Crozet Zoning update

I’m still working my way through this one, but Crozetians should take the time to read the whole thing. A few quotes jump out from some of Crozet’s respected leaders:

Sandy Wilcox of the Downtown Crozet Association said he was upset about the way the process was turning out. He said the idea of reducing the size of the downtown had never been discussed during meetings between property owners, staff and consultants. He also said he was confused by why the lumber yard was taken out.

“The idea that we had in there was for everything to be the same so there wouldn’t be a wild card out there that we don’t know what is going to happen,” Wilcox said. He added that he felt blind-sided by the staff’s report and that his trust in the process is broken.

The complaints kept coming.

Mack Lafferty, a member of the Crozet Community Advisory Committee, said he felt blind-sided. Another member, Mary Rice, encouraged the Commissioners to walk along Carter Street before following the recommendations.

Mike Marshall, publisher of the Crozet Gazette and chair of the CCAC, said he was shocked that staff issued a new recommendation before the work session.

If they’re concerned, so should we be.

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Thank you from Ann Mallek

Dear Crozetians,

I am honored by the confidence voters have in me and will work hard to earn it every day. I also invite all residents to continue our conversation about ideas for solutions, concerns which need to be addressed, ways to build a sense of community and common purpose here.

We are all working to one goal, a great quality of life for us and our next generations.

Residents, please don’t be strangers. You have my number.

Ann Mallek

Ed Note: I published this for Ann at her request.  My thanks to her for reaching out and participating.

49% Turnout in White Hall District!

Congratulations to Ann for a well-run, hard fought race. Now the real work begins. 🙂

Thank you for your service to our community.

The past four years have brought significant changes to Crozet – and these changes were demonstrated in today’s vote. Thanks also to those who voted – just over 49%! A huge turnout for an off-year election.

White Hall district

Crozet's district

Ann swept all 5 precincts.

Seeing the ramifications and analysis to come will be very interesting.

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For those who have missed the recent give-and-take between Wyant and Mallek

Both links are PDF’s –

David Wyant accuses Ann Mallek:

If my opponent was your Supervisor, we would have seen a 30% average increase in property taxes.

Ann Mallek responds.

Maybe the time has come to give White Hall their own seat and Crozet their own seat.

If nothing else, vote!

Update 31 October 2007: The Daily Progress has a story.

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Planning Commission Worksession Crozet Downtown Zoning next week

Take the time to exercise your voice and opinion on how you want Crozet to look in the next two, five and thirty years.

For those who don’t receive Albemarle’s excellent A-Mail:

The Planning Commission will hold a worksession on Tuesday, October 30, 2007, at 4:00 p.m., to review and discuss the Crozet Downtown Zoning project, with a focused discussion on a recommendation for a single Downtown Crozet Zoning District and the zoning regulations to be established for that district.

Topics will include: building setbacks, building height, land uses, the requirement for mixed use, parking requirements, sidewalks, landscaping, and buffer/screening requirements.
Click here to view the Planning Commission Agenda.

There will be an opportunity for public comment. If you are unable to attend the meeting and would like to send the Planning Commission your thoughts about the Crozet Downtown Zoning Project, please complete our email Comment Form in the “What’s New” box on the Master Planning webpage.

The regular Planning Commission meeting will follow at 6:00 p.m. The Planning Commission meets in the Lane Auditorium located in the County Office Building – McIntire Road.

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