A Catholic Church on St. George?

This was an interesting “item not on the agenda” at the 12 June 2019 CCAC meeting. I asked the gentleman who read the letter from some of the St. George neighbors to share the letter. I have pasted it below.

The local church search committee has proposed the site of Anderson Funeral Home on St. George Avenue in Crozet as a potential site for the Diocese of Richmond to review to see if it’s suitable site. (from downtown Crozet, head towards Crozet Elementary, turn left on St. George, and it’s up there on the right)

Continue reading “A Catholic Church on St. George?”

Support Crozet’s Fireworks and Independence Day Celebration

Copy/Pasted from the Crozet Community site. With permission.

These events involve a lot of donated time from a lot of individuals and donated materials and services from local companies, but it still cannot happen without financial contributions, too.

Of course, we appreciate all donations, but to boost our efforts to cover expenses, we have three leadership donor levels and we are hoping that you will show your support by becoming a lead patron this year.

  • For a gift of $500 or more, we will prominently display your company banner you provide at the entrance to the park during the event, identify your patron status in the Crozet Gazette and event handbill and provide you with ten passes to the celebration in the park as well as published thanks in the Crozet Gazette and the event handbill.
  • For a gift of $250 to $499, you will receive acknowledgment in the Crozet Gazette and event handbill and four passes to the celebration in the park.
  • And, for a gift of $100 to $249, you will receive two passes to the celebration in the park, published thanks in the Crozet Gazette and the event handbill.

June 29 will be here before you know it.  Won’t you join us by contributing whatever you can afford?  If being a lead patron is too much, please send whatever you can afford.   Your contribution is tax-deductible charitable donation. Thank you!

Please make your donation by Friday, June 21 in order to be listed on the event  handbill. 

  1. You can mail a check payable to: Downtown Crozet Association and send it to: CBT, P.O. Box 863, Crozet, VA 22932.  Please put  “CIDC donation” on the memo line.
  2. You can contribute right now, online, by clicking on this link:  
  3. Please put “CIDC donation” in the Designation box.
  4. Thank you for your generous support!

It takes a village – won’t you help out on Saturday, June 29 for an hour?

We need your help for just an hour or two on Sunday, June 29.   Below is the website to sign-up to help with the Crozet Independence Day Celebration (CIDC) between 5PM to 10PM. There are a variety of tasks and time slots. Most of the time slots are only an hour – so there’s lots of ways to help and still enjoy the event.

To sign up, please click here! (Coming soon)
For now – email CrozetCommunity at gmail.com to volunteer!

When you sign-up it will ask for your name, email and, optionally phone number.  No one else can see your email and phone.  We promise we won’t share it.  It’s helpful for us to have it if something happens and we need to let you know about a last minute change.

We urge church groups, civic and neighborhood associations to sign-up.  Crozet Trails Crew already has volunteered to staff one spot the whole evening!  Let’s see which group can have the most volunteers!

With your help, we can make this Crozet Independence Day celebration the best ever!

CCAC Recap – June 2019 | Barnes Redevelopment, Water, Catholic Church on St. George?

Read all the tweets here.

Highlights from the CCAC meeting

PDFs from the Barnes Lumberyard redevelopment presentation

Draft form for residences


Continue reading “CCAC Recap – June 2019 | Barnes Redevelopment, Water, Catholic Church on St. George?”

250 Closing at Tilman for a Bit

It’s just past the blinking light on 250 on the way into Charlottesville. You know, the dip in the road that’s been getting dippier for the past few weeks?

via email:


Crews will replace large pipe; motorists advised to follow posted detour

CULPEPER — An upcoming pipe replacement project will close a portion of Route 250 (Ivy Road) in Albemarle County in mid-June. 

VDOT will close Route 250 to through traffic to replace a large pipe located just east of Route 676 (Tilman Road). This work has been scheduled to avoid both morning rush hours. The road will be closed beginning at 10 a.m. June 12 and will reopen by 4 a.m. June 13, weather permitting. 

The large pipe must be replaced to prevent damage to the travel lanes. Crews will excavate the soil above and around the pipe. After removing the pipe, crews will install a new pipe, backfill the area and resurface the road. 

Due to the significant work required to remove the old pipe, it is not feasible to keep one travel lane open during this project. 

Motorists are advised to use Route 738 (Morgantown Road) to get around the closure. 

Drivers should check www.511virginia.org or the 511 mobile app for updated information about traffic conditions and follow @VaDOTCULP on Twitter for updates.

CCAC – June 2019 | Downtown Crozet Update, Crozet Express


via email:

CROZET COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEECrozet Library, 2020 Library Ave, Crozet, VA 22932 Wednesday, June 12, 2019 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:45 p.m.


  1. Introductions and Agenda Review (Allie Pesch – CCAC chair)
  2. Approval of Minutes
  3. JAUNT Crozet Connect Schedule Update (Stephen Johnson, JAUNT – 15 min)
  4. Rivanna Authorities Crozet Projects Update (Bill Mawyer, Executive Director, Rivanna Authorities – 45 min)
  5. Barnes Lumber Development Updates (Frank Stoner, Milestone Partners – 15 minutes)
  6. Downtown Crozet Initiative Branding Crozet Recap (Doug Bates – 15 min)
  7. Items Not Listed on the Agenda
  8. Announcements

Western Albemarle Crew Team Rows to SIX National Medals

Wow, WAHS Rowing!

Crozet, Virginia, May 28, 2019 – After advancing a record 10 boats from the Virginia State Championship to the Scholastic National Regatta, the Western Albemarle High School Crew Team rowed their way to six national titles.  The Western Albemarle High School team of 55 members was one of 156 clubs from across the nation to qualify and compete in the regatta held May 24-25 in Dillion Lake, Ohio.  

The second fastest boats in the nation were awarded silver medals, earned by the Women’s Senior Quad (Caroline Allison, Heather Deacon, Tori Sanborn, Clare O’Connell), the Women’s Lightweight Quad (Casey Callinan, Madison Reisch, Noa Kipnis, Adelaide Bragaw) and the Men’s Junior Quad (Lucas Farmer, Andrew Sime).  Bronze medals were earned by the the Women’s LIghtweight Double (Madelyn Abrahamson, Eva Massarelli), the Men’s Senior Double (Val Burguener, Cove Haydock) and the Men’s Freshman Quad (William Donovan, Jeremy Burke, Tate Kessler, Tilden English.)  

Additionally the team had four other boats which finished in the top ten: the Women’s Junior Quad (Lily Argenbright, Kate Landis, Mary Robertson, Mia Henderson, the Women’s Junior Double (Ellie Ward, Claire Helgerson), and the Men’s Senior Quad (Cooper Devito,Will Plummer, Tee Dickinson, CK Keller), and the Women’s Freshman Quad (Ravenna Barber, Emma Sexton, Haley Lenox, Meghan Byrne).  The Women’s Junior Single (Sloan Strong) also placed in the top ten.  Strong attends Staunton High School which does not have a team, so she trains with the WAHS team and was entered as the only Staunton HS rower. 

Head Coach, Craig Redinger says “The importance of this success cannot be underestimated.  To be able to compete, place among the top two boats in each event against the best competition from across the nation takes an enormous commitment of time, training, character and dedication that is nothing short of remarkable.  Our athletes and coaching staff embody those values on and off the water and generates an atmosphere in which our rowers excel.  This past weekend we got to prove that to the nation by leaving as the  most medaled sculling teams at the event”  

The team will now take a break before resuming their fall season in August.  If you are interested in learning more about the sport of rowing the team will host its learn to row program July 15-26. Please visit our website, wahscrew.org, for details on our summer programs and for those interested in joining the team.

Thanks, Kara Ward, for sending this in!

Input on 240-250 Roundabout – 11 June 2019

via email from VDOT … this is the roundabout at the 250/240 “Y” intersection is.


Comments invited in person on June 11, via mail or email by June 21 

CULPEPER — The Virginia Department of Transportation invites the public to attend an upcoming design public hearing for the proposed project to construct a roundabout at the intersection of Route 240 (Three Notched Road), Route 250 (Rockfish Gap Turnpike) and Route 680 (Browns Gap Turnpike) in Albemarle County.  

The hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, June 11 from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Field School of Charlottesville, 1408 Crozet Avenue, Crozet.  

At the open house-style hearing, VDOT staff will be available to discuss the project at the open house style hearing. The public can review project plans, ask questions and obtain information about the project’s timeline, cost and travel impacts, as well as provide feedback on the project orally or in writing. 

The proposed roundabout will improve safety at the busy intersection. Roundabouts are safer than conventional stop-controlled intersections because traffic can continually and efficiently flow through the intersection and vehicle operating speeds are lower. Additionally, roundabouts help reduce air pollution and fuel use compared to a signalized intersection due to reduced idling and less acceleration and deceleration. 

During construction, VDOT proposes to close Route 680 to through traffic between Route 250 and Route 802 (Old Three Notched Road) with a posted detour. Traffic would be detoured via Route 240 to Route 802 for about two months.  

Written comments can also be submitted by mail to Hal Jones, Project Manager, 701 VDOT Way, Charlottesville, VA 22911 through June 21. Email comments can be sent [email protected].  

Anyone requiring special assistance to attend and participate in this meeting may contact VDOT at 540-829-7500, 800-367-7623 or TTY/TDD 711.

More information about the projects can be found on VDOT’s website at http://www.virginiadot.org/projects/culpeper/albroundabout.asp.


240/250 intersection

CCAC May 2019 | Crozet Connect, 250, Bridges

via email:

Field School of Charlottesville, 1408 Crozet Avenue
Wednesday, May 8, 2019 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:45 p.m.


1.    Introductions and Agenda Review (Allie Pesch – CCAC chair)

2.    Approval of Minutes 

3.    JAUNT Crozet Connect Update (Brian Cohen, JAUNT Public Relations Manager – 15 min) 

4.    Crozet Master Plan Content Review and Update Topics: Land Use (Andrew Knuppel – 45 min)

5.    CCAC Member Discussion: Eastern Avenue, VDOT Bridge Resolution (All – 30 min)

6.    Items Not Listed on the Agenda

7.    Announcements

8.     Future Agenda Items

• Rivanna Authorities – Crozet Area Update (Bill Mawyer, RWSA – June)
• Master Plan Content Review and Update Topics (Monthly through July)