CCAC Meeting this Thursday – 16 August

It’s been a quiet few weeks in Crozet … which the cynic in me thinks that there’s been lots of behind the scenes things happening … that said:

I do wonder whatever happened to the grant/funding for the “Safe Routes to School” for Crozet Elementary … which was “won” in early 2010.

A reminder that this is a public meeting and anyone is welcome and all are encourage to attend.

The tentative agenda: (any links added by me)

The Meadows, Crozet (5735 Meadows Dr.)
Thursday, August 16, 2012 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Tentative Agenda

1. Agenda Review. (Meg Holden – CCAC chair)

2. Approval of Minutes from June 21, 2012 meeting.

3. Public Comment.

4. Project Updates/Information:
   * Alan Taylor (CEO of Riverside Mgmt) to talk about development in Westlake Hills***
   * Update on Downtown Streetscape Projects
   * Any news on development of Barnes Lumber Company property?
   * Update on Crozet Library fundraising (Bill Schrader)
   * Developments at the I 64 Interchange
   * CCAC September 20 meeting date conflicts with Crozet Library Fundraising event at The Lodge, can we change the date of our meeting?
   * Others?

5. Old Business
   * What is the word from VDOT on road ways in downtown Crozet
   * Brief discussion of plans for reconnecting with school PTOs.

6. Items not listed on the Agenda

7. Announcements.

8. Future Agenda Items.
   * Meet with New Old Trail Management
   * Start dialogue with schools again

*** via email: “Alan Taylor has been called out of town unexpectedly and can’t make Thursday’s meeting, so that agenda item is postponed to a later date.”

Right Turn Lane on Crozet Avenue?

Last week I lamented the possibility of Crozet Avenue becoming a bottleneck. This week, it appears that the right turn lane may not be viable. After the break, you can see Piedmont Development Group’s proposal for a right turn lane followed by Albemarle County’s response. I’m no engineer so I’ll leave it to those who know better as to whose response is more practical. All I know is this – traffic and congestion are coming; those who live within walking or biking distance of downtown Crozet will benefit greatly from the growth.

Continue reading “Right Turn Lane on Crozet Avenue?”

CCAC Meeting This Thursday – 17 May 2012

Agenda after the jump … as always, lots of pertinent stuff on the agenda!

The draft minutes from the April meeting and draft agenda are here. Take some time to read the minutes from the last meeting – there is a lot of stuff there that matters, from the CSX parking lot deal to the Street Scaping, to the Crozet Library, Crozet’s potential historic districts … Continue reading “CCAC Meeting This Thursday – 17 May 2012”

Board of Supervisors Meeting Wednesday 28 March – Speak About the Crozet Library

If you can make this meeting, please do.

I’m borrowing this post in its entirety from the Build Crozet Library site because it’s really important for Crozet*

Wednesday, March 28th

marks a significant day for each of the parallel tracks of library construction bids and Albemarle County budget talks.

1. 3:15 pm: The new Crozet / Western Albemarle Library construction bids will be opened in room 241 of the County Office Building.?There are a few of us hoping to attend; we’ll send out information (number of bids, estimated costs) when we have it. ? Albemarle County Office Building. (Photo via Wikipedia)

2. 6:00 pm: The Albemarle County Board of Superivisors will hold a public hearing on the advertised tax rate, at 76.2 cents, just under the equalized tax rate of 76.4 cents the Supervisors specified for building the budget. The BOS can set the 2012-13 tax rate at the advertised amount or lower, but not higher. The Board of Supervisors will listen to public comments at the hearing, then vote on the tax rate at their April 4th meeting.

The new Crozet / Western Albemarle Library has been mentioned in almost every story about the budget — fortunately, it’s included in the proposed budget. Please contact the BOS (again, if you have already); write, call or speak with your support. BOS contact information can be found here.

Please see this message from White Hall supervisor, Ann Mallek:

Please share with your listeners/readers my encouragement that they attend the hearing and share their thoughts on general or particular elements of the proposed budget. Speakers should prepare for a two minute as well as a three minute presentation. If there are many speakers signed up at the beginning, the hearing will run on a two minute allotment. Being able to prepare in advance is far better than editing while sitting in the auditorium. I know that from years of trying.

Thank you for your help. You are welcome to call if you have any questions.

This is a prime opportunity to provide public input to our County’s elected officials.

* Whether you support or don’t support the building of the Crozet Library, this meeting crucial. And for the record, I am in total and complete support of the County fulfilling their promise to Crozet, Western Albemarle and all those who use and depend on the library.

Tweets from the 15 December CCAC Meeting

Summary of tweets after the jump …

CCAC meetings are representative of the proverbial frog in the boiling pot of water. Many if not most Crozetians won’t know about many of the things discussed here until said things make the headlines of the Daily Progress or the TV news … and then it may be too late. Spend some time reviewing these tweets by @ChuckfromAkron, and ask questions.

If you’re curious about Twitter, it’s easy; watch this video to see just how easy. Continue reading “Tweets from the 15 December CCAC Meeting”