I have two questions:
1 – Will they accept electronic signatures, or must they be wet signatures? Answer: Yes, they accept electronic signatures, so long as you are already registered to vote
2 – May we email the PDF of the absentee ballot application? Answer: yes; you may email to [email protected]
(and the FB post)
via email:
The Governor has postponed the June primary elections in Virginia. The June primary elections will now be held on Tuesday, June 23, 2020. Albemarle County voters will have an opportunity to vote in either the Democratic primary or the Republican primary (but not both).
Because of the COVID-19 virus, if you would like to vote in the upcoming June 23 primary the Albemarle County Electoral Board and Department of Voter Registration strongly urge ALL voters to vote absentee by mail in that election, so as to avoid having to go to the polls on election day.
By notice posted on the Virginia Department of Elections website, the Department of Elections has advised all Virginia localities that because of the COVID-19 emergency, ALL voters will be permitted to vote absentee for the June primary elections in Virginia.
Jim’s note: After speaking to the registrar, I struck through this. Choose the first option.
In order to get an absentee ballot, voters will need to submit an absentee ballot application form. Use “my disability or illness” as the absentee reason.
If you have a Virginia driver’s license, you can complete that form online. https://vote.elections.virginia.gov/VoterInformation
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