Crozet Land Use and the Planning Commission – 1 September

This stuff matters, folks. And the voices that speak up are the ones that are heard, and the ones that write the policies we live with.

6pm on 1 September. See here how to attend.

NB: the County Calendar is useful.

via email

The Board of Supervisors directed staff to begin work on the Crozet Master Plan update on September 4, 2019. The purpose of this work session is to provide the Planning Commission with an update about public feedback related to land use and to receive the Commission’s guidance on revised land use categories.(Andrew Knuppel)

And from the PDF

Discussion/Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Commission review the attached background information,feedback summaries,and draft land use information and provide direction to staff on the questions below.

Q1 Do you agree with staff’s recommendation to create a Middle Density Residential land use category to support the stated goals within Crozet?

Q2 Do you see applicability for this category in similar contexts in other areas of the County (to be considered with future Master Plan updates)?

Q3 Do you have any feedback on the recommended density, housing types, or form guidance within the land use table?

Q4 Do you agree with staff’s recommendation to create a Downtown Neighborhoods Overlay to support the stated goals within this area of Crozet?

Q5 Do you have any feedback on the recommended criteria for increased density, housing types, or form guidance within the land use table?

I’ve put the PDF here, so that it will be here the next time Albemarle changes their website and urls.

Get your Albemarle Absentee Ballot for June Primary Elections (2020)

I have two questions:

1 – Will they accept electronic signatures, or must they be wet signatures? Answer: Yes, they accept electronic signatures, so long as you are already registered to vote

2 – May we email the PDF of the absentee ballot application? Answer: yes; you may email to [email protected]

(and the FB post)

Here is the link to request your absentee ballot.

via email:


The Governor has postponed the June primary elections in Virginia. The June primary elections will now be held on Tuesday, June 23, 2020. Albemarle County voters will have an opportunity to vote in either the Democratic primary or the Republican primary (but not both).

Because of the COVID-19 virus, if you would like to vote in the upcoming June 23 primary the Albemarle County Electoral Board and Department of Voter Registration strongly urge ALL voters to vote absentee by mail in that election, so as to avoid having to go to the polls on election day. 

By notice posted on the Virginia Department of Elections website, the Department of Elections has advised all Virginia localities that because of the COVID-19 emergency, ALL voters will be permitted to vote absentee for the June primary elections in Virginia.

Jim’s note: After speaking to the registrar, I struck through this. Choose the first option.

In order to get an absentee ballot, voters will need to submit an absentee ballot application form.  Use “my disability or illness” as the absentee reason.  

If you have a Virginia driver’s license, you can complete that form online.

Continue reading “Get your Albemarle Absentee Ballot for June Primary Elections (2020)”

Vote 5 November 2019

Sample Ballot -5 November 2019

This is an extremely important election.

Candidates for Albemarle County Board of Supervisors

Crozet has three polling places


Western Albemarle High School
5941 Rockfish Gap Turnpike
Crozet VA 22932

 Mechums River was formed out of parts of the Crozet and Brownsville precincts in March of 2018.Voting takes place in the auxiliary gym, at the end of the school farthest away from the main entrance.

Mechums River Precinct Map

November 5, 2019 Sample Ballot


Brownsville Elementary School
5870 Rockfish Gap Turnpike, Crozet, 22932

Located on Route 250 West, just west of Crozet.  The school shares a parking lot with Henley Middle School and is opposite Western Albemarle High School. Voting takes place is the gymnasium.

In March 2018 a new precinct called Mechums River was created out of parts of the Brownsville and Crozet precincts in order to minimize overcrowding. 

Click here to see a map of the new precinct.

November 5 2019 Sample Ballot 


Crozet Elementary School

1407 Crozet Avenue, Crozet, VA 22932
Located just north of Crozet on Crozet Avenue.  The school is on the east side of the road.
In March 2018 a new precinct called Mechums River was created out of parts of the Crozet and Brownsville precincts in order to minimize overcrowding. 

Click here to see a map of the new precinct.

November 5, 2019 Sample Ballot .

Continue reading “Vote 5 November 2019”

Candidate Forum at Field School – 29 October 2019

Candidate forum Tuesday night. Time to do your final due diligence and research.

A good place to start is by looking at the money.

from Crozet Community Association’s site (make sure to click through to their site and see which candidates will be attending)

The Crozet Community Association (CCA) will host a candidates forum on Tuesday, October 29, 2019 from 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM at the Field School.  All the local candidates for the White Hall district have been invited and most  have said they can attend. 

Continue reading “Candidate Forum at Field School – 29 October 2019”

Albemarle’s New Dress Code


via email.

Dear Parents, Guardians and Students:

On February 28, I communicated with you about the enforcement of our student conduct policy and dress code practices to better meet our responsibility to provide an educational environment in our schools in which all students can fulfill their highest potential.

Our policy states that any clothing that interferes with or disrupts our educational environment is unacceptable. This requirement has always been present in our policy; it is not new.

Effective tomorrow, Tuesday, March 12, the wearing of clothing with imagery associated with organizations that promote white supremacy, racial division, hatred, or violence will not be permitted in our schools. 

Continue reading “Albemarle’s New Dress Code”

CCAC Meeting – February 2019 | Schools, and Recycling

This should be an interesting meeting, seeing as how most everyone in Crozet benefits from having a great school system. I’ll reserve my cynicism for my in-meeting tweets.


Crozet Library 
Wednesday, February 13, 2019 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. 


1.    Introductions and Agenda Review (Allie Pesch – CCAC chair) 

2.    Approval of Minutes 

3.    Recycling in Western Albemarle (Trudy Brement, Emma-Caroline Avery, and Maren Eanes, Henley Middle School – 20 min) 

Due to illness, the recycling discussion will be postponed. Instead, our neighborhood planner Andrew Knuppel will be presenting the county’s new development dashboard and giving us an overview of Crozet developments currently “in the pipeline.”

4.    Western Albemarle Feeder Pattern School Capacity and Enrollment (Rosalyn Schmitt, ACPS Chief Operating Officer – 60 min) 

5.    Items Not Listed on the Agenda 

6.    Announcements 

7.    Future Agenda Items 
        –  Joel DeNunzio, VDOT (March) 
        –  Chesterfield Landing Phase III Review 
        –  Albemarle County Development Pipeline Dashboards (Andrew Knuppel) 
        –  The Square and Barnes Lumber Updates? 

Homestay (AirBnB/VRBO/etc) Regulations in Albemarle County Changing

A reader messaged me:

Hi Jim- Not sure if this is appropriate for the RealCrozet page or not, but if you think it is, would you be willing to share the link where county residents can share comments about the proposed Homestay changes, please? I feel like, given the lack of hotels in western Albemarle and the amount of tourism here, this should be on residents’ radars more than it currently is. Thanks!

Here’s the link to comment to the County of Albemarle with your thoughts on the proposed Homestay regulations.

There was a well-attended roundtable at the County on 8 January 2019.

Learn the background here (and consider subscribing to the Daily Progress)

Why do I bang the “pay money for local media” drum?

Watch this. Seriously. Watch it. 


Steve Landes Town Hall – 29 December 2018

Update: Postponed.

CROZET – Del. Steve Landes, R-Weyers Cave, has postponed his Saturday town hall meeting due to a hospital stay, according to a release from William T. Wrobleski, Landes’ communications director.

“Delegate Landes has postponed the December 29th Town Hall Meeting in Crozet,” the statement said. “Delegate Landes had an adverse allergic reaction requiring admission to the hospital. Unfortunately, he will not be discharged prior to the scheduled meeting. The Crozet Town Hall will be rescheduled as soon as possible.”

Yes, it’s an advocacy post (via email), but that’s ok.

State delegate Steve Landes (R-25) is holding a town hall listening session in Crozet at the Crozet library on Saturday, December 29th at 10:00 am.

Suggestion: bring signs that just say 78%. That’s the percent of Virginians who support a Constitutional amendment to create an INDEPENDENT Commission to draw voting boundaries. (See the full survey here)

Let’s tell Landes and our other representative not to block the right of the PEOPLE to decide how we want our political districts determined!

If you go, take a photo with your smartphone and post it to our BRAG Facebook page.

Thanks — this is the time when everything helps.

Three Things about Voting in Albemarle – 6 November 2018

You might have heard. 6 November there’s an election.


  1. Make sure you know where you’re supposed to vote. (things may have changed)
  2. Check the sample ballot before you go in.
  3. You’ve studied the constitutional amendments, right? Right?
    1. Read a bit more about them.
  4. Now’s a good time for homebuyers to search out neighborhoods and try to discern if they might like the neighborhood.



Some Crozetians will be Voting in Different Locations

Important background from March.

via email: 


Changes go into effect at upcoming June 12, 2018 primary election 

At their March 14, 2018 meeting, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors made polling place changes at the request of the Albemarle County Electoral Board. These changes go into effect at the upcoming June 12, 2018 primary election and are intended to ease congestion at Cale, Free Bridge, Brownsville and Crozet — four of the County’s most populous voting precincts. The combination of the Jack Jouett and Belfield precincts addresses the unavailability of the former Belfield voting location (St. Anne’s-Belfield School).

All affected voters have been mailed new voter cards showing their new voting location. Voters are urged to pay particular attention to the information contained on the new voter cards to ensure they are voting in their appropriate precinct. Specific changes are as follows:

  • Albemarle County voters who formerly voted in the Belfield Precinct, at St. Anne’s- Belfield School, will now vote at the Jack Jouett Precinct, located at Jack Jouett Middle School, 210 Lambs Lane, Charlottesville.
  • Some Albemarle County voters who formerly voted in the Cale Precinct, at Cale Elementary School, will now vote in the auxiliary gym at Monticello High School, 1400 Independence Way, Charlottesville. This is the new Biscuit Run Precinct.
  • Some Albemarle County voters who formerly voted in the Free Bridge Precinct, at the Elks Lodge, will now vote at the Broadus Memorial Baptist Church, 1525 Stony Point Road, Charlottesville. This is the new Pantops Precinct.
  • Some Albemarle County voters who formerly voted in the Brownsville Precinct, at the Brownsville Elementary school, and Some Albemarle County voters who formerly voted in the Crozet Precinct, at the Crozet Elementary School, will now vote at Western Albemarle High School, at 5941 Rockfish Gap Turnpike, Crozet. This is the new Mechums River Precinct.