Anytime Fitness gets a plug in Today’s Daily Progress

Check it out.

At Anytime Fitness, near Crozet, owner Melody Swartz said her clients are looking for a gym that’s closer than the facilities in Charlottesville or Waynesboro.

“We’ve had a lot of people who are members at Gold’s [Gym] and ACAC and have joined here because it’s more convenient,” Swartz said.

The hallmark of these 24-hour gym franchises is their security.

Both gyms give their members access cards to get into the gym, have security cameras rolling and put emergency buttons in the facility in case something goes wrong. Swartz’s location also has a security device that gym-goers can wear while they exercise in case they need to summon help while they’re on the treadmill.

I’ll be going later today.

From the Inbox – Historical Crozet Accident

Referencing this post from last week about the Good Samaritan

I’ve lived in suburb’s of Atlanta since moving from Crozet during 1967. I lived in the ole’ Crozet, following graduation from UVa in 1959, until 1967. The Crozet you loved and describe in your recently published, rather nostalgic article, of ‘Longing for Old Crozet.’ I remember well the Crozet Drug store and setting at the marble countered soda fountain and I too miss those days and some very close friends that are still living there. Many now have passed including Conway Stanley the local druggist who owned the store and beloved soda fountain.

Your e-mail, regarding your automobile accident, jogged my memory of another long ago accident that occurred at night on Highway 250, near intersection with the road leading into downtown Crozet. It occurred in front of a then rather popular restaurant that today I believe a small strip mall sits. That eventful night on 250 several young people were drag racing and one killed upon their car turning over, driver being thrown out, hit, and dragged beneath the small MG that supposedly hit him…or so those involved testified. Actually, the MG turned out to be stolen as police awoke and eventually cleared student who owned the MG. The really strange part of their story was the body of the dead boy, attached by his belt beneath the MG, was in rather good shape. The MG, with body beneath, was found on the UVa campus parked in it’s usual parking space across from the owners dormitory that sits adjacent to the old campus cemetery.

As I recall the police questioned how the body could have been dragged, under the small MG, that many miles and be in such good condition? To my knowledge it was a puzzle that to this day is still unanswered. I recalled they questioned the restaurant owner, who police suspected may have had involvement in the car racing, and he retained a Greenwood attorney by the name of Hank Tiffany. Hank was a regular at the Old Crozet Drug store. Hank, I believe was killed in a mid-air plane collision with a military F-15 that was scrambled to intersect him upon his aircraft entering an ADZ zone off outer banks of North Carolina. There was always something of excitement going on in the ole’ Crozet.

I’m glad to learn that you survived your automobile accident due to a good Samaritan and hope you find him to thank. Should you ever come across the mystery details of the young man found beneath the MG, on that fateful night of drag racing on Highway 250, I would like to learn if the police ever solved the puzzle?


Dick Pharr

Editor’s note – thank you for the recent flurry of emails and stories! I sincerely appreciate the readers and the correspondence!

Is the Harris Teeter in Crozet going to be Open 24 Hours?

That’s all I want to know … My questions for the Harris Teeter media folks:

– Will it be open 24 hours?- How is the progress going with regards to the LEED certification? – Will there be a coffee shop in the Harris Teeter? – When will it be opening?

And their response:

The store is scheduled to in late spring 2009. Please check back with us closer to the opening date (perhaps in March) and we would be happy to share with you more details about the store.

Getting involved in Waynesboro

A brief self-serving announcement – I’ve written about Waynesboro many times over the years, and see their community’s continued success as part of Crozet’s continued ability to thrive.

With that in mind, I put my name in the hat for the River City 2020 initiative.

Those words ring especially true today as we announce the members of our River City 2020 board, The News Virginian’s economic visioning project for downtown Waynesboro. This group represents a wide cross-section of perspectives, life experiences and vocations. With some members, our political views mesh; with others we could contend into the wee hours. But all are of a singular mind on the subject of Waynesboro: each desires a vibrant future for this city and is willing to stake personal time and energy to help ensure it.

It should be fun.

From the Inbox – Lost Dog in Crozet

I’m posting this for at least two reasons –

1) Help the dog find its owner

2) Highlight how Crozet really is and can be a small, helping community.

I found a black and white (cocker?) spaniel on Three Notched Road today across from Highland Drive. (forget the subdivision name) I drove around and knocked on doors for 2 hours looking for the owners….no luck. Is there anyway you could help find the owners? I would appreciate it. My cell number is 804.868.0464; email is redkurlzz at gmail DOT com.

From the Inbox

Sometimes, the RealCrozetVA inbox is pretty nifty.

“Nov 17th, 2007 I was in a bad car accident in Greenwood VA(close toCrozet).

The accident occurred between the hours of 12-1am on Greenwood station road. We struck a tree on my side(passenger),the driver pulled me out of his side, then ran away. The car was a light blue BMW M coupe.

Because of my injures I went into immediate shock. The driver did not call for help. Somehow you happened to be driving down the road within 20 minutes of the accident, stopped, called for help, and waited till their arrival.If it wasn’t for you, I have no idea how long I would have laid there, or what would have happened to me. The police did not get your name or contact information. At the very least, I would like to thank you.

If you are, or know this person, please contact me so that I can tell them how much their help means to me.


Tax Town Hall

Albemarle and Charlottesville are not alone in struggling with tax cuts/service cuts – all levels of government – and the citizens – are struggling. From the New York Times regarding states’ budgets

The astonishing decline in revenues is without modern precedent here, but California is hardly alone. A majority of states — many with budgets already full of deep cuts and dependent on raiding rainy-day funds or tax increases — are scrambling to find ways to get through the rest of the year without hacking apart vital services or raising taxes.

Others are demanding hiring freezes and across-the-board cuts. A few states are finding their unemployment insurance funds running dry, just as the ranks of out-of-work residents spike.

The plunging revenues — the result of an unusual assemblage of personal, sales, capital gains and corporate taxes falling significantly — have poked holes in budgets that are just weeks and months old and that came about only after difficult legislative sessions.

Here’s what I do – I ignore the advocacy and focus on the information. Raising taxes should not be the default response. We’re all facing “unprecedented declines” and we need to work together to find the solution. Blaming government without getting involved is counterproductive.

From the Albemarle Truth in Taxation Alliance

Crozet Town Hall Meeting “2008 Firehouse Tour” Continues

ATTA is hosting a series of local Town Hall meetings throughout the county this fall.

To find out more about ATTA and what to expect during the 2009 county budget process, please attend our Crozet ATTA Town Hall Meeting:

Crozet Town Hall Meeting
Crozet Firehouse
5652 Three Notched RD, Crozet
Thursday, November 20, 2008
7:00 p.m.
Free and open to the public

If you read the Nov. 13 Daily Progress article “County’s decision: Cuts or tax hike” you saw the following statement regarding Supervisor David Slutzky’s approach toward our current financial situation:

David L. Slutzky, a Democrat, said the county should start with a tax rate closer to 90 cents – which would allow the county to avoid service cuts, and then systematically decide which of those services should be cut or scaled back.

Slutzky’s attitude is profound for several reasons:

A 90-cent real estate tax rate represents a 26.8% increase over our current rate. During the current economic climate — when so many of us struggle to provide for basic needs — suggesting such a draconian tax increase is absurd.

The premise is flawed. Raising taxes or cutting services are not the only options. More effective and efficient use of available revenues should be the first option. This is why the county is currently performing a Resource Utilization Study–to identify how we can do more with less!

Slutzky’s suggestion to raise taxes now and then fix government spending later is truly laughable.
The Program Service Review (Form 4) initiated by Albemarle County well over a years ago has gone nowhere (its goal was to identify 10% cost savings in every department).

It took the Albemarle BoS seven months to begin its current Resource Utilization Study after being challenged to do so by ATTA.
There remains a profound lack of sense of urgency by county gov. to make substantial improvements to how our tax money is spent.

Slutzky is basically ask us to trust him: raise tax now and he’ll lead the charge later to cut them in the future.

We all know what will happen: if we raise taxes now, there won’t be a later. There will only be new rationale to keep the tax rate at 90 cents — or raise it even higher.