Crozet has Pizza

Let’s see –

Crozet Pizza – no delivery

Sal’s Pizza – no delivery

Domino’s Pizza – delivery

and now Anna’s Pizza in Old Trail– delivery as well!

Anna’s Ristorante Italiano and Pizza, has signed the first lease in the new commercial center at Old Trail Village in Crozet. Anna’s Pizza at Old Trail will be providing delivery to Old Trail residents and others in the nearby Crozet area.

Maybe we could have a bake-off charity event to benefit the Crozet Fireworks Fund.

(Thanks to a reader for prompting this post)

Old Trail groundbreaking

This “reporter” missed the groundbreaking, but these are a few of the related stories from the media –

The Daily Progress

Old Trail – set against a backdrop of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Crozet – will feature a “town center” in the midst of residential development. The center will include 85,000 square feet of commercial and office space, including a coffee shop, three restaurants and fitness center along with individual offices. The Old Trail community has about 135 occupied homes, but the large development could have up to 2,600 townhouses, homes and apartments in the next 10 to 15 years. Developers said in an interview they are hoping to build about 100 units per year.

Old Trail Living

View photos of the event here and here.

You want more fields in Crozet?

Mark you calendars, then.

Community Workshop for the Western Park Master Plan Scheduled for March 25

Crozet area residents are invited to attend a Community Workshop to discuss their vision for the new Western Park on Tuesday, March 25, from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm at the Western Albemarle High School Cafeteria.

The goal of this community workshop, which is the first step in the park master plan process, is to solicit comments, advice and suggestions from Crozet citizens about the features they would like to see in the long-term plan for the new Western Park.  The workshop will also include information about the existing conditions at the site.

As identified in the Crozet Master Plan, the creation of Western Park in Old Trail is an essential part of the network of public parks and greenways envisioned for the Crozet Development Area. The future parks and greenways network will provide recreational opportunities for the community, protect sensitive natural systems, preserve public areas that characterize Crozet, and link neighborhoods to downtown and other areas in Crozet and the region.  35.8 acres have been established for the Western Park greenway and park area, to include a mix of recreational uses such as sports fields, trails, picnicking, and preserved areas. The first step towards the creation of Western Park is the creation of a master plan for the long-term development of the park and greenway area.

Rieley and Associates, a local landscape architectural firm, has been selected to develop the Western Park Master Plan. A committee consisting of County staff, Old Trail staff, representatives of the Crozet Park Board, the Crozet Community Advisory Council, the Crozet Community Association, and an at-large member will meet regularly to provide direction to the consultant throughout the Western Park Master Plan process.

For more information, including maps and graphics of the actual park location, visit the Western Park Master Plan page on the County websiteTo receive email updates about the progress of the project, go to  and sign up for Amail, the County’s e-news service.

Thanks for the heads-up, Lee!

(reprinted entirely from an email from Albemarle County)

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Yoga in Crozet

I received an email the other day from Shaaron Honeycutt, who is a yoga instructor teaching classes in Old Trail. The PDF flyer is here.

The details on the classes:

– The public is welcomed and Old Trail members receive a slight discount on the classes
– Six week Series:$85/Old Trail Associate:  $75
– Single Drop In Class:$18 / Old Trail Associate: $15 – (these are the correct prices, there’s a slight error in the flyer about this) and we accept all credit cards, checks, etc. for payment.

Q – What brought you to the area? How long have you been here?

A – I’ve been in the area since 1986, and came here following my parents. They read an article in “Money” magazine about Charlottesville and semi-retired to Earlysville. My first job out of college didn’t work out, so I ran home to my parents, but home was now here instead of Connecticut. I met my husband, who’s from Afton and went to Greenwood Elementary and Western Albemarle High School;  in Charlottesville, and when we were first together we lived in Crozet. We then bought some land from his parents in Nelson County, just outside Nellysford, and proceeded to build a house there. I really love where we live and feel blessed to be able to live in paradise!

I wanted to teach yoga in Crozet because it is near and dear to my heart – and has seen such growth since we lived there 14 years ago. That, and it is so much closer to home than Charlottesville! 🙂

Q – Why teach yoga? What’s good about it?

A – Yoga has so many benefits, I could write at length about them, but for brevity’s sake, I’ll try to keep it short. Yoga is definitely for health, but it’s impact upon oneself is more far reaching than that. It aids not just physical well being, but mental and emotional balance as well. Yoga has been shown to diminish the effects of stress, increase one’ s energy and stamina, minimize anxiety and depression, and create a stronger, more flexible, balanced body, too.

Q – Are there any other yoga offerings in Crozet?

A – Though I could be mistaken, I don’t think there is much, if any, yoga classes currently available in Crozet which is another reason I was interested in teaching classes there.

Q – How many people have signed up so far?

A – The number of participants in class at Old Trail varies – from 2 to 15 at this point. Though the room is spacious and could easily fit more than that. We will be at that location until mid-April then moving to another location as golf season and the use of the club house precludes us from having classes there. So, we are also currently in search of a place to hold classes over the late spring, summer, and early fall, before we can move back to Old Trail once the golf has slowed down a bit.

We offer classes on either a drop in/single class, or 6 class series basis, and there is a financial advantage to signing up and paying for 6 classes.

Q – Are you the only teacher?

A – I am the only yoga teacher at Old Trail – and we really need to get the word out that there is yoga in Crozet because I keep hearing that no one knows about it, and are pleasantly surprised when they do hear. There is interest, but the information needs dissemination, which is why I contacted you.

Please come by and experience a class – anyone over the age of 12 is welcome!

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Pool coming to Old Trail

From an Old Trail release today:

As I have mentioned in previous updates, the location and design of the pool has been finalized and we are moving quickly to begin construction. I have attached an exhibit showing the pool location on Old Trail Drive and a detailed layout. The site plan has been submitted to the county and we are pushing for a quick approval so we can have this amenity open by Memorial Day 2008. A larger version of this exhibit is available for review in the sales center and the golf clubhouse.

I will keep you in the loop as we proceed through the approval process and move towards construction. If you have any questions or suggestions please do not hesitate to contact any member of the development team.


View Larger Map

The full site plan can be found here.

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Old Trail opens its arms to the community

This qualifies as a “good thing” –

On Tuesday, January 23, 2007, Old Trail Golf LLC, filed an application for a Special Use Permit with the County of Albemarle Department of Community Development. This new permit will modify our existing SUP and will allow Old Trail to host events other than golf related events. The ability to use the new Pavillion for these affairs is consistent with Old Trail’s “inclusive” philosophy, namely, as a place where all are welcome, and would allow all the opportunity to host gatherings in the Pavillion. These uses could range from birthday parties, garden clubs, book clubs, private dinners, business meetings (for example, in March the Albemarle Bar Association will hold it’s annual meeting here in late March), Old Trail Owners Association meetings, to Crozet Community Association. These uses are consistent with our original vision for the clubhouse, we were advised to add these uses to our existing Permit to avoid any future problems for those that will want to use the clubhouse in the future.

Thanks to OTV for the heads-up.

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Crozet has done it right

In spite of all the griping and moaning about growth in Crozet (much of it warranted, mind you), it’s refreshing to read this in today’s News Leader:

“It is a paradigm shift for the people, and a paradigm shift for us,” said Supervisor Wendell Coleman, who points to Old Trail as an example of the kind of development he says Augusta County needs. “If we do it right, like they’ve done in Crozet, we can all live together and be happy.”

How ’bout that?

A few homes on the market in Old Trail.

Update: The other side of the coin, courtesy of the Daily Progress.

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