Henley Middle School Peace by Piece Silent Auction
via email:
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
5:30 to 8:00 PM
J.T. Henley Middle School, Crozet
Free — everybody welcome.
Proceeds from the Peace by Piece Auction of student-made crafts: quilts, furniture, bird houses, floorcloths, jewelry, and more (plus friends- and family-made crafts) will go to locally based organizations to:
–Build 3 elementary school classrooms in Grissom-Garde, Haiti
–Purchase 3 chlorinators for water systems in the Limpopo region of South Africa
Henley Student Moves on to National Spelling Bee
WAHS Jazz Dance – 12 February
Support Henley’s Model UN Students Tomorrow
Pancake Breakfast at Applebee’s on Pantops, 2005 Abbey Road
To support Henley Middle School’s Model UN Program
Saturday, Jan. 22, 8-10 AM
Tickets are $5 per person; max. $20 per family
In Model United Nations simulations of actual UN conferences and assemblies, students acts as ambassadors from UN member states to research and debate current UN agenda issues. Funding will help Henley Middle School students to travel to New York for an April Model United Nations Conference.
Year-Round School?
It’s about time this is studied. As far as I know, most of the kids attending school no longer help work the farms.
Where’s the Crozet focus of this story? Our legislator is suggesting the study.
Henley Middle School Goes Solar
Read all about it at NBC29:
Thanks to that grant, and $40,000 in fundraiser money, the school will soon be outfitted with solar panels and other renewable resources that will power classrooms, heat the water system and lower energy costs. But, it’s also a hands-on learning experience.
WAHS Pumpkin and Pie Auction – Halloween 2010
More on the Crozet Playground – This Time with Invoices! – Part 3
The Crozet Elementary playground story continues. (Background) I asked Joe Letteri, the Director of Buliding Services for the Albemarle County Public Schools to tell us exactly how much the playground cost. He responded quickly; his email and the cost sheets are below.
Thank you, Joe, for sending this to on.
I feel a bit like I’m beating a dead (expensive) horse by continuing to post about this, but if we the people don’t step up and ask questions of “our” government, things like this will continue to happen.
This is the vendor – All Recreation, Inc. – referenced in the email and the invoices.
Continue reading “More on the Crozet Playground – This Time with Invoices! – Part 3”
Walking to School – Do you Do it?
Interesting article at the Wall Street Journal this morning discussing walking to school. I’ve noticed more people walking to Crozet Elementary this year, which I’ll chalk up as a good thing.
(read more at my new favorite blog, Free Range Kids)