Snow! In Crozet

Hey, Crozet. It might snow. Perhaps more than 2 inches.

We have proven before that we look out for each other. Let’s plan to look out for our neighbors again, shall we?

And if it does not snow, let’s plan to look out for our neighbors anyway. 🙂

From Daily Progress:

Groups ranging from the National Weather Service to and the Weather Channel predicted anywhere from 4 to 20 inches of snow to fall and blow about Central Virgina in a storm expected to begin Tuesday night and intensify early Wednesday morning.

The National Weather Service expects 8 and 16 inches of snow to fall in Charlottesville and urban Albemarle County beginning Tuesday night and continuing through Wednesday. Localities in higher elevations, such as Crozet and Afton, are expected to get 10 to 18 inches of snow, as are portions of Greene and Madison counties.

Want to Offer Input on the New WAHS Principal?

Here are two chances to offer input on who’s going to lead WAHS next.

A survey.

– A meeting at Western Albemarle High School.

I am writing to invite you to a meeting in the Western Albemarle High School Cafeteria from 6:30 to 7:30 PM on March 5, 2013. During the meeting, I will be seeking your input regarding the qualities of a strong candidate for the principalship at Western Albemarle High School.

WAHS has some big things ahead of it as they continue to compete for students, parents, funding in this environment; now’s a good opportunity to help them choose their next leader.

Utilities Going Underground in Downtown Crozet

From the Daily Progress:

A plan to improve downtown Crozet’s streetscape will cause some short-term pain for drivers, Albemarle County announced Wednesday.
Crews from Dominion Virginia Power, Comcast and CenturyLink are scheduled to relocate utilities over the next two months. The process is expected to disrupt traffic along Crozet Avenue, Tabor Street, High Street and the square, according to a release.

The work is part of a larger drive to enhance and preserve downtown Crozet, the release states. The finished project will feature crosswalks, benches, bike lanes and sidewalks.

So … let’s all take a breath when we’re waiting in the likely delays … downtown will be nicer for it.

And, in case you were wondering why power lines are going underground …

Here’s what bad overhead power lines look like. *

*From a comment at NBC29

ArtFest in the West

This could be the start of something big … via email:

Introducing ArtFest in the West

Knowing first-hand how valuable the arts are in educating the whole child, a small group of parents started conversations about building up this capacity in the Western-feeder pattern public schools. This effort snowballed when parents spoke to teachers and school administrators. And it was no surprise that other parents were having similar discussions–including those expressed in the RealCrozet blog.
 We put our heads together and a new event was born — ArtFest in the West. Mark your calendar for March 2, 2013 (6-10pm) at The Lodge at Old Trail. Together we’re going to make art happen in Western Albemarle! ArtFest will feature student talent in the performing, visual, and culinary arts from Elementary through High School. 

Why is ArtFest So Important? 

·      To showcase student talent so that our youth can celebrate arts in their education and maturation. 
·      To take an active role in expanding the importance of the arts in our public schools.
·      Western Albemarle County is a very talented place and the arts are a vital part of a thriving Community. Continue reading “ArtFest in the West”

Long-Range Planning Meeting at Crozet Elementary – 12 February 2013

via email:

We would appreciate your help spreading the word about a special informational meeting we are having at 6:30-7:30 pm on Tuesday, February 12, 2012 in the  Crozet Elementary Library.    Our special guests for the meeting are Ann Mallek, Albemarle County Board of Supervisors and Peter Wurzer, ACPS Long Range Planning Committee.  This meeting is open to the entire Crozet community.  The intention is to provide a venue for Q&A from all Crozet citizens regarding plans to handle expected growth and future student enrollment in all of the Crozet area schools.  Our regularly scheduled PTO meeting will follow from 7:30 to 8:00pm.

How do You Describe your Neighborhood in Crozet?

What’s this neighborhood like?” is one of the most common questions my incoming buyer clients ask as I show them around Crozet. I know all of the neighborhoods, but I live in one … so I’m asking for your help.

How would you describe your neighborhood to someone trying to figure out where to live? What do you like? Dislike? What’s cool about your neighborhood?

This question is the prompt for this story:

We are thinking about moving to Crozet. Any thoughts on living walking distance to Crozet park vs. living in Western Ridge? We haven’t decided on a preschool yet but would love to be able to walk to preschool and parks and coffee shops. We also want preschool aged friends and stay at home moms nearby to play with. Thanks for any thoughts!

Continue reading “How do You Describe your Neighborhood in Crozet?”

A Hotel is Coming to Crozet

I don’t know yet if it’ll be soon, but I’d bet Crozet’s hotel will open in the next 24 months.

The hotel will be in Old Trail, rather than in Downtown Crozet. (my opinion: After many conversations, I’m more convinced than ever that this is going to fill a real void in Crozet – the number of vineyards hosting events, weddings, etc. alone probably necessitates this)

I wrote a bit more on my real estate blogbut I’m hoping that the applicant will respond to my email today or tomorrow so I can give more and better Crozet-specific information. (Update: just talked to David; he has exciting plans that I think are going to be very good for Crozet. Either way, I expect we’ll be talking about and hearing about the changes coming to Crozet for the next several months.

If you’re interested, you’ll find a familiar name as the applicant on the County’s County View; just copy SDP2013-011 and paste it into the “application #” field.

Update: Looks like they’re aiming for an opening around January 2015 … right in time for the spring wedding season.

(If you want to receive updates to RealCrozetVA in your inbox, please subscribe)

PROJECT: SDP2013-011 Old Trail Village Block 2B â?? Major Site Plan Amendment
PROPOSED: Request for major site plan amendment approval for a four story, 43 room hotel with a 1,000 square foot restaurant and associated parking.
ZONING CATEGORY/GENERAL USAGE: Neighborhood Model District (NMD)- residential (3-34 units/acre) mixed with commercial, service, and industrial uses.
SECTION: Chapter 18 Section 32 of the Zoning Ordinance
COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE/DENSITY: Urban Density Residential- 6-12 units/acre; supporting uses such as religious institutions, schools, commercial, office and service uses in the Crozet Master Plan
LOCATION: At the corner of the intersection of Golf Drive and Claremont Lane, near The Lodge at Old Trail.
TAX MAP/PARCEL: 055E0-01-00-000F1

As usual, interesting comments on the RealCrozetVA Facebook page.


Crozet Hotel Site Plan
Hotel Site plan
Crozet Hotel Site Plan
Crozet Hotel Site Plan

Update on Crozet Projects – Sidewalks, Library, Streetscape

Thanks to Charlottesville Tomorrow’s tweet for pointing out this staff report from Albemarle County: Quarterly Capital Projects Status Report (PDF). You can do what I did. Open the PDF and search for Crozet. 🙂

Stormwater Project – Substantially complete September 2012 — Remainder of woody vegetation to be planted January 2013

Crozet Library – Construction underway; approximately 40% complete as of December 2012 — Working to resolve fiber conflict with storm sewer — Substantial completion July 2013 — Occupancy August 2013

Crozet Streetscape Phase II – Utility relocation complete – 1st Quarter 2013 — Streetscape –Bid/award 2nd Quarter, ~ 12-14 months construction — Library Ave accepted in State system

Crozet North Sidewalk – Replacing or constructing approximately 1100 feet of sidewalk and drainage improvements along the west side of Crozet Avenue from Saint George Avenue to Crozet Elementary School. A Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Grant provides improved pedestrian crossing at the school and extends sidewalk to Ballard Drive —- Completing right-of-way & easement plats for 3 parcels (Crozet North); SRTS right-of-way and easement acquisition completed — Submit plans to VDOT for SRTS February 2013 and Crozet N Sidewalk April 2013 and request authorization to bid

There’s a full description of all of the above projects in the above-linked PDF; if you’re interested in what’s happening in Crozet, it’s a good way to spend 15 minutes.

What do We Want Crozet to Be?

I posted the following thought on the RealCrozetVA facebook page and it generated quite a few thoughtful comments, but I much prefer to center the conversation here. That said, the comments added to my original thought by changing my premise from “what do we want Crozet to be” to first, let’s define the Crozet culture as it currently is and then define what we want Crozet to look like.

This is something that is been going through my head for the last 12 or 18 months: what is Crozet going to look like in 12 or 20 years? More importantly, what do we want it to look like in 12 or 20 years?

Our town is going to change. That is a known known. But what are the unknowns? Will we encourage the homogenization that is happening in Charlottesville? Will we be able to encourage adoption of the Crozet
culture to those who are new?

If we don’t plan (and act!) accordingly and wisely for the coming growth – the school traffic coming from Old Trail comes to mind as well as the traffic to and from all the schools in the mornings and afternoons, and presumably more when Re-Store ‘n Station opens, and from Westlake Hills – then Crozet won’t be as wonderful a place to live as it is now.

I love Crozet; we’ve been here for 11 years (I think) and I intend to be here for a long time. I make my living representing buyers and sellers moving to and from Crozet, so I have a different perspective than many, but my goal remains to work to do whatever I can to keep and make Crozet a special place to be.

I’m posting below the comments from the conversation … please, take some time to read them all (and thank you to everyone who has already commented). They’re thoughtful, insightful comments about what Crozet was, is and could be. I’ll call out this one as I think it well articulates what most may be thinking:

I think we have to combine and find the way to bring the new into the fold of the old unique Crozet so we can grow together.

* For the purposes of this conversation, “Crozet” means (very roughly) – from the railroad bridge at 240/250 intersection to Greenwood Gourmet just past 64 to about two miles past Crozet Elementary. Seriously. Getting into a discussion about “what are the boundaries of Crozet” won’t serve this discussion well … and may lead to moderation of comments.”

Continue reading “What do We Want Crozet to Be?”