Ann Mallek’s Town Halls – Spring 2016

via email:

White Hall district supervisor, Ann Mallek, has scheduled three town halls in March, 2016.

Conversation with and learning from White Hall district citizens is her goal.

The meetings are:
  • Saturday, March 5          10 am                  White Hall Community Building
  • Monday, March 7           7 pm                    Broadus Wood Elementary School Cafeteria
  • Thursday, March 10       8 pm                    Field School, Crozet, following the Crozet Community Association meeting which begins at 7 pm (note new time)

Supervisor Mallek asks new questions for town halls in March, 2016.

Continue reading “Ann Mallek’s Town Halls – Spring 2016”

What Are Our Legislators Doing?

It’s the time of year when the Virginia General Assembly is in session.

Now is a good time to track the bills our legislators are sponsoring.

And for fun, I like to see who gives how much to each legislator … it seems that the Dominion Political Action Committee, per Richmond Sunlight, has given $2,500 to each. Good fun.

Even more information on the money each has received can be found at VPAP.

Dig in.

Upcoming Ann Mallek Town Halls

Ann Mallek’s town halls are a good way to get informed and share your opinion with our Board of Supervisor representative.

From Ann:

What is on your mind? Please come and share your priorities for the county. What should be included in the fiscal year 2017 budget? How quickly should we re-acquire our capital investment program for county facilities? Choices must be made.

Three town halls to choose from:


Crozet Area Election Results – 2015

White Hall have a new school board representative in David Oberg. It was nice and refreshing to have a contested election for a change.  Candidate forums, blog posts, discussions … kinda nice.

And, with only 3,912 people voting in the White Hall School Board election, if you voted, your vote actually mattered!

Images below thanks to Smart Cville.

Central Virginia 2015 Election Results | Smart Cville

Jonno Alcaro won the At-Large School Board seat.



Central Virginia 2015 Election Results | Smart Cville-3

Interestingly, while Steve Landes won the election, he lost Crozet White Hall.

Central Virginia 2015 Election Results | Smart Cville-1

Ann Mallek won, unopposed. 209 write-ins? I’d love to see who was written in!


Central Virginia 2015 Election Results | Smart Cville-2



Recapping Brownsville’s School Board Forum

Last night was a fun forum at Brownsville. The White Hall and At-Large candidates for school board made some time to lay out their positions and reasons for running for school board.

First thoughts:

I was thisclose to leaving out my opinions, but can’t help myself. The tweets are after the break; I highly recommend you read those.

  • Unless convinced otherwise, supporting/advocating for the county school system building their own private internet is reason for me to disqualify the candidate. Why, exactly, is Albemarle county building their own internet?
  • Supporting SOLs in their current format is reason to disqualify the candidate.
  • Colleges don’t look at SOLs, to the best of my knowledge. This seems to be a baffling & upsetting statement. (stated here as well)
  • I appreciated Dolly Joseph’s thoughts on technology, “hitting it with a technology stick” and her pushing back on the 1:1 technology ratio. We do live in a relatively affluent community (relatively!) – giving kids who already have devices is wasteful. (my opinion: and stupid).

As a friend said last night on Twitter:

I’m glad we all have chance to watch presidential politics tonight, but we’d be a better country if more people paid attention to local govt


Read the tweets.



White Hall School Board Candidate Forums – 2015

It’s a bit weird to be having a contested election. And nice! There is much more than School Board on this year’s ballot, but local elections are where our votes can matter the most.

There are various forums coming up for the White Hall School Board candidates. If I have any information incorrect or missing, please let me know or correct me in the comments.

6 October – The Crozet Elementary PTO is hosting a candidate forum

7 October – “From the Daily Progress: White Hall School Board Forum at Henley Middle School Cafeteria 6:30-8:30 PM (doors open at 6).”

13 October from 6:00 to 6:45pm: The Brownsville PTO is hosting a forum

13 October (waiting for confirmation) the CCA is holding a candidate forum – probably from a bit after 7pm until ..

Charlottesville Tomorrow’s education reporting has been top-notch.

Curiously, the Virginia State Board of Elections page’s most recent election results are from 2003(!) for the White Hall School Board seat. During that election, 3,770 votes were cast. As of 2010, Crozet’s population was 5,565 people; I’d wager we’ve added at least 500 people since then.

In an election with this relatively few voters, these votes matter.


What’s on the Ballot in Crozet this Year?

Election day is 3 November, 2015. Now’s as good a time as any to learn who’s going to be on the ballot.

Start here; the Virginia Department of Elections has a pretty good site.

For the first time in I don’t know how long, we have a choice for our School Board rep; neither of whom is the incumbent.

White Hall School Board: David Oberg and Caroll J. “C. J.” Hatcher are competing.

At-Large School Board seat: Dolly R. D. Joseph, Catherine M. Lochner, J. S. “Jonno” Alcaro

More at the excellent CvillePedia’s page.

Click through to see my sample ballot (I live in the Brownsville district) — there are some big elections, namely the school board, Commonwealth Attorney, Soil & Conservation … dig in, and please, please please, be an educated voter. And a personal request: if you’re not going to be said educated voter, consider not voting.


Continue reading “What’s on the Ballot in Crozet this Year?”

David Oberg Running for White Hall District School Board Seat

Charlottesville Tomorrow reports:

David Oberg, an attorney with theCharlottesville-based firm Jones & Green, is running for the White Hall District seat on theAlbemarle County School Board.

Oberg, 45, who formerly directed Blue Ridge UniServe — an organization that aims to support local education associations — made the announcement Tuesday atClaudius Crozet Park.

“If I’m elected, I will do the absolute best I can to represent the needs of our county, the needs of our kids and the needs of our teachers,” Oberg said. “I’ve worked pretty much my entire life on public education, and if elected I promise you I will be tireless.”

Topping Oberg’s list of key issues is the role high-stakes standardized testing plays in public schools.

That there were so many there yesterday in support was impressive. The pizza provided didn’t hurt. 🙂

Ann Mallek Running for Reelection

From the Crozet Calendar:

Albemarle County Supervisor Ann Mallek will announce her candidacy for Supervisor representing the White Hall district.

She was first elected to the seat in 2007.

When: Tuesday, February 24, 2015 at 10 am
Where: Crozet Western Albemarle Library, Front door, east side

Update: Sean Tubbs with Charlottesville Tomorrow has a nice story on Ann Mallek, her reelection campaign, and some useful context.

Competition in the 25th District – Landes vs. Lynn

Competitive elections are good for everyone – the candidates and the constituents.

Steve Landes just announced that he’s running for reelection.

His competitor is Angela Lynn.

So far, VPAP reports that Steve Landes has about $26k and his challenger has $0; that’ll probably change.

While you’re researching (you do research, instead of voting for the D or the R, right?), see what bills he’s sponsored in the General Assembly.