Anytime Fitness opened in Crozet in early 2008. Now, it seems that Crozet cannot yet support three gyms. Anytime Fitness is moving to Pantops, which, for those of us here, is the same as it closing. The YMCA at Crozet Park appears to be doing well and ACAC is now offering 24 hour access.
CCAC Meeting – 17 January 2013
Like it or not, being involved at the Crozet Community Advisory Council matters.
Agenda after the break.
Crozet Bicycling Club
Last month I wrote about the Crozet Running Club. January brings the Crozet Bicycling Club (link to their facebook page) “We are local cyclists who enjoy cycling for exercise and competing in local/national road cycling challenges together.”
Here’s to a more active Crozet.
Greenwood Trying to Save its Post Office
There’s a meeting this Wednesday for the folks in Greenwood to try to save their post office.
Not “Crozet” news, but close enough.
Albemarle an Appalachian Trail Community?
Our trails are part of what make Albemarle special … they are in the very early stages of this conversation, but community input would be quite valuable.
via email –
Albemarle County is in the process of considering designation as an Appalachian Trail Community, and as someone who is a critical stakeholder in Crozet and a supporter of our local trail system we wanted to bring you into the conversation on this issue. We are at the very early stages of exploring this process, and will be hearing a presentation from Angie Sheldon with the Appalachian Trail organization on Tuesday, January 15, at 4:00 pm in Room 435 of the County Office Building on McIntire Road.
Peachtree Baseball Registration + Need for Coaches
Peachtree baseball registration is Tuesday, 15 January and Thursday 17 January at the Old Trail Clubhouse from 6:30pm to 9pm – or you can register online.
They are also looking for coaches – maybe 10-15 or so – to help coach the more than 400 kids who play. And, as a friend puts it: “The great thing about this league is that it is one of the few places that old Crozet and new Crozet come together regularly.”
Continue reading “Peachtree Baseball Registration + Need for Coaches”
Restore N Station Plans Setback in Court
At least that’s my reading … read the story at the Crozet Gazette. But … “Developer Jeff Sprouse, or the county, has until Jan. 17 to file an appeal of the decision.”
A few background stories:
Claudius Place – Coming Soon
I asked Katurah Roell if he’d mind giving me an update on when Claudius Place would be breaking ground. He was kind enough to say that they’re hoping to break ground soon:
“We have several commitments for spaces in the building and would anticipate starting after the first of the year with an early summer opening. I currently have two remaining spaces left in the building, one on the main floor with 1665 sf and one on the lower level that is 2400 sf. “
Lots of changes in Crozet …
Crozet Park Master Plan
I had no idea the Crozet Park was poised to add a skateboard park.
Download the PDF of the Crozet Park Master Plan or click through to see it embedded below.
Full Size Tennis Courts coming to Crozet Park
via press release:
QuickStart Tennis of Central Virginia, Inc. (QCV) is pleased to report it recently received three grants totaling $13,000 for Phase Two of Bring Tennis Back to the Park! – the construction of two full-size tennis courts at Claudius Crozet Park. Bama Works Fund of the Dave Matthews Band, the Community Endowment of the Charlottesville Area Community Foundation and the Ix Foundation stepped up to support tennis in western Albemarle County. Two full-size courts will complement the three 36-foot QuickStart tennis courts for kids ages eight and under that were completed in June and provide a place for kids ages nine and over (as well as adults) to play at the Park. These facilities will complete the tennis pathway in Crozet.
Lynda Harrill, QuickStart Tennis Coordinator, says, “With these three generous grants, we are getting very close to our goal. So far we’ve received funds or have commitments totaling $80,000 towards the $108,000 construction cost. We hope to have all funding in place soon so we can begin construction in the spring and have programming in place for the summer season. Raising funds for tennis courts in the current economic environment has been challenging. Basic needs must always come first, but we can’t forget that kids need to be active and have FUN in any environment. That’s how they learn and thrive. And a FUN physical activity like QuickStart tennis is a great way to teach kids to keep fit and be active for a lifetime.”
Until they get their site set up, you can donate by sending checks to QCV, PO Box 422, Ivy, VA.
Now … about more fields for soccer and lacrosse …
I think it’s interesting that no public notices signs were posted, as is seemingly the custom when changes are underway. I’m not opposed to tennis courts, just curious.