Orchard Jams at Chiles Orchard + Crozet Trolley

via email

I wanted to alert you to a complimentary trolley service during the month of May provided to Orchard Jams by Crozet Trolley Co. which is our free Friday evening music series at Chiles Peach Orchard. The service starts this Friday, May 3 for Koda Kerl & Friends and features round trip service from Western Ridge, Downtown Crozet and Old Trail. More information on the schedule here.

Would be great to spread the word and on top of that initiative, we will also be donating $1 to Meals on Wheels of Charlottesville/Albemarle from each pint of cider and glass of wine sold on the first Friday of each month throughout the series which runs every Friday until September 27th.

CCAC Meeting – More Houses, Crozet Express, Master Plan

via email (bolding mine) #CCAC0419


Crozet Library
Wednesday, April 10, 2019 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:45 p.m.


  1. Introductions and Agenda Review (Allie Pesch – CCAC chair)
  2. Approval of Minutes
  3. Pleasant Green/West Glen Stream Crossing SUP Amendment (Jeremy Swink, Stanley Martin Homes – 30 min) (Is this the one about filling in the flood plain?)
  4. JAUNT Crozet Connect express shuttle service update (Brian Cohen, Mary Honeycutt, Stephen Johnson – 30 min)
  5. Crozet Master Plan Content Review and Update Topics: Parks and Green Systems (Andrew Knuppel – 20 min)
  6. Items Not Listed on the Agenda
  7. Announcements
  8. Future Agenda Items
    1. Rivanna Authorities – Crozet Area Update (Bill Mawyer, RWSA – June)
    2. Master Plan Content Review and Update Topics (Monthly through July)



When Are They Going to Close 240?

How’s that for a click-baity headline? 6 months closure is certainly way better than the previously-heard 12-18 months.

Via email:


Give input on preferred construction alternative

CULPEPER — The Virginia Department of Transportation invites the public to attend an upcoming design public hearing on the proposed rehabilitation of the Route 240 (Crozet Avenue) bridge over Lickinghole Creek in Albemarle County.  

The hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, April 17 from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Crozet Library, 2020 Library Avenue, Crozet. 

At the open house-style hearing, VDOT staff will be available to discuss the project and answer questions. The public can review project plans, ask questions and obtain information about the project’s timeline, cost and travel impacts, as well as provide feedback on the project orally or in writing. 

VDOT proposes to rehabilitate the existing substandard bridge and is presenting two construction alternatives for public input:

·       The first alternative proposes to close Route 240 in both directions for six months with a detour in place. Traffic south of the bridge would use Route 250 (Rockfish Gap Turnpike) to Route 240 (Three Notched Road) to reach Crozet Avenue. Traffic north of the bridge will reverse the detour and use Three Notched Road to Rockfish Gap Turnpike. 

·       The second alternative involves a phased approach to construction. The bridge would be reduced to one lane and two-way traffic would be controlled by temporary traffic signals for at least eight months. Motorists would experience delays near the bridge site especially during rush hour with this alternative.  

Written comments can also be submitted by mail to Howard Tomlinson, Project Manager, 1601 Orange Road, Culpeper, VA 22701 through April 27. Email comments can be sent to [email protected].

Anyone requiring special assistance to attend and participate in this meeting may contact VDOT at 540-829-7500, 800-367-7623 or TTY/TDD 711.

More information about the projects can be found on VDOT’s website at http://www.virginiadot.org/projects/culpeper/240bridge.asp.


2019 Pitch In at the (Crozet) Park

via email:

On Saturday, April 13th from 8AM to 1:00PM, Crozet Park will host its sixth annual Pitch-in at the Park. This event brings together volunteers throughout the community and makes it possible to complete many of the Park’s 2019 maintenance activities.  For each activity tools are provided along with any applicable instruction. Volunteers should bring work gloves, hat and sun screen. Water is provided. Lunch is provided to ALL volunteers. 

Pitch-in at the Park is an opportunity to engage local residents to work side-by-side to help maintain our community-owned park. This is a significant effort and we need everyone’s help. Please sign-up at: http://crozetpark.org/volunteering

Crozet Clean Up Challenge – 30 March 2019

Why not make it a day, or a morning, or an afternoon. Go for a short walk, and pick up a small bag of trash, or a big one, or several. Send your pictures to me, before and after. Put them on social media with #trashtag and #CrozetTrashTag.

Crozet clean up Challenge – Saturday March 30th at 9:00am Cling lane cul-de-sac, looking for volunteers.

Where else in Crozet can we clean up?

It’s not a thing, yet, but it could be. If you want an orange trash bag, please text me 434-242-7140 and I’ll get you one, or pick one up outside Greenhouse Coffee.

Looks like a great weekend for it!

What’s Going in Across From Crozet Park?

Houses. There will be houses. Built by someone.

Stony Point Design were going to be building, but as of last week, they will not be.

And today, they have announced a new path, one that no longer includes residential construction. Their work as developers and designers has provided them with the opportunities to expand outside Charlottesville, and to oversee larger projects not only in our area, but throughout the Commonwealth and beyond. They have been able to acquire properties in RichmondCharlottesville, and Cape Cod, on which they will be building multi-family, office, and experiential real estate projects. These projects are building on the great things that they started here in Charlottesville. And we couldn’t be happier for them.

We talked in 2017 about this development, and three others.

  • Jarmans Gap – 12 houses – timeline still unknown
  • Across from Crozet Park project – that’s the subject of this story.
  • Sparrow Hill – (on 250 near Rocket Coffee) – well underway; next phase just opened
  • Glenbrook (between Parkside Village and Foothill Crossing) – well underway

Good Job, Albemarle County.

March 2019 CCAC Wrap-up | Transportation Stuff

CCAC March 2019

Lots of stuff in the CCAC meeting.

A couple highlighted tweets

There was a lot more covered in the meeting. You should go; they’re often boring, but you’ll probably learn something about Crozet.

Continue reading “March 2019 CCAC Wrap-up | Transportation Stuff”

Albemarle’s New Dress Code


via email.

Dear Parents, Guardians and Students:

On February 28, I communicated with you about the enforcement of our student conduct policy and dress code practices to better meet our responsibility to provide an educational environment in our schools in which all students can fulfill their highest potential.

Our policy states that any clothing that interferes with or disrupts our educational environment is unacceptable. This requirement has always been present in our policy; it is not new.

Effective tomorrow, Tuesday, March 12, the wearing of clothing with imagery associated with organizations that promote white supremacy, racial division, hatred, or violence will not be permitted in our schools. 

Continue reading “Albemarle’s New Dress Code”

CCAC Meeting 13 March 2019 | Traffic, Recycling, Master Plan

Via email. Who’s going, and able to either tweet, or write a recap for the blog? #CCAC0319

Wednesday, March 13, 2019 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:45 p.m.


  1. Introductions and Agenda Review (Allie Pesch – CCAC chair)
  2. Approval of Minutes
  3. CCAC 2019 – 2020 Officer Elections
  4. Recycling in Western Albemarle (Trudy Brement, Emma-Caroline Avery, and Maren Eanes, Henley Middle School – 20 min)
  5. Crozet Traffic and Transportation Updates (Joel DeNunzio, VDOT – 40min)
  6. Crozet Master Plan Content Review and Update Topics: Transportation (Andrew Knuppel – 20 min)
    1. Review the first 7 pages of the Transportation Plan
  7. Albemarle County Budget Review: Crozet CIP Commitments (Ann Mallek–10min)
  8. Items Not Listed on the Agenda
  9. Announcements

10. Future Agenda Items

o Pleasant Green/West Glen Stream Crossing SUP Amendment (April)
o Master Plan Content Review and Update Topics (Monthly through July)

RealCrozetVA Facebook Roundup – start of March 2019

Facebook is evil (see the end of this post), but a couple thousand people still like the RealCrozetVA page, so I keep it. (Instagram, too)

Facebook is evil and destructive

And yes, I know Instagram is Facebook.