Redistricting in Crozet

Crozet children and their families are facing another redistricting.

NBC 29 reports and the Daily Progress has more information.

From the DP:

The number of students who will be redistricted will be decided by Jan. 15, and school administrators will present parents with new boundary options the division is considering, said Diane Behrens, director of support and planning services for county schools.

The School Board will hold a public hearing in early March before it votes on the options.

Current elementary school districts are shown here on Albemarle’s website (PDF)

Crozet’s School Board representative can be reached here:

Barbara Massie Mouly
265 Newtown Road
Greenwood, VA 22943

Update: I neglected to mention that Brian Wheeler is also our school board representative, by virtue of his being the At-Large member of the School Board. I have said many times before that Brian’s openness and level of communication (and methods) ought to be emulated by more politicians.

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Single-sex education in Crozet

From The HooK today, referencing the new Field School, a single-sex school (of which I am a huge advocate, as I graduated from the former all-male Virginia Military Institute) - 

Barnett says he’s close to finalizing the school’s initial location, which will likely be in the Claudius Crozet Park community center in Crozet. He proudly shows architectural renderings of the space, which will feature flexible classrooms with moveable walls and a large central common area. The school is accepting applications for the fall for 16 spots in each the fifth and sixth grades. (Seventh and eighth grade will be added over the following two years.) A shuttle will take students from Charlottesville to and from school each day.

The question of the day – what will be the impact on Claudius Crozet Park? Presumably the Park Building will no longer be available for rentals.

Update: Todd Barnett clarifies and expands with his comment.

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Peachtree Baseball Volunteers needed

Peachtree Baseball League of Albemarle Inc. is a non-profit organization that solely depends on volunteers to organize the league. We are currently looking for volunteers for the 2007 season.

The following positions are open for the 2007 season –

– Secretary
– VP Tball/Rookie
– Concession stand coordinator Crozet Park
– Historian

The job descriptions are listed below for each position. If you are interested, please contact Cheryl Madison.

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