The Pothole is Back

Last week we had quite the conversation on the RealCrozetVA Facebook page about the pothole under the bridge downtown. It was fixed shortly after I posted the photo, but it’s back. When riding my bike with the little one this morning, I noticed its deepening. When stopping on the way back to take a picture, I noted that it’s dangerous for pedestrians. From Twitter last week, we learned that calling VDOT to report it is an option (1-800-367-7623).

But it’s back. Surely this isn’t an indication of how the Streetscape process will be.

Pothole under the bridge

Crozet Streetscape Update – 2 January 2014

via Albemarle’s A-Mail: (bolding mine)

• The utility relocation phase of the project is reaching an end with Century Link and Dominion both expecting to have their poles down within the next two weeks if not already.

• Although preliminary work on the project is already ongoing, the official groundbreaking will be scheduled for late January/early February 2014, when the most visible start of the construction will occur.

• Regarding the potential detour:

– We appreciate the communication, comments and concerns from the citizens and business owners and we will continue the dialogue.

– The Square will no longer be a part of the official signed detour route. The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) has confirmed that state right-of-way exists to allow for the use of Library Avenue instead for any necessary detour purposes.

– VDOT, the County and the Contractor are still discussing and reviewing the options for a potential closure and detour. If VDOT and the project team approve the revised plan, the closure and detour would be brought before the BOS in February.

• Bi-weekly updates, including the social media campaign, will start once construction activity is ongoing following the ground breaking ceremony.

• The schedule is on track for completion in October, 2014.

Get Your Crozet Streetscape News!

If you read the recap from last week’s Crozet Streetscape post, you know that Crozet is in for a bit of construction starting in a couple weeks. I’m going to do everything I can to let y’all know of happenings through the blog, Facebook page and Twitter stream (I much prefer Twitter over Facebook), and much of those updates will likely come from the County.

I’ve also set up a Streetscape blog category for aggregation of all stuff streetscape-related.

Albemarle County have set up a page for Crozet Streetscape updates.

The County has launched a website for the Crozet Streetscape project at where we will be posting important information regarding the status and progress of the project. We have posted information from the December 3, 2013, community meeting including the presentation, construction phasing and a summary of questions/answers and comments from the meeting. We encourage you to bookmark this website and visit it regularly once construction begins in early January.

Also, please note the following opportunities to stay informed about the project:

• There will be a groundbreaking ceremony in January, 2014 – details will be shared as they become available.
• The project website,, will be updated every two weeks, or more frequently as needed depending on project activity.
• The Crozet Amail enews list will receive an update every two weeks, or more frequently as needed depending on project activity – sign up for that eNews list is available at
• Social media opportunities will be available on Facebook and Twitter once the project begins.
• Members of the project team are available to speak at community meetings and will hold onsite project update drop in hours on a regular basis.

Big Weekend in Crozet – Christmas Parade and More

There’s a busy day in Crozet this weekend –

Crozet Trails Crew events
Crozet Christmas Parade
The Crozet Gazette & Art Box Calendar Photo Contest judging
Make snowflake ornaments at Blue Ridge Beads & Glass?

Thank you everyone for adding events to the calendar. Slowly but surely it’s getting populated. Two of my goals for 2014:

– Have it be mostly self-populating – if you have regular events to add to the calendar, I can give you the ability to post events yourself. Just ask me .

– I’d like to post something every Friday morning noting the weekend’s events. There’s always a lot going on in Crozet from events at vineyards and breweries to things happening in Old Trail or the Crozet Library …

CCAC Meeting 21 November 2013 Recap

Sounds like a lot was discussed at last night’s Crozet Community Advisory Council meeting. Huge thanks to WAHS student @Tim_Dodson, @CvilleKim, @tfjtolson and @crozetbulldogs (their Twitter names for the uninitiated 🙂 ) for tweeting the meeting. Thank you for taking the time to attend and share the information with the community.

The meeting recap – via tweets – is after the break. Click through, scroll to the bottom and make your way up. There’s a lot of relevant and pertinent Crozet information in there.

Some of the topics –

– Barnes Lumberyard development plan

– Streetscape update (there’s a meeting on 3 December)

– Jarman’s Gap/Crozet Avenue intersection (I still say roundabout)

– Safe Routes to School update

– Pedestrian improvements at Clover Lawn

– Design charette for the Barnes Lumberyard?

– Hotel update

Please read and be informed – and thank the folks who tweeted if you see them!

Continue reading “CCAC Meeting 21 November 2013 Recap”