December 2018 CCAC Wrap-up, Chesterfield Landing growing

Here are the tweets from last night. It was a good discussion; I encourage you to dig in and read them all.



A couple of the tweets, though

Some of the tweets

  • Currently, they could do about 12 units. Want to rezone to get about 23
  • Lots of questions about what the homeowners’ expectations were about the future growth of the neighborhood
  • Schools are overcapacity, “Audience – currently Brownsville site says capacity is 715 and they are at 830. (I think I heard that right) “
  • Me: trying to figure out if they are upset about not knowing more houses are coming to the growth area, or that the rezoning is for ~2X as many homes as allowed by right?
  • If You Don’t Own It, It’s Going to Change
  • Me: As a Realtor, it’s hard hearing these kinds of conversations. People buy with certain expectations; it’s tough when those aren’t met.
  • Neighbor – you say you’ll preserve trees and such. Where?

    A: shows the picture that they’ve already said is a very preliminary representation.

  • CCAC member to buyers – did you all look at the master plan before you bought?

    one neighbor – I talked to the builder & they said probably not.

    another – we thought there’d be more houses, but absolutely not 23 houses

  • Neighbor – now, our neighborhood blends right now, but the new phase won’t look anything like what’s there now. The new houses will be so much smaller & won’t fit in. How will you integrate it so it *looks* like part of our neighborhood ?
  • Talking about lot sizes, houses sizes, house values. CCAC member saying smaller houses = lower value.

    Me: so what?



Continue reading “December 2018 CCAC Wrap-up, Chesterfield Landing growing”

25 MPH on Crozet Avenue

Recently, you might or might not have noticed that the speed limit on Crozet Avenue changed, from Oak Drive (sort of near the cemetery) to Parkview Drive (Western Ridge). There didn’t seem to be any official announcement, and I’ve gotten a bunch of questions about it, so I asked VDOT, and they quickly responded. I added the link to the code below.

VDOT recently extended the 25 MPH speed limit on Route 240 between Oak Drive and Parkview Drive.

A speed study was conducted in mid-September as a result of a citizen request to the Albemarle County Police Department. VDOT traffic engineers analyzed the results and determined the road met the requirement of Virginia Code §46.2-874 to set the maximum speed limit at 25 MPH due to the density of the commercial and residential development and the multiple pedestrian facilities and crossings along Route 240.

The speed limit extension was approved and implemented in mid-October. The changes are intended to slow traffic down to improve safety for everyone including pedestrians and bicyclists. There are advanced warning signs of the 25 MPH speed limit near Oak Drive and Parkview Drive to notify drivers of the speed limit before it begins.

VDOT traffic engineers recently reviewed the signing plan for the extension and will be installing an additional 25 MPH sign on westbound Route 240 near Union Mission Lane.  (near Starr Hill)

Now … about bike lanes and sidewalks …


Steve Landes Town Hall – 29 December 2018

Update: Postponed.

CROZET – Del. Steve Landes, R-Weyers Cave, has postponed his Saturday town hall meeting due to a hospital stay, according to a release from William T. Wrobleski, Landes’ communications director.

“Delegate Landes has postponed the December 29th Town Hall Meeting in Crozet,” the statement said. “Delegate Landes had an adverse allergic reaction requiring admission to the hospital. Unfortunately, he will not be discharged prior to the scheduled meeting. The Crozet Town Hall will be rescheduled as soon as possible.”

Yes, it’s an advocacy post (via email), but that’s ok.

State delegate Steve Landes (R-25) is holding a town hall listening session in Crozet at the Crozet library on Saturday, December 29th at 10:00 am.

Suggestion: bring signs that just say 78%. That’s the percent of Virginians who support a Constitutional amendment to create an INDEPENDENT Commission to draw voting boundaries. (See the full survey here)

Let’s tell Landes and our other representative not to block the right of the PEOPLE to decide how we want our political districts determined!

If you go, take a photo with your smartphone and post it to our BRAG Facebook page.

Thanks — this is the time when everything helps.

CCAC Meeting – 19 December 2018

Last one of the year.


Crozet Library
Wednesday, December 19, 2018 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:45 p.m.


1. Introductions and Agenda Review (Allie Pesch – CCAC chair)

2. Approval of Minutes

3. Proposed Phase III Chesterfield Landing Rezoning Request Presentation and Discussion (Kelsey Schlein, Shimp Engineering – 45 minutes)

4. CAC Chair Meeting Report (Allie Pesch — 5 minutes)

5. Items Not Listed on the Agenda

Solar Panels to be Installed on Roof of Crozet Library


via press release:

Starting Sunday, December 9, 2018, work crews will begin installing solar panels on the roof of Crozet Library. The work is expected to be completed by Friday, December 14th and will not interrupt the library’s regular operations.

This project will place sixty 360-watt solar panels will be placed on the north roof. The panels are expected to produce 31,157 kWh of electricity annually for the library, the equivalent of 13.3 metric tons of (greenhouse gas) CO2 emissions. The panels will not be visible from the street.


Dark Beer. Crozet Trolley.

Two unrelated things. Two different weekends. Still. Both are cool.


*Add your own event to the Crozet Calendar here.

Ring Christmas bells for Salvation Army at Crozet Great Valu Market

via email:


This Christmas season the Lions Club of Crozet again invites all of our friends and neighbors in Crozet and environs to ring bells for the Salvation Army in front of the Crozet Great Valu Market.

Bell ringing is scheduled for Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, from December 1 through Christmas.

On weekdays we plan to ring the bells from 4:00 P.M. until 7:00 P.M., and on Saturdays from10:00 A.M. until 4:00 P.M.. Volunteers are asked to ring the bells for one hour with another person or with family members

We hope you are willing to participate in this happy, meaningful activity.

If you are comfortable with using the web, you can sign up at the following website: Crozet bell ringers for Salvation Army

Otherwise you can sign up or receive more information by sending an email to [email protected], or by calling (434) 409-6148.

Those who have participated this activity in the past often remark that it is very positive for both the volunteer and the donors. Frequently volunteers report, with amazement, that when they said “Thank you” to the donor, the donor would often reply enthusiastically, ”Thank YOU for doing this”. It is a wonderful way for families to get into the Holiday spirit.

Have a very happy Holiday Season

The Crozet Lions Club

Crozet Real Estate Market – Nearing End of 2018

Sales are slowing, inventory is creeping up, new construction is moving along, and we’re seeing price moderations. Watch the whole video, skim the transcript; ask us questions.


Jim: Hey there, I’m Jim Duncan with Nest Realty here in Crozet.

Greg: And I’m Greg Slater with Nest Realty. We define the Crozet market as the school districts of Brownsville Elementary and Crozet Elementary. We gave you some stats in our last video. We were talking about the fact that sales in Crozet were down about 10% at that point. Moving ahead, we’re looking a little bit past the third quarter to the end of October, year to date. We’re still going in the wrong direction. Now we’re about 16% off.

Continue reading “Crozet Real Estate Market – Nearing End of 2018”