked with him before. He has been working as a Custodian there for 10 years, and loves that everyone at WAHS works as a team. They respect each other, and as such there is no “head honcho,” as Mr. Jackson Puts it. Mr. Jackson believes that WAHS is very important to Crozet because even they graduate after four years, they keep the same Western attitude throughout their whole life, and that is very important to the greater Crozet area.

by Spencer Kulow

See the entire People of Crozet series at