CCAC Meeting 3 July 2014 Recap

– Lots of motions and debate in last night’s CCAC meeting.

Finally a resident from one of the adjacent neighborhoods came and spoke; we need more of that involvement.

For those at the meeting last night – what were your key takeaways?

– It might not be fair to pull out this one tweet, but I’m going to do it anyway as it’s a critical point made by a CCAC member:

Click through to read the tweet from last night’s meeting.

Update 3 July 2013
The CCAC emailed out this morning the CCAC’s List of Issues and Positions Barnes property final (PDF)

Continue reading “CCAC Meeting 3 July 2014 Recap”

Help with the Independence Day Celebrations!

Crozet Fireworks & Independence Day Celebration - 2014

From the Crozet Community Association:

They need your help for an hour or two on July 5. Below is the website to sign-up to help with the Crozet Independence Day Celebration (CIDC) next Saturday, July 5, between 5PM to 10PM. There are a variety of tasks and time slots. Most of the time slots are only an hour – so there’s lots of ways to help and still enjoy the event. When you sign-up it will ask for your name, email and, optionally phone number. No one else can see your email and phone. We promise we won’t share it. It’s helpful for us to have it if something happens and we need to let you know about a last minute change.

We urge church groups, civic and neighborhood associations to sign-up. Crozet Trails Crew already has volunteered to staff one spot the whole evening! Let’s see which group can have the most volunteers!

To sign up, go here.

With your help, we can make this Crozet Independence Day celebration the best ever!

CCAC Special Meeting – 9 June 2014

Via email. If anyone is able to live tweet this meeting that would be tremendous. I know that I will not be able to attend.



SPECIAL MEETING: The Crozet Community Advisory Council will hold a special meeting on Monday, June 9, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. at the Albemarle County Office Building, in Room 246, located at 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia 22902. The purpose of the meeting is to meet with Albemarle County Planning Department staff to discuss the proposed redevelopment of the Barnes Lumber property in Crozet.

REGULAR MEETING (NOTE THE CHANGE OF DATE): The Crozet Community Advisory Council will hold its regular monthly meeting on MONDAY, June 16, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. at The Meadows conference room, at 5735 Meadows Drive, Crozet, Virginia 22932. Please note the change of date for this meeting. The CCAC will not meet on June 19.

WAHS’ Environmental Academy Taking Shape

K Burnell Evans at the Daily Progress reports:

Plans are taking shape for one of the few new initiatives to escape the chopping block this spring when Albemarle County school officials slashed $3.9 million from the fiscal plan for the coming school year.

Students have been selected and a curriculum drawn up for freshmen entering the Environmental Studies Academy at Western Albemarle High School this fall. A group of 16 male and nine female students will form the academy’s entering class, said Adam Mulcahy, a biology and ecology teacher at Western who will lead the program.

And. Wow.

In an informal survey of his students, Mulcahy (a biology and ecology teacher at Western who will lead the program) told the School Board last week, about 80 percent of respondents had never planted something with their own hands.

The new Environmental Academy looks pretty cool.

A Fun Crozet Weekend – 26 May 2014

One of the challenging things about living in Crozet is making time to take advantage of the things to be done!

Picking strawberries at Chiles Orchard on Saturday …

A nice bike ride on the Blue Ridge Parkway …

If I hadn’t been at an open house for a cool farmhouse near downtown Crozet, I’d like to think we would have made it to polo at King Family Vineyards … but not to worry – they’re having it next weekend too.

Add Your Own Event to the Crozet Calendar

Eventually I’ll add a widget or something to the side of the blog making finding this feature easier but in the meantime … I’ve opened up the calendar feature on the site to allow anyone to add their own events.

Add your own event to the Crozet Calendar here.

For PTO events, vineyards, Old Trail community events, music at Fardowners or Southern Way Cafe – or Starr Hill’s  tasting room – or church events or whatever. I’d love this calendar to become more of a hub for the Crozet community than it already is.

Adding an event is easy, and takes less than two minutes.

A couple tips for adding events to the Crozet calendar:

– times are in 24 hour time. (1800 = 6pm)

– Please upload a photo if you have one.

– if I’m missing a category, please let me know

– Add the date to the title! Example – Bike to School Day – 7 May 2014 – I’m hoping we can make the calendar live long enough where we have duplicate events over the years.

– Please please please don’t abuse this. Thank you.

“How Does your Garden Grow” Lecture Series

Two interesting lectures coming up – 15 April and 22 April.

The Crozet Farmers Market in association with the Crozet United Methodist Church (CUMC) will host a gardening lecture series, “How Does Your Garden Grow” to benefit the Food Pantry. Al Minutolo, Manager of the Crozet Market has brought together expert gardeners Peter Hatch, Director of Gardens and Grounds Emeritus, Monticello and Lesley Sewell, Certified Landscape Designer, Arborist and Adjunct Professor of Horticulture, J. Sergeant Reynolds Community College to share their gardening knowledge and experience with you on a variety of topics.

The lectures are for new and old gardeners alike, as gardening is a lifetime experience of enjoyment and good health. In recent years, vendor fees from the Farmers Market have been donated to the Food Pantry. In 2013, the Market donated $750.00 to the food pantry and soup program conducted by churches in the Crozet community.

Also, Crozet Trails Crew workday and an art show at the Art Box.

* If you’d like to add something to the Crozet Calendar, please let me know.