CCAC Meeting 19 November 2014

Should be fun well, interesting (and hopefully Storify will work this time for the recap).


The Crozet Library, Crozet Wednesday,

November 19, 2014 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.


1. Agenda Review. (Meg Holden – CCAC chair)

2. Approval of Minutes.

3. Project Updates/Information:

– Introduce Emily Kilroy and new CCAC members

– Streetscape updates/issues and celebration, safe walks to school, Harris Teeter Crossing

– Update on Barnes lumber closing – Frank Stoner

– Discussion of CDC presentation and brainstorm development issues and ideas per email I sent earlier from Dave Stoner (Jim’s edit: read that email)

– Wind energy business update and overview – Rich Pleasants

4. Items not listed on the agenda.

5. Announcements.

6. Future Agenda Items.


Crozet Angel Tree 2014

Last year’s Angel Tree was a great success. This year, there are still people in need. Lisa Ebanks writes (bolding mine):

“Each Christmas season the counselors at Crozet Elementary, Brownsville and Henley partner with Crozet Baptist church to provide warm clothing for children in need. This year there were 240 children identified, up from the 225 that our community served last year. We have been able to fulfill the needs of these families as a community working together and spreading the word. Please consider “adopting” an angel or a family of 2,3 or 4 children. This is a great teaching moment for children or an awesome team building project at a place of employment.

Please contact Lisa Ebanks at [email protected] to be matched. Let’s work as a community to keep these kids warm this holiday season.”

Interested in Riding Bicycles in Crozet?

Skyline Drive

Crozet is a great place to ride a bike.

I’ve ridden a bicycle for a couple years now, and have found group rides to be a great way to ride – for community, camaraderie, pushing each other a bit, and pastries at the end of the ride.  If you’re interested in riding for an hour each week with a few folks, please click through to the google form. If we have enough interest (and accommodating weather, maybe we’ll go next week). I promise nothing other than I’ll try to organize as best I can. I’ll put together a google group or something as we go.

Continue reading “Interested in Riding Bicycles in Crozet?”

Halloween & Trick or Treating in Crozet – 2014

I get this question every year:

What day is trick or treating in Crozet?

I will add this question: which are your favorite neighborhoods for trick-or-treating?

1) Trick or treating is on Friday the 31st.
2) Trick or Treating in The Square on the 30th.
3) Music at Fardowners, Crozet Pizza, and Southern Way Cafe on the 31st. (missing an event? Please add it!)

Streetscape Coming to a Close Soon

Crozet Streetscape - 25 October 2014

Today’s Crozet Streetscape update, via email:

The following progress was made last week:
  • All remaining crosswalks were completed.
  • All remaining mulching was completed.
The following items are scheduled through the end of the project:
  • Final striping and signage installation are scheduled for tomorrow and Wednesday.
  • A Substantial Completion inspection will be held with VDOT the first week of November.
  • Substantial Completion is officially November 18th and Final Completion is December 18th.
For more information on the Crozet Streetscape project, visit


I hear they’re going to do a grand opening/ribbon cutting party …


The last few days on RealCrozetVA Facebook

It’s been busy on the RealCrozetVA facebook page. As a reminder, I don’t post everything here that I post there, as some of the stuff there isn’t blog-worthy, if you will.


You know what this library needs? A rooftop bar. #crozet

View on Instagram


If you’re curious, all the facebook posts here are able to be seen in this category; one of the main reasons I write here about the FB posts is because FB is basically un-searchable, and I hate that.


Crozet Community Orchestra 2014-2015 Season Opens

via email:

The Crozet Community Orchestra 2014-2015 season re-opened on Sept 10, 2014. This is a greatly expanded orchestra, since its debut concert in Dec 2013, now with strings, winds, brass and percussion instruments.

Our first concert of the season will be held on November 16, 2014, Sunday, at 6:00 pm at Crozet Baptist Church, 5804 St. George Ave. The program will include several movements from the opera, Carmen, by Georges Bizet, with guest pedal harpist, Virginia Schweninger. Vaughn Williams’, English Folk Suite arranged for orchestra, is also being performed under the musical direction of Philip Clark.

The CCO has openings for strings, winds and brass players. We are specifically looking for another bassoonist and an assistant percussionist for the current concert cycle. Musicians age 14 to adults of all ages are welcome – amateurs, retirees, students, professionals. No auditions are required.
If you are interested in playing with the CCO, volunteering or being added to our email list for occasional updates, please contact:

Denise Murray, CCO Founder and President of the Board of Directors:

[email protected] / 434-097-5517

For donations, the mailing address for the Crozet Community Orchestra is: P. O. Box 762, Crozet VA 22932.

The CCO is an IRS designated 501c3 tax exempt charitable organization.
Thank you so very much for your support.