Little Things Matter

Thanks to the County for listening to the citizens’ concerns and fixing this long-standing “bump” in the sidewalk … as I said on Facebook* last week:

This might seem like a small thing, and in the grand scheme of things it is. But to those of us who ride bicycles to Crozet elementary, it’s a pretty big deal.

Based on the comments and “likes” I’d say the community is thankful.

thanks, Albemarle County

Continue reading “Little Things Matter”

Crozet Town Hall Recap – 8 November 2012

Lots of good information tonight at the Crozet community Association

– Crozet trails connectivity
– Geo policing
– Power outages
– Crozet Library fundraising
– Streetscape and more

Huge thanks to @Ryan for tweeting the meeting!

Click through, go to the end and work your way to the top.

Update 13 November 2012:

the minutes from the meeting (pdf)
the power point slides of streets cape/infrastructure

(thanks to the CCA’s new site)

Continue reading “Crozet Town Hall Recap – 8 November 2012”

Crozet Town Hall Meeting – 8 November 2012

I sense we are at a (new) crossroads for the Crozet community … the town hall will be an opportunity to listen, learn and speak about the forthcoming changes – more new construction, more traffic, school challenges – this will be a great chance for the community.

I think that this is a meeting that is important – one that I think would warrant getting a babysitter to attend.

One thing I have noticed from going to a lot of these meetings is that there are rarely any people under the age of 40 … the future of Crozet depends on the voices of all – and I sincerely think that (no disrespect intended) leaving the conversations and decisions up to those who are more able to attend so many meetings is a disservice to the community.

I can’t promise the meeting will be anything other than boring policy-talk, but if you don’t make the effort (and yes, maybe a little sacrifice) the community will likely suffer.

via email –
Crozet Town Hall Meeting – Rescheduled for November 8 Supervisor Ann Mallek, along with the Crozet Community Advisory Council and Albemarle County staff, invite residents to attend a Crozet Town Hall Meeting on Thursday, November 8, 2012 beginning at 7:00 p.m. at the Field School (Old Crozet Elementary School).

The meeting will focus on a variety of topics including:

• Updates on infrastructure projects like the new library and the streetscape project
• Police and fire initiatives
• New development projects
• Parks and recreation activities  

There will be opportunity for questions and answers as well as interaction with Supervisor Mallek and County staff members, including Police Chief Steve Sellers and Fire Rescue staff, on topics of particular interest.  

?All interested residents are strongly encouraged to attend.

Crozet Town Hall – 29 October 2012

From the Daily Progress:

Albemarle County Supervisor Ann Mallek, along with the Crozet Community Advisory Council and Albemarle County staff, will answer questions at the 7 p.m. meeting at Western Albemarle High School.

Police Chief Steve Sellers and Fire Rescue Chief Dan Eggleston will also answer questions.

Staff will provide updates on the new Crozet library and the streetscape project; police and fire department programs; new development projects and parks and recreation.

Signs, Politics, Pictures and Crozet

Be careful – I’m going to talk about national politics here for a second. If you don’t like such topics, read about some of the upcoming Crozet events.

I received this email this morning:

I was enjoying the pictures of Crozet on your RealCrozet blog but was disappointed to see the picture of the O’Bama (sic) sign included. Why no Romney signs, there are more of them by my account. If you are going to start with the political stuff I won’t be visiting your site again, or a least be impartial.

Continue reading “Signs, Politics, Pictures and Crozet”

CCAC Meeting – 19 September – Westlake Hills & Crozet Library

Lots of tweets from last night’s Crozet Community Advisory Council. After the break, scroll down and read bottom-to-top.

These are some of my highlights – big discussions regarding traffic and safety regarding Westlake Hills and how the Crozet Library basement space will be used. Charlottesville Tomorrow was there recording so hopefully they’ll have a podcast up. Crozet Gazette was there and I expect Mike will have a comprehensive story up as well.

– All Westlake Hills traffic will go through Westhall, past Crozet Park, on Tabor, onto 240.

– They can build 50 homes before two points of access are required.

– Westlake Hills going to have a pool. Open to Crozetians he said (membership required)

– How should the open space in the new Crozet Library basement be used?

– Is the new Crozet Library basement ADA accessible? (really need clarification on this.)

– More than 60% of building permits in Albemarle County last quarter were in Crozet.

Also, here are a few photos from last night that I published on Google +. Continue reading “CCAC Meeting – 19 September – Westlake Hills & Crozet Library”

CCAC Meeting Tomorrow – 19 September 2012

via email: (bolding mine; links added by me)

Please note is this Wednesday, September 19 at 7PM at the Meadows. Instead of the regular time of Thursday. The meeting time was moved because of the Crozet Culinary Competition for Charity at is Thursday, 9/20 from 5:30 to 7:30 PM at the Lodge at Old Trail
(More information and ticket info at: )

Also, please note two important agenda items are on this month’s agenda:
* Alan Taylor (CEO of Riverside Mgmt) to talk about development in Westlake Hills
* Discuss of First floor uses of the Crozet/Western Albemarle library
(Lee Catlin, Susan Stimart, and Bill Schrader)

CCAC members – please let Meg Holden know if you cannot attend this meeting.

A reminder that this is a public meeting and anyone is welcome and all are encourage to attend.

See you this Wednesday, September 19 at 7:00 PM at the Meadows (5735 Meadows Drive)

Continue reading “CCAC Meeting Tomorrow – 19 September 2012”

Get Involved in the Albemarle County School Redistricting Committee

The Deadline for applications is tomorrow, 13 September.

A second subcommittee will consider reassignment of students within the Western Feeder Pattern and possible additions to existing schools. The subcommittee will include members from the four Western Feeder Pattern elementary school communities (Brownsville, Crozet, Meriwether Lewis and Murray), plus the Red Hill Elementary School community in the Southern Feeder Pattern. Red Hill is a possible destination for some Western Feeder Pattern students.