Epilepsy Awareness Stroll

Crozet Resident Carrie Miller is actively arranging publicity and logistics for the Epilepsy Awareness Stroll. The Stroll will take place on November 12 at noon in the UVA Park behind the JAG school near Arlington Blvd. Carrie has a daughter with epilepsy who is four years old and two other special needs children. Carrie‘s remarkable daughter Emmalyn has epilepsy and kidney problems. Such problems mean extended stays at hospitals, missed preschool, difficulty making friends and  the loss of financial resources. Especially the epilepsy has been hard on the whole family.

The stress on Carrie’s family corresponds with most studies on parents of children with seizures. Most studies confirm that parents experience major stress and that the disruption in family life is considered much higher than with other common child hood disorders such as asthma or diabetes. Parents are aware of the possibilities of injuries (in a major study of 5000 persons with epilepsy, 83% of those with one or more seizure during the last year reported some kind of injury), academic problems  and a much lower employment rate than the general population. However children whose parents accept epilepsy and do not overprotect do much better in school and in the workplace. The Epilepsy Foundation of Virginia has a summer camp and family fun days to help foster the independence of children with epilepsy. Carrie Miller and her family are a wonderful example.  Carrie’s motto is “better a broken arm than a broken heart.”

*Story courtesy of Suzanne Bischoff, Ph.D., Executive Director – Epilepsy Foundation of Virginia

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Stream Watch meeting

John Murphy, a stream biologist and Director of the StreamWatch program, will be the featured speaker at the next open meeting of Advocates for a Sustainable Albemarle Population (ASAP). The title of his talk is: “Correlates of Biological Conditions of Streams & Rivers of the Rivanna Basin.”  The meeting begins at 7:30PM, November 16, in the library of Westminster Presbyterian Church, 190 Rugby Rd., Charlottesville. Free & open to the public. Contact 996-1545 or visit www.ASAPnow.org.

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Foothill Crossing moving forward?

I do not yet know. I do know that I missed the Site Review comment meeting yesterday, am going to try to make the Site Review Committee meeting date tomorrow (10 am)

Did anybody make the meeting yesterday? If so, what came of it?

See the attached letter (PDF) from the County received by adjoining landowners.

Charlottesville Tomorrow noted in March that Foothill Crossing was “indefinitely deferred.” (also on Albemarle’s site)

Google on Foothill Crossing

We’ll see …  hopefully I am not jumping to conclusions just because I live in an adjoining development that would be impacted.

Hat Tip to Katrien for her vigilance.

Update 11-4-06: The DP has an article on this development.

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Crozet Library will be Downtown

The library will be Downtown. Thanks to Jeremy Borden with the DP:

Board members said neither site would please everyone, but they all had their own reasons for wanting the site downtown.

Now … is that house historic?

And … also from the DP:

School Board member Brian Wheeler said that in the Crozet Master Plan, the new elementary school’s cost is listed at $12.4 million. According to the school division’s long-range planning committee estimations, it will cost $29 million if construction started in 2017, the year planned. This figure does not reflect the cost of acquiring land for the school, Wheeler noted.

Update 11-04-06: Cvillenews has a story. All stories on the library.

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Crozet Library meeting recap

About one hundred and fifty people attended this past Wednesday’s Library meeting at Western Albemarle High School. Supervisor David Wyant opened the meeting with the sweeping statement that “The library today involves the internet.”

The lead architect’s presentation was highlighted in part by her seeming un-awareness of the political environment in Crozet. A few of the notable laugh lines were:

– a slide noting how a great library can jump-start development

– her response to a question regarding when “new” Main Street will be built

– her noting that all the sidewalks, benches, light posts, etc. Crozetians have been promised for years would be part of the implementation plan

– her noting that there have been a few studies regarding the building of a new Crozet library. (since 1987!!!) No one can say that Albemarle has not done their due diligence.

In all seriousness, the meeting was informative, enlightening and about 45 minutes behind schedule. I look forward to the follow up meetings.
These are the major observations and questions I left with –

– Regarding the Downtown Location (Site Option #3 -pdf) – what is the historic value of the property? At what point will this issue be put to bed and not be a component of the equation that could derail the entire project?
– There were surprisingly few young people (25-35 years old) in attendance. One would think that more would be interested as they will benefit greatly from a state of the art library, particularly because of the library’s intended focus on children and teens.

– A general (library) rule of thumb is that when a library reaches a checkout rate of 25 books per square foot, it is time to start looking for a new home. Crozet’s checkout rate is 64 books per square foot. Clearly, the time is right for a new library.

– Nothing is more enlightening than a Power Point presentation.

– The architects (Grimm and Parker) are planning an additional half-dozen or so public meetings.

– Will the library offer free wireless to their surroundings?

– I was impressed and happy to see and hear that the architects intend to build with green, sustainable concepts.

– An idea for future meetings – distribute (and market) the pertinent materials before-hand.

My vote: The Downtown Location.

Albemarle’s Crozet Library Page.

The Daily Progress’ report

NBC29’s report


– as always, County Staff showed their tireless dedication. We owe them some real thanks.

– one of the more challenging aspects of so-called “citizen journalism” is the whole “not getting paid to do this part.” 🙂

Crozet Library meeting 10-25-2006 Continue reading “Crozet Library meeting recap”

Help design Crozet Station

From the Crozet Community Association listserv:

Bill Atwood, Architect for Crozet Station, the proposed redesigned, remodeled, and rebuilt commercial area stretching from the corner of 240 & 810 to Crozet Great Valu, came to the Crozet Community Advisory Committee last week, and presented his ideas for the new project. He would like to include Crozet people in the design phase of Crozet Station. Here is what he wrote:

I am looking for 14-16 people to work with me in the field towards creating a Crozet Architectural Language. I would like to start this process on or about 1 Nov 06 & conclude on or about 15 Jan 07. We will be establishing 6 – 8 Iconic architectural pieces in Crozet. We will be meeting regularly, at an agreed time. Bill

If you are interested, email David – dfwayl AT earthlink DOT net

Readers’ Forum 10-26-2006 – Crozet Library

Library meeting: Real chance to be heard, or PR obfuscation?

Can our voices make a difference, or has the County already decided where to put the library? Is the listening sincere or just a calculated strategy, in reaction to Crozetians’ anger over Old Trail and the way those plans changed?

All that cynicism aside, here is my main question after the library meeting: why do none of the proposed buildings (never mind the sites) have the 22,500 square feet they’d like without future additions? Why are we already planning a building that is too small? And if it’s true that Mountainside is planning to move, and who knows when the new Main Street will be built, and maybe they’ll build a new elementary school . . . how can you choose a site for a community centerpiece when the things you’re using to decide seem to be shifting under your feet? I’ve never made a $5 million choice, so I worry about making the right one. But maybe the goal is to make the choice right, rather than make the right choice?