Crozet Twitter Updates – Brief Notes for 2010-06-27

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Crozet Twitter Updates – Brief Notes for 2010-06-20

Crozet Twitter Updates – Brief Notes for 2010-06-13

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Storms, Public Hearing & Pickup Soccer – The week That Was – Crozet Twitter Updates – Brief Notes for 2010-06-06

Note: the green/italicized portion of this post are from the public hearing on the Restore N Station.

Crozet Twitter Updates – Brief Notes for 2010-05-30

Crozet Twitter Updates – Brief Notes for 2010-05-23

Crozet Twitter Updates – Brief Notes for 2010-05-16

Crozet Twitter Updates – Brief Notes for 2010-05-09

Crozet Twitter Updates – Brief Notes for 2010-05-02

Crozet Twitter Updates – Brief Notes for 2010-04-25

  • RT @juphoff: amused at Crozet Mudhouse laptop scoreboard: 7 Macs, a Linux ThinkPad (me), and only 1 MS Windows box (a Dell). #
  • Who has the Crozet Farmer’s Market signs? Bueller? Bueller? #
  • RT @CVilleKim: Happy that McCauley Refuse Service in Crozet is now including recycling. [it’s about time! (no pun intended)] #
  • RT @JimDuncan: @trailsidecoffee‘s “curbside” service is saving me crucial time this morning. Awesome. #
  • #Crozet real estate market update – #
  • RT @JimDuncan: RT @CVilleKim: Crozet School and Office Supply: so nice to work with a locally owned business. [Really nice people, too!] #
  • Does Crozet *really* need to add bike lanes? #

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