Help Get more Hours at Crozet Library

From the Crozet Community Association email:

The Build Crozet Library fundraising committee members and the Crozet librarians have been asked recently and repeatedly if the new library can be open more evenings. If you have an opinion on this, you’re encouraged to email the Jefferson-Madison Regional Library (JMRL) director, John Halliday  and your county supervisor, Ann Mallek .  (editor’s note: I’d encourage emailing the entire BoS as well – [email protected])

The county budget process for the upcoming FY14-15 gets started later this fall, and JMRL is making their budget to submit to Albemarle county right now, so they need to hear from you.   

There is an effort underway to organize supports to speak at the next several Board of Supervisors first of the month meetings.  This was discussed at the Crozet Community Advisory Council (CCAC) last week.

Contact Phil Best if you’re interested in helping. The first meeting to speak is November 6

via email: This is the time because budgets are being made and next BOS is Nov 6. The more people willing to speak the better.

—– Continue reading “Help Get more Hours at Crozet Library”

An “Adventure Outpost” in the First Floor of New Crozet Library

I’m really curious to learn who the “confidential” retail tenant will be.

Reading the PDF from the County (bolding mine)-

On October 3, 2012, the Board discussed guidelines and preliminary concepts for use of the Crozet Library first floor space. The first floor of the Library is comprised of approximately 4,796 gross square feet (gsf) of available space, and includes restrooms and a 700 net square feet (nsf) entrance/lobby area and windows fronting Crozet Avenue. The design has the lower level split into a larger tenant area of 1,697 nsf and smaller tenant space of 1,038 nsf. As was stressed during this discussion, the first floor space, with its visual connection to the street and its co-location with the Library in a prime area of downtown Crozet, is an important potential catalyst for activity and vitality in downtown Crozet.

Staff has met several times with a consortium of the major tourism partners in the western Albemarle County region,

– Shenandoah National Park/Appalachian Trail/Skyline Drive;
– Artisans Center of Virginia;
– Monticello Wine Trail;
– Charlottesville Albemarle Convention and Visitors Bureau;
– Piedmont Council for the Arts; and
– Albemarle County Parks and Recreation.

All of these partners have expressed great interest in the concept of an “Adventure Outpost” headquartered at the Library that would serve as a gateway and promotional venue for the significant cluster of tourism assets in the area. The County does not have a focal point for our rich inventory of outdoor recreational and adventure-oriented options, and the partners felt that there was a niche for this type of “launching point” that would have a more active and engaging ambience than a traditional visitor center. While the space is small and would not involve staff from every attraction, the partners have all committed to supporting the “Adventure Outpost” with materials, programming and other services.

As mentioned in the October 3, 2012 executive summary, the agreement establishing the Charlottesville Albemarle Convention and Visitors Bureau (CACVB) mandates that CACVB operate and maintain “at least one visitor center within the City and at least one visitor center in the County.” Currently, there is not a visitor center in the County, and a location in the Crozet Library could satisfy that requirement while generating some yet to be determined level of rental income. The Department of Parks and Recreation has also expressed a willingness to provide some level of staffing support for the “Adventure Outpost” since it would strongly align with their mission.

Taken together, the potential private sector tenant and the “Adventure Outpost” would meet the guiding principles established for the space while generating income from a significant amount of the space and supporting the visibility and viability of the County’s tourism industry. The guiding principles are:

– Create foot traffic/pedestrian activity for downtown Crozet to maximize activity and revenues for other downtown businesses
– Create a lively street front presence for this important frontage on Crozet Avenue
– Generate revenue to help cover the County’s expense
– Ensure that all space usage would be compatible with the Library’s mission and operations
– Maintain flexibility in the space and operate under the understanding that at some point in the future
the space could convert to Library usage

WAHS Leadership Class Donating to Build Crozet Library

Via email –

Students from the Western Albemarle High School Leadership class will present a $1,000 donation to the Build Crozet Library fund on Friday, May 10 at 9:45 am. The presentation will be made to Fundraising Chair Bill Schrader and other library representatives on Library Ave. beside the new library (under construction).

This donation will earn the WAHS Leadership program a leaf on the Giving Tree planned for the lobby of the new library. The donation will be doubled due to the matching grant from BAMA Works, and will help to purchase seating in the Teen Area of the new library. Students raised the money by staffing concessions at football games and through their annual spring pageant, Mr. WAHS, organized by students Mac Outlaw, Colleen Flanagan, Montana Frayser, and Sierra Brown.

Mr. WAHS attendees were also asked to bring canned goods for donation to the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank. This donation is in line with the WAHS Leadership program’s local, community-based focus for all its fundraising events this year.

Crozet Lions Club presents $12,000 to Crozet/Western Albemarle Library for Large Print Book collection

via press release –

On Monday, April 22, 2013, the Crozet Lions Club will present representatives from the new Crozet/Western Albemarle Library and Jefferson Madison Regional Library System with checks totaling $12,000.  These funds were the result of a local benefit, members’ personal donations and a grant from the Lions of Virginia Fund. Continue reading “Crozet Lions Club presents $12,000 to Crozet/Western Albemarle Library for Large Print Book collection”